Use the method of successive approximation to solve dy/ dx = x+y+1, y(0) = 0. (Hint: You may want to construct the Picard’s sequence of functions y0(x), y1(x), . . . first.)
时间: 2023-06-03 07:04:32 浏览: 132
根据您的要求,我可以回答这个问题。首先,我们可以构造Picard序列求解该微分方程。令y0(x) = 0,则y1(x) = ∫(x,0) x t y0(t) dt = 0。接着,y2(x) = ∫(x, 0) x t y1(t) dt = (x^3)/2。同样地,我们可以继续构造后续的函数来逼近解。即使我们无法得到精确解,利用Picard序列的方法也可以得到足够精度的近似解。
The ADC is a 6-channel signal-ended 10-bit Successive Approximation Register (SAR) A/D Converter. It uses the supply and ground as it reference which avoid use of any external reference. It converts the analog input signal into 10-bit binary digital codes at maximum conversion rate of 1MSPS with 12MHz A/D converter clock.翻译中文
- ADC是一个6通道的差分输入10位逐次逼近寄存器(SAR)ADC转换器。这意味着它可以使用SAR技术将来自最多6个输入通道的模拟信号转换为10位数字代码。
- ADC使用电源和地作为其参考,这意味着它不需要任何外部参考电压。这简化了系统的设计并降低了成本。
- ADC具有最大转换速率为1MSPS(每秒兆样本数),这意味着它可以每秒转换高达100万个样本。这使其适用于需要高速数据采集的应用。
- ADC使用12MHz A/D转换器时钟运行,这意味着它使用频率为12MHz的时钟信号执行转换。
逐行详细解释以下代码并加注释from tensorflow import keras import matplotlib.pyplot as plt base_image_path = keras.utils.get_file( "coast.jpg", origin="") plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(keras.utils.load_img(base_image_path)) #instantiating a model from tensorflow.keras.applications import inception_v3 model = inception_v3.InceptionV3(weights='imagenet',include_top=False) #配置各层对DeepDream损失的贡献 layer_settings = { "mixed4": 1.0, "mixed5": 1.5, "mixed6": 2.0, "mixed7": 2.5, } outputs_dict = dict( [ (, layer.output) for layer in [model.get_layer(name) for name in layer_settings.keys()] ] ) feature_extractor = keras.Model(inputs=model.inputs, outputs=outputs_dict) #定义损失函数 import tensorflow as tf def compute_loss(input_image): features = feature_extractor(input_image) loss = tf.zeros(shape=()) for name in features.keys(): coeff = layer_settings[name] activation = features[name] loss += coeff * tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(activation[:, 2:-2, 2:-2, :])) return loss #梯度上升过程 @tf.function def gradient_ascent_step(image, learning_rate): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: loss = compute_loss(image) grads = tape.gradient(loss, image) grads = tf.math.l2_normalize(grads) image += learning_rate * grads return loss, image def gradient_ascent_loop(image, iterations, learning_rate, max_loss=None): for i in range(iterations): loss, image = gradient_ascent_step(image, learning_rate) if max_loss is not None and loss > max_loss: break print(f"... Loss value at step {i}: {loss:.2f}") return image #hyperparameters step = 20. num_octave = 3 octave_scale = 1.4 iterations = 30 max_loss = 15. #图像处理方面 import numpy as np def preprocess_image(image_path): img = keras.utils.load_img(image_path) img = keras.utils.img_to_array(img) img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) img = keras.applications.inception_v3.preprocess_input(img) return img def deprocess_image(img): img = img.reshape((img.shape[1], img.shape[2], 3)) img /= 2.0 img += 0.5 img *= 255. img = np.clip(img, 0, 255).astype("uint8") return img #在多个连续 上运行梯度上升 original_img = preprocess_image(base_image_path) original_shape = original_img.shape[1:3] successive_shapes = [original_shape] for i in range(1, num_octave): shape = tuple([int(dim / (octave_scale ** i)) for dim in original_shape]) successive_shapes.append(shape) successive_shapes = successive_shapes[::-1] shrunk_original_img = tf.image.resize(original_img, successive_shapes[0]) img = tf.identity(original_img) for i, shape in enumerate(successive_shapes): print(f"Processing octave {i} with shape {shape}") img = tf.image.resize(img, shape) img = gradient_ascent_loop( img, iterations=iterations, learning_rate=step, max_loss=max_loss ) upscaled_shrunk_original_img = tf.image.resize(shrunk_original_img, shape) same_size_original = tf.image.resize(original_img, shape) lost_detail = same_size_original - upscaled_shrunk_original_img img += lost_detail shrunk_original_img = tf.image.resize(original_img, shape) keras.utils.save_img("DeepDream.png", deprocess_image(img.numpy()))
这段代码是一个使用 DeepDream 技术对一张图像进行处理的例子。下面对每一部分进行详细解释:
1. 导入所需的库
from tensorflow import keras
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
导入了 TensorFlow 和 Keras 库,以及用于绘制图像的 Matplotlib 库。
2. 加载图像
base_image_path = keras.utils.get_file(
"coast.jpg", origin="")
使用 `keras.utils.get_file` 函数从亚马逊 S3 存储桶中下载名为 "coast.jpg" 的图像,并使用 `keras.utils.load_img` 函数加载该图像。`plt.axis("off")` 和 `plt.imshow` 函数用于绘制该图像并关闭坐标轴。
3. 实例化模型
from tensorflow.keras.applications import inception_v3
model = inception_v3.InceptionV3(weights='imagenet',include_top=False)
使用 Keras 库中的 InceptionV3 模型对图像进行处理。`weights='imagenet'` 表示使用预训练的权重,`include_top=False` 表示去掉模型的顶层(全连接层)。
4. 配置 DeepDream 损失
layer_settings = {
"mixed4": 1.0,
"mixed5": 1.5,
"mixed6": 2.0,
"mixed7": 2.5,
outputs_dict = dict(
[(, layer.output) for layer in [model.get_layer(name) for name in layer_settings.keys()]]
feature_extractor = keras.Model(inputs=model.inputs, outputs=outputs_dict)
通过配置不同层对 DeepDream 损失的贡献来控制图像的风格。该代码块中的 `layer_settings` 字典定义了每层对损失的贡献,`outputs_dict` 变量将每层的输出保存到一个字典中,`feature_extractor` 变量实例化一个新模型来提取特征。
5. 定义损失函数
import tensorflow as tf
def compute_loss(input_image):
features = feature_extractor(input_image)
loss = tf.zeros(shape=())
for name in features.keys():
coeff = layer_settings[name]
activation = features[name]
loss += coeff * tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(activation[:, 2:-2, 2:-2, :]))
return loss
定义了一个计算 DeepDream 损失的函数。该函数首先使用 `feature_extractor` 模型提取输入图像的特征,然后计算每层对损失的贡献并相加,最终返回总损失。
6. 梯度上升过程
def gradient_ascent_step(image, learning_rate):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
loss = compute_loss(image)
grads = tape.gradient(loss, image)
grads = tf.math.l2_normalize(grads)
image += learning_rate * grads
return loss, image
def gradient_ascent_loop(image, iterations, learning_rate, max_loss=None):
for i in range(iterations):
loss, image = gradient_ascent_step(image, learning_rate)
if max_loss is not None and loss > max_loss:
print(f"... Loss value at step {i}: {loss:.2f}")
return image
定义了一个用于实现梯度上升过程的函数。`gradient_ascent_step` 函数计算输入图像的损失和梯度,然后对图像进行梯度上升并返回更新后的图像和损失。`gradient_ascent_loop` 函数使用 `gradient_ascent_step` 函数实现多次迭代,每次迭代都会计算损失和梯度,并对输入图像进行更新。
7. 设置超参数
step = 20.
num_octave = 3
octave_scale = 1.4
iterations = 30
max_loss = 15.
设置了一些 DeepDream 算法的超参数,例如梯度上升步长、金字塔层数、金字塔缩放比例、迭代次数和损失上限。
8. 图像处理
import numpy as np
def preprocess_image(image_path):
img = keras.utils.load_img(image_path)
img = keras.utils.img_to_array(img)
img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
img = keras.applications.inception_v3.preprocess_input(img)
return img
def deprocess_image(img):
img = img.reshape((img.shape[1], img.shape[2], 3))
img /= 2.0
img += 0.5
img *= 255.
img = np.clip(img, 0, 255).astype("uint8")
return img
定义了两个函数,`preprocess_image` 函数将输入图像进行预处理,`deprocess_image` 函数将处理后的图像进行还原。
9. DeepDream 算法过程
original_img = preprocess_image(base_image_path)
original_shape = original_img.shape[1:3]
successive_shapes = [original_shape]
for i in range(1, num_octave):
shape = tuple([int(dim / (octave_scale ** i)) for dim in original_shape])
successive_shapes = successive_shapes[::-1]
shrunk_original_img = tf.image.resize(original_img, successive_shapes[0])
img = tf.identity(original_img)
for i, shape in enumerate(successive_shapes):
print(f"Processing octave {i} with shape {shape}")
img = tf.image.resize(img, shape)
img = gradient_ascent_loop(
img, iterations=iterations, learning_rate=step, max_loss=max_loss
upscaled_shrunk_original_img = tf.image.resize(shrunk_original_img, shape)
same_size_original = tf.image.resize(original_img, shape)
lost_detail = same_size_original - upscaled_shrunk_original_img
img += lost_detail
shrunk_original_img = tf.image.resize(original_img, shape)
keras.utils.save_img("DeepDream.png", deprocess_image(img.numpy()))
使用预先定义的函数和变量实现了 DeepDream 算法的过程。首先对原始图像进行预处理,然后根据金字塔层数和缩放比例生成多个连续的图像,对每个图像进行梯度上升处理,最终将所有处理后的图像进行合并,并使用 `keras.utils.save_img` 函数保存最终结果。