TCHAR* wndCLassName = TEXT(“Window Class Name”); 只有静态常量整型数据成员才可以在类中初始化 改对
时间: 2024-10-19 15:04:53 浏览: 21
TCHAR* 类型通常用于Windows API中的宽字符字符串,特别是在MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)中。在这个例子中,`TEXT("Window Class Name")` 是一个宏,它实际上是将字面的字符串转换成宽字符数组。然而,你提到的"只有静态常量整型数据成员才可以在类中初始化"这个说法并不完全适用于C++。
在C++中,变量可以在声明时进行初始化,不仅仅是静态常量整型数据成员。对于像 `TCHAR*` 这样的指针,你可以直接在类的成员初始化列表中初始化,例如:
class MyClass {
MyClass() : wndCLassName(TEXT("Window Class Name")) {} // 初始化宽字符指针
TCHAR* wndCLassName;
但是要注意的是,如果`wndCLassName`是你想要修改的字符串内容,那么应该将其声明为`std::wstring`而不是`TCHAR*`,因为`TCHAR`通常是`wchar_t`,而`TEXT`宏需要配合宽字符串处理。如果你确实需要动态分配内存或者使用C风格字符串,可以考虑使用`LPCWSTR` 或者 `LPCTSTR`。
CreatePrinter (TCHAR *PrinterName, TCHAR *PrinterPort, int Pages = 1)怎么使用
CreatePrinter 这个函数(通常在 Windows 系统的 printer.h 头文件中定义)是一个用于创建打印机句柄的 Win32 API 函数。`TCHAR *PrinterName` 和 `TCHAR *PrinterPort` 分别代表打印机的名称和端口,而 `int Pages` 则是可选参数,表示要打印的页面数,默认为1页。
1. **声明变量**:
- 初始化 `TCHAR` 类型的字符串变量,存储打印机名称和端口信息。
TCHAR PrinterName[MAX_PATH];
TCHAR PrinterPort[MAX_PATH];
2. **填充参数**:
- 给 `PrinterName` 和 `PrinterPort` 赋予实际打印机的名称和端口,例如:
_tcscpy_s(PrinterName, _countof(PrinterName), _T("打印机名称"));
_tcscpy_s(PrinterPort, _countof(PrinterPort), _T("\\打印机共享名"));
3. **设置页面数**:
- 如果不需要默认值,可以改变 `Pages` 参数。
int PagesToPrint = 5; // 打印5页
4. **调用函数**:
hDevNotify = CreatePrinter(PrinterName, PrinterPort, NULL, 0, 0, 0, &PagesToPrint);
函数返回一个 `HDEVNOTIFY` 类型的句柄,如果成功则可以用来注册打印机事件,如果失败则检查错误代码。
5. **处理结果**:
- 成功的话,你可以继续处理这个句柄,或者根据返回值进行错误检查。
if (hDevNotify != NULL)
// 打印机创建成功,可以进行后续操作
DWORD error = GetLastError();
// 处理错误
for (float z = 1.3f; z > -1.2f; z -= 0.1f) { _TCHAR* p = &buffer[sy++][0];
if (z >= 0.0f) {
p = (_TCHAR*)L"positive";
} else {
p = (_TCHAR*)L"negative";
wprintf(L"The value of z is %f, which is %s\n", z, p);
// Output:
// The value of z is 1.300000, which is positive
// The value of z is 1.200000, which is positive
// The value of z is 1.100000, which is positive
// The value of z is 1.000000, which is positive
// The value of z is 0.900000, which is positive
// The value of z is 0.800000, which is positive
// The value of z is 0.700000, which is positive
// The value of z is 0.600000, which is positive
// The value of z is 0.500000, which is positive
// The value of z is 0.400000, which is positive
// The value of z is 0.300000, which is positive
// The value of z is 0.200000, which is positive
// The value of z is 0.100000, which is positive
// The value of z is -0.000000, which is negative
// The value of z is -0.100000, which is negative
// The value of z is -0.200000, which is negative
// The value of z is -0.300000, which is negative
// The value of z is -0.400000, which is negative
// The value of z is -0.500000, which is negative
// The value of z is -0.600000, which is negative
// The value of z is -0.700000, which is negative
// The value of z is -0.800000, which is negative
// The value of z is -0.900000, which is negative
// The value of z is -1.000000, which is negative
// The value of z is -1.100000, which is negative
// The value of z is -1.200000, which is negative