The size of tensor a (56) must match the size of tensor b (28) at non-singleton dimension 3
时间: 2024-03-14 19:41:22 浏览: 255
1. 检查数据输入:确保你提供给张量a和张量b的数据是正确的,并且在进行操作之前已经正确地进行了处理。
2. 调整张量大小:如果你确定需要在维度3上进行操作,你可以调整张量a或张量b的大小,使其在该维度上匹配。你可以使用相关的函数或方法来改变张量的形状,如resize、reshape等。
3. 检查代码逻辑:检查你的代码逻辑,确保在进行张量操作之前已经正确地处理了维度匹配的问题。
The size of tensor a (10) must match the size of tensor b (3) at non-singleton dimension 1
The error message "The size of tensor a (10) must match the size of tensor b (3) at non-singleton dimension 1" indicates that the dimensions of tensor a and tensor b do not match at dimension 1, which prevents the operation from being completed. It seems that the number of elements in tensor a at dimension 1 is 10, while the number of elements in tensor b at dimension 1 is 3.
To fix this issue, you can either resize one of the tensors to match the other tensor's dimension at dimension 1, or reshape one of the tensors to have a different number of dimensions.
Here are some possible solutions:
1. Reshape tensor a: You can reshape tensor a to match the number of elements in tensor b at dimension 1. For example, if tensor a has a shape of (10, 5) and tensor b has a shape of (3, 5), you can reshape tensor a to have a shape of (3, 2, 5) using the reshape() function.
2. Resize tensor b: Alternatively, you can resize tensor b to match the number of elements in tensor a at dimension 1. For example, if tensor a has a shape of (10, 5) and tensor b has a shape of (3, 5), you can resize tensor b to have a shape of (10, 5) using the resize() function.
3. Verify the input data: Double-check the input data for tensor a and tensor b to ensure that they have the correct dimensions and sizes.
The size of tensor a (28) must match the size of tensor b (56) at non-singleton dimension 3
这个错误提示是由于在比较两个张量时,它们在非单例维度3上的尺寸不匹配所引起的。根据你提供的引用信息,我没有找到直接回答这个问题的详细解释。但是根据压缩感知模型的介绍,压缩感知要求测量矩阵的列数等于信号的行数。所以在这个特定的错误提示中,可能存在一个张量尺寸不匹配的问题。你可以检查代码中涉及到的张量a和b的尺寸,确保它们在维度3上具有相同的尺寸。你还可以查看其他引用内容来获取更多关于张量操作和尺寸匹配的信息,以帮助你解决这个问题。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span>