前端会传 路由地址、like或者dislike,要提供两个接口 1、前端调用like和dislike然后统计数量 2、前端传路由地址过来返回like和dislike的统计数据今天 14:13
时间: 2023-04-09 19:04:29 浏览: 169
1. POST /like_dislike
"route": "路由地址",
"action": "like/dislike"
"status": "success",
"message": "操作成功"
2. GET /like_dislike?route=路由地址
"status": "success",
"like_count": 100,
"dislike_count": 50
function createClosureFactory()
local count = 0
return function()
count = count + 1
return count
local closureFactory = createClosureFactory()
print(closureFactory()) -- 输出 1
print(closureFactory()) -- 输出 2
print(closureFactory()) -- 输出 3
注意:以上代码是一个 Lua 闭包工厂函数,每次调用该函数都会返回一个新的闭包,每个闭包都有自己的 count 变量,每次调用闭包都会将 count 加 1 并返回新的值。
用java详细的写出前端会传 路由地址、like或者dislike,要提供两个接口 1、前端调用like和dislike然后统计数量 2、前端传路由地址过来返回like和dislike的统计数据今天 14:13
好的,我可以回答这个问题。以下是用 Java 编写的前端传递路由地址、like 或 dislike 的详细过程:
1. 前端传递路由地址
前端可以使用 AJAX 或 Fetch API 将路由地址传递给后端。以下是一个使用 Fetch API 的示例代码:
fetch('/api/like-dislike', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
route: '/example-route'
在这个示例中,前端向 `/api/like-dislike` 发送了一个 POST 请求,并将路由地址 `/example-route` 作为 JSON 格式的请求体发送给后端。
2. 统计 like 和 dislike 数量
后端可以使用数据库或缓存等方式来统计 like 和 dislike 的数量。以下是一个使用 Spring Boot 和 Redis 的示例代码:
public class LikeDislikeController {
private final RedisTemplate<String, Integer> redisTemplate;
public LikeDislikeController(RedisTemplate<String, Integer> redisTemplate) {
this.redisTemplate = redisTemplate;
public void likeOrDislike(@RequestBody LikeDislikeRequest request) {
String key = "like-dislike:" + request.getRoute();
if (request.isLike()) {
redisTemplate.opsForValue().increment(key, 1);
} else {
redisTemplate.opsForValue().increment(key, -1);
public LikeDislikeResponse getLikeDislike(@RequestParam String route) {
String key = "like-dislike:" + route;
Integer like = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(key);
Integer dislike = -like;
return new LikeDislikeResponse(like, dislike);
class LikeDislikeRequest {
private String route;
private boolean like;
// getters and setters
class LikeDislikeResponse {
private int like;
private int dislike;
// constructor and getters
在这个示例中,后端使用 Redis 存储每个路由地址的 like 和 dislike 数量,并提供了两个接口:
- `POST /api/like-dislike`:前端调用 like 和 dislike 并统计数量。
- `GET /api/like-dislike`:前端传递路由地址过来返回 like 和 dislike 的统计数据。
What element or part of the British educational system you like best, or dislike most?
As an AI language model, I don't have personal preferences or emotions, but I can provide some general observations regarding the British educational system. One of the strengths of the British educational system is its focus on academic excellence and intellectual rigor. The system places a strong emphasis on critical thinking, independent learning, and research skills. Additionally, the British educational system has a long tradition of providing a broad and well-rounded education, which includes not only academic subjects but also arts, humanities, and sports.
On the other hand, one of the criticisms of the British educational system is that it can be quite rigid and inflexible, with a heavy focus on examinations and standardized testing. This can create a high-pressure environment for students, which may not be conducive to creativity or experimentation. Additionally, there are concerns about social inequality in the British educational system, with some schools and students having access to more resources and opportunities than others.