a1 = 5; % a1 取 0.5 x = -10:0.1:10; % x 的取值范围 y = -10:0.1:10; % y 的取值范围 points = []; % 用于记录符合条件的点的坐标 for i = 1:length(x) for j = 1:length(y) left = sqrt(x(i).^2 - x(i).*y(j) + y(j).^2) .* (27 - 4.*a1.*... 3.*sqrt(3).*((2.*x(i).^3 + 2.*y(j).^3 - 3.*x(i).^2.*y(j) - 3.*x(i).*y(j).^2)./27) ./ ... (2.*((x(i).^2 + y(j).^2 - x(i).*y(j))./3).^(3/2))) .^ (1/6) ./ 3 - 5; if abs(left) < 1e-2 % 判断是否等于 5,精度取 1e-5 points = [points; [x(i), y(j)]]; % 记录符合条件的点的坐标 end end end plot(points(:, 1), points(:, 2), 'o'); % 绘制散点图 xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); title('Solution to the equation'); hold on将所有散点绘制成光滑曲线
时间: 2024-02-19 10:59:17 浏览: 138
好的,我们可以使用 MATLAB 的 fit 函数来拟合出符合条件的点的光滑曲线。
a1 = 5; % a1 取 0.5
x = -10:0.1:10; % x 的取值范围
y = -10:0.1:10; % y 的取值范围
points = []; % 用于记录符合条件的点的坐标
for i = 1:length(x)
for j = 1:length(y)
left = sqrt(x(i).^2 - x(i).*y(j) + y(j).^2) .* (27 - 4.*a1.*...
3.*sqrt(3).*((2.*x(i).^3 + 2.*y(j).^3 - 3.*x(i).^2.*y(j) - 3.*x(i).*y(j).^2)./27) ./ ...
(2.*((x(i).^2 + y(j).^2 - x(i).*y(j))./3).^(3/2))) .^ (1/6) ./ 3 - 5;
if abs(left) < 1e-2 % 判断是否等于 5,精度取 1e-2
points = [points; [x(i), y(j)]]; % 记录符合条件的点的坐标
% 绘制散点图
scatter(points(:, 1), points(:, 2), 'o');
title('Solution to the equation');
% 拟合曲线
ft = fittype('poly22'); % 拟合模型为二次多项式
fitresult = fit(points(:,1),points(:,2),ft);
% 绘制拟合曲线
xplot = -10:0.1:10;
yplot = -10:0.1:10;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(xplot,yplot);
Z = fitresult(X,Y);
hold on;
a1 = 5; % a1 取 0.5
x = -10:0.1:10; % x 的取值范围
y = -10:0.1:10; % y 的取值范围
points = []; % 用于记录符合条件的点的坐标
for i = 1:length(x)
for j = 1:length(y)
left = sqrt(x(i).^2 - x(i).*y(j) + y(j).^2) .* (27 - 4.*a1.*...
3.*sqrt(3).*((2.*x(i).^3 + 2.*y(j).^3 - 3.*x(i).^2.*y(j) - 3.*x(i).*y(j).^2)./27) ./ ...
(2.*((x(i).^2 + y(j).^2 - x(i).*y(j))./3).^(3/2))) .^ (1/6) ./ 3 - 5;
if abs(left) < 1e-2 % 判断是否等于 5,精度取 1e-2
points = [points; [x(i), y(j)]]; % 记录符合条件的点的坐标
% 绘制散点图
scatter(points(:, 1), points(:, 2), 'o');
title('Solution to the equation');
% 拟合曲线
ft = fittype('poly22'); % 拟合模型为二次多项式
fitresult = fit(points(:,1),points(:,2),ft);
% 绘制拟合曲线
xplot = -10:0.1:10;
yplot = -10:0.1:10;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(xplot,yplot);
Z = fitresult(X,Y);
hold on;

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