if r ~= c || r <= 1 ERROR = 1; end

时间: 2023-11-01 14:58:20 浏览: 34
这段代码的作用是判断变量 `r` 是否不等于 `c` 或者 `r` 是否小于等于 1。如果满足其中任一条件,将错误码 `ERROR` 设置为 1。 需要注意的是,你提供的代码中存在一个语法错误。在 MATLAB 中,`if` 语句的条件表达式后面需要以 `end` 结束,而不是以分号结尾。下面是修正后的代码: ```matlab if r ~= c || r <= 1 ERROR = 1; end ``` 在运行时,如果 `r` 不等于 `c` 或者 `r` 小于等于 1,那么变量 `ERROR` 将被设置为 1。否则,不会执行任何操作。 希望能够解答你的问题!如果还有其他疑问,请随时提问。

修改一下该代码中的错误function [s1, s2] = repair_roads(data_file, pos_sheet, road_sheet, centers) % 检查输入参数是否合法 if nargin < 4 error('输入参数不足!'); end % 读取数据 position = xlsread(data_file, pos_sheet); roads = xlsread(data_file, road_sheet); % 计算各村庄之间的距离 n = size(position, 1); dist = pdist2(position, position); % 构建边集合 edges = []; for i = 1:n for j = i+1:n if roads[i,j] == 1 edges = [edges; i j dist(i,j)]; end end end % Kruskal算法求解最小生成树 edges = sortrows(edges, 3); parent = (1:n)'; rank = ones(n, 1); mst = []; for i = 1:size(edges,1) u = edges(i,1); v = edges(i,2); w = edges(i,3); pu = find(parent==u); pv = find(parent==v); if pu ~= pv mst = [mst; u v w]; if rank(pu) < rank(pv) parent(pu) = pv; elseif rank(pu) > rank(pv) parent(pv) = pu; else parent(pu) = pv; rank(pv) = rank(pv) + 1; end end end % 计算总距离S1 s1 = sum(min(dist(:,centers), [], 2)); % 计算维修道路总里程S2 is_center = ismember(1:n, centers); s2 = sum(mst(is_center(mst(:,1)) | is_center(mst(:,2)), 3)); % 绘制图形 colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']; figure; hold on; for i = 1:size(mst,1) u = mst(i,1); v = mst(i,2); w = mst(i,3); plot([position(u,1) position(v,1)], [position(u,2) position(v,2)], 'k'); end for i = 1:length(centers) plot(position(centers(i),1), position(centers(i),2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', colors(i)); end for i = 1:n d = dist(i,centers); [~,c] = min(d); plot([position(i,1) position(centers(c),1)], [position(i,2) position(centers(c),2)], colors(c)); end hold off; % 输出结果 disp(['总距离S1:' num2str(s1)]); disp(['维修道路总里程S2:' num2str(s2)]); end

function [s1, s2] = repair_roads(data_file, pos_sheet, road_sheet, centers) % 检查输入参数是否合法 if nargin < 4 error('输入参数不足!'); end % 读取数据 position = xlsread(data_file, pos_sheet); roads = xlsread(data_file, road_sheet); % 计算各村庄之间的距离 n = size(position, 1); dist = pdist2(position, position); % 构建边集合 edges = []; for i = 1:n for j = i+1:n if roads(i,j) == 1 edges = [edges; i j dist(i,j)]; end end end % Kruskal算法求解最小生成树 edges = sortrows(edges, 3); parent = (1:n)'; rank = ones(n, 1); mst = []; for i = 1:size(edges,1) u = edges(i,1); v = edges(i,2); w = edges(i,3); pu = find(parent==u); pv = find(parent==v); if pu ~= pv mst = [mst; u v w]; if rank(pu) < rank(pv) parent(pu) = pv; elseif rank(pu) > rank(pv) parent(pv) = pu; else parent(pu) = pv; rank(pv) = rank(pv) + 1; end end end % 计算总距离S1 s1 = sum(min(dist(:,centers), [], 2)); % 计算维修道路总里程S2 is_center = ismember(1:n, centers); s2 = sum(mst(is_center(mst(:,1)) | is_center(mst(:,2)), 3)); % 绘制图形 colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']; figure; hold on; for i = 1:size(mst,1) u = mst(i,1); v = mst(i,2); w = mst(i,3); plot([position(u,1) position(v,1)], [position(u,2) position(v,2)], 'k'); end for i = 1:length(centers) plot(position(centers(i),1), position(centers(i),2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', colors(i)); end for i = 1:n d = dist(i,centers); [~,c] = min(d); plot([position(i,1) position(centers(c),1)], [position(i,2) position(centers(c),2)], colors(c)); end hold off; % 输出结果 disp(['总距离S1:' num2str(s1)]); disp(['维修道路总里程S2:' num2str(s2)]); end

function m = csvread(filename, r, c, rng) %CSVREAD Read a comma separated value file. % M = CSVREAD('FILENAME') reads a comma separated value formatted file % FILENAME. The result is returned in M. The file can only contain % numeric values. % % M = CSVREAD('FILENAME',R,C) reads data from the comma separated value % formatted file starting at row R and column C. R and C are zero- % based so that R=0 and C=0 specifies the first value in the file. % % M = CSVREAD('FILENAME',R,C,RNG) reads only the range specified % by RNG = [R1 C1 R2 C2] where (R1,C1) is the upper-left corner of % the data to be read and (R2,C2) is the lower-right corner. RNG % can also be specified using spreadsheet notation as in RNG = 'A1..B7'. % % CSVREAD fills empty delimited fields with zero. Data files where % the lines end with a comma will produce a result with an extra last % column filled with zeros. % % See also CSVWRITE, DLMREAD, DLMWRITE, LOAD, TEXTSCAN. % Copyright 1984-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. % Validate input args narginchk(1,Inf); % Get Filename if ~matlab.internal.strfun.ischarlike(filename) error(message('MATLAB:csvread:FileNameMustBeString')); end filename = char(filename); % Make sure file exists if exist(filename,'file') ~= 2 error(message('MATLAB:csvread:FileNotFound')); end % % Call dlmread with a comma as the delimiter % if nargin < 2 r = 0; end if nargin < 3 c = 0; end if nargin < 4 m=dlmread(filename, ',', r, c); else m=dlmread(filename, ',', r, c, rng); end错误使用 csvread (line 35) 未找到文件。如何解决

这个错误提示是因为 csvread 函数找不到指定的文件。你需要确保文件名和文件路径是正确的,可以尝试以下方法来解决: 1. 检查文件名和路径是否正确,可以使用绝对路径或相对路径。 2. 确保文件存在,可以通过在命令行中使用 "exist" 函数来检查文件是否存在。 3. 确保文件没有被其他程序打开,如果文件正在使用中,可能会导致无法读取文件。 4. 确保文件没有被移动或删除,如果文件被移动或删除,可能会导致无法读取文件。 如果以上方法都无法解决问题,那么可能是其他的错误导致的。你可以尝试使用 "try-catch" 结构来捕获并处理错误,以便更好地调试和解决问题。


解决该代码存在的问题function [s1, s2] = repair_roads(data_file, pos_sheet, road_sheet, centers) % 读取数据 position = xlsread(data_file, pos_sheet); roads = xlsread(data_file, road_sheet); % 计算各村庄之间的距离 n = size(position, 1); dist = zeros(n, n); for i = 1:n for j = i+1:n dist(i,j) = sqrt((position(i,1)-position(j,1))^2 + (position(i,2)-position(j,2))^2); dist(j,i) = dist(i,j); end end % 构建边集合 edges = []; for i = 1:n for j = i+1:n if roads(i,j) == 1 edges = [edges; i j dist(i,j)]; end end end % Kruskal算法求解最小生成树 edges = sortrows(edges, 3); parent = (1:n)'; rank = ones(n, 1); mst = []; for i = 1:size(edges,1) u = edges(i,1); v = edges(i,2); w = edges(i,3); pu = find(parent, u); pv = find(parent, v); if pu ~= pv mst = [mst; u v w]; if rank(pu) < rank(pv) parent(pu) = pv; elseif rank(pu) > rank(pv) parent(pv) = pu; else parent(pu) = pv; rank(pv) = rank(pv) + 1; end end end % 计算总距离S1 s1 = 0; for i = 1:n d = inf; for j = 1:length(centers) d = min(d, dist(i,centers(j))); end s1 = s1 + d; end % 计算维修道路总里程S2 s2 = 0; for i = 1:size(mst,1) u = mst(i,1); v = mst(i,2); w = mst(i,3); if ismember(u, centers) || ismember(v, centers) s2 = s2 + w; end end % 绘制图形 colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']; figure; hold on; for i = 1:size(mst,1) u = mst(i,1); v = mst(i,2); w = mst(i,3); plot([position(u,1) position(v,1)], [position(u,2) position(v,2)], 'k'); end for i = 1:length(centers) plot(position(centers(i),1), position(centers(i),2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', colors(i)); end for i = 1:n d = inf; c = 0; for j = 1:length(centers) if dist(i,centers(j)) < d d = dist(i,centers(j)); c = j; end end plot([position(i,1) position(centers(c),1)], [position(i,2) position(centers(c),2)], colors(c)); end hold off; % 输出结果 disp(['总距离S1:' num2str(s1)]); disp(['维修道路总里程S2:' num2str(s2)]); end

解决该代码位置2处的索引超出数组边界function [s1, s2] = repair_roads(data_file, pos_sheet, road_sheet, centers) % 检查输入参数是否合法 if nargin < 4 error('输入参数不足!'); end % 读取数据 position = xlsread(data_file, pos_sheet); roads = xlsread(data_file, road_sheet); % 计算各村庄之间的距离 n = size(position, 1); dist = pdist2(position, position); % 构建边集合 edges = []; for i = 1:n for j = i+1:n if roads(i,j) == 1 edges = [edges; i j dist(i,j)]; end end end % Kruskal算法求解最小生成树 edges = sortrows(edges, 3); parent = (1:n)'; rank = ones(n, 1); mst = []; for i = 1:size(edges,1) u = edges(i,1); v = edges(i,2); w = edges(i,3); pu = find(parent==u); pv = find(parent==v); if pu ~= pv mst = [mst; u v w]; if rank(pu) < rank(pv) parent(pu) = pv; elseif rank(pu) > rank(pv) parent(pv) = pu; else parent(pu) = pv; rank(pv) = rank(pv) + 1; end end end % 计算总距离S1 s1 = sum(min(dist(:,centers), [], 2)); % 计算维修道路总里程S2 is_center = ismember(1:n, centers); s2 = sum(mst(is_center(mst(:,1)) | is_center(mst(:,2)), 3)); % 绘制图形 colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']; figure; hold on; for i = 1:size(mst,1) u = mst(i,1); v = mst(i,2); w = mst(i,3); plot([position(u,1) position(v,1)], [position(u,2) position(v,2)], 'k'); end for i = 1:length(centers) plot(position(centers(i),1), position(centers(i),2), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', colors(i)); end for i = 1:n d = dist(i,centers); [~,c] = min(d); plot([position(i,1) position(centers(c),1)], [position(i,2) position(centers(c),2)], colors(c)); end hold off; % 输出结果 disp(['总距离S1:' num2str(s1)]); disp(['维修道路总里程S2:' num2str(s2)]); end

function [pesq_mos, pesq_seg] = pesq(ref, deg, fs) % Check inputs if nargin < 3 fs = 16000; end if nargin < 2 error('Not enough input arguments'); end if length(ref) ~= length(deg) error('Input signals must be of equal length'); end % Load filter coefficients load('pesq_filter.mat'); % High-pass filter deg_hp = filter(b_hp, a_hp, deg); % Remove silence [r_beg, r_end] = find_voiced(ref, fs); [d_beg, d_end] = find_voiced(deg_hp, fs); r_sig = ref(r_beg:r_end); d_sig = deg_hp(d_beg:d_end); % Find maximum length sig_len = min(length(r_sig), length(d_sig)); % Filter signals r_sig = filter(b_lpf, a_lpf, r_sig(1:sig_len)); d_sig = filter(b_lpf, a_lpf, d_sig(1:sig_len)); % Resample signals r_sig = resample(r_sig, 8000, fs); d_sig = resample(d_sig, 8000, fs); % Calculate PESQ [pesq_mos, pesq_seg] = pesq_mex(r_sig, d_sig); end function [beg, endd] = find_voiced(sig, fs) % Set parameters win_len = 240; win_shift = 80; sil_thresh = 30; min_voiced = 0.1; % Calculate energy sig_pow = sig.^2; sig_pow_filt = filter(ones(1, win_len)/win_len, 1, sig_pow); % Normalize sig_pow_filt = sig_pow_filt/max(sig_pow_filt); % Find voiced segments beg = []; endd = []; num_voiced = 0; for n = 1:win_shift:length(sig)-win_len if sig_pow_filt(n+win_len/2) > min_voiced && ... mean(sig_pow_filt(n:n+win_len-1)) > sil_thresh if isempty(beg) beg = n; end else if ~isempty(beg) endd = [endd n-1]; num_voiced = num_voiced + 1; beg = []; end end end if ~isempty(beg) endd = [endd length(sig)]; num_voiced = num_voiced + 1; end % Remove segments that are too short min_len = fs*0.05; len_voiced = endd-beg+1; too_short = len_voiced < min_len; beg(too_short) = []; endd(too_short) = []; end这段代码中的pesq_mex.mex64文件怎么编译

解释下面的代码clear BorderLength=100; % NodeAmount=100; % BeaconAmount=8; % UNAmount=NodeAmount-BeaconAmount; % R=50; % h=zeros(NodeAmount,NodeAmount);% X=zeros(2,UNAmount);% C=BorderLength.*rand(2,NodeAmount); % Sxy=[[1:NodeAmount];C]; Beacon=[Sxy(2,1:BeaconAmount);Sxy(3,1:BeaconAmount)];% UN=[Sxy(2,(BeaconAmount+1):NodeAmount);Sxy(3,(BeaconAmount+1):NodeAmount)];% plot(Sxy(2,1:BeaconAmount),Sxy(3,1:BeaconAmount),'r*',Sxy(2,(BeaconAmount+1):NodeAmount),Sxy(3,(BeaconAmount+1):NodeAmount),'k.') % xlim([0,BorderLength]); ylim([0,BorderLength]); title('* 红色信标节点 . 黑色未知节点') for i=1:NodeAmount % for j=1:NodeAmount Dall(i,j)=((Sxy(2,i)-Sxy(2,j))^2+(Sxy(3,i)-Sxy(3,j))^2)^0.5;% if (Dall(i,j)<=R)&(Dall(i,j)>0) h(i,j)=1;% elseif i==j h(i,j)=0; else h(i,j)=inf; end end end for k=1:NodeAmount % for i=1:NodeAmount for j=1:NodeAmount if h(i,k)+h(k,j)<h(i,j) h(i,j)=h(i,k)+h(k,j); end end end end h1=h(1:BeaconAmount,1:BeaconAmount); % D1=Dall(1:BeaconAmount,1:BeaconAmount); for i=1:BeaconAmount dhop(i,1)=sum(D1(i,:))/sum(h1(i,:));% end D2=Dall(1:BeaconAmount,(BeaconAmount+1):NodeAmount);% for i=1:BeaconAmount for j=1:UNAmount if min(D2(:,j))==D2(i,j) Dhop(1,j)=D2(i,j);% end end end hop1=h(1:BeaconAmount,(BeaconAmount+1):NodeAmount);% for i=1:UNAmount % hop=Dhop(1,i); Distance(:,i)=hop*hop1(:,i); end d=Distance; % for i=1:2 % for j=1:(BeaconAmount-1) a(i,j)=Beacon(i,j)-Beacon(i,BeaconAmount); end end A=-2*(a'); for m=1:UNAmount % for i=1:(BeaconAmount-1) B(i,1)=d(i,m)^2-d(BeaconAmount,m)^2-Beacon(1,i)^2+Beacon(1,BeaconAmount)^2-Beacon(2,i)^2+Beacon(2,BeaconAmount)^2; end X1=inv(A'*A)*A'*B; X(1,m)=X1(1,1); X(2,m)=X1(2,1); end for i=1:UNAmount % error(1,i)=(((X(1,i)-UN(1,i))^2+(X(2,i)-UN(2,i))^2)^0.5); end figure;plot(error,'-o') title('每个未知节点的误差') error=sum(error)/UNAmount % Accuracy=error/R %

from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox import random class Application(Frame): def init(self, master=None): super().init(master) self.master = master self.pack() self.createWidget() def createWidget(self): self.entry = Entry(self) self.entry.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=6, pady=10) btnText = (("MC", "M+", "M-", "MR"), ("C", "±", "/", "✖ "), (7, 8, 9, "-"), (4, 5, 6, "+"), (1, 2, 3, "="), (0, ".")) for rindex, r in enumerate(btnText): for cindex, c in enumerate(r): if c == "C": Button(self, text=c, width=2, command=self.clear) \ .grid(row=rindex + 1, column=cindex, sticky=NSEW) elif c == "=": Button(self, text=c, width=2, command=self.calculate) \ .grid(row=rindex + 1, column=cindex, rowspan=2, sticky=NSEW) elif c == 0: Button(self, text=c, width=2, command=lambda x=c: self.entry.insert(END, str(x))) \ .grid(row=rindex + 1, column=cindex, columnspan=2, sticky=NSEW) elif c == ".": Button(self, text=c, width=2, command=lambda x=c: self.entry.insert(END, str(x))) \ .grid(row=rindex + 1, column=cindex + 1, sticky=NSEW) else: Button(self, text=c, width=2, command=lambda x=c: self.entry.insert(END, str(x))) \ .grid(row=rindex + 1, column=cindex, sticky=NSEW) def clear(self): self.entry.delete(0, END) def calculate(self): try: result = eval(self.entry.get()) if isinstance(result, float): result = round(result, 2) if result < 0: self.entry.delete(0, END) self.entry.insert(END, "-") result = abs(result) self.entry.delete(0, END) self.entry.insert(END, str(result)) except: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid expression") if name == 'main': root = Tk() root.geometry("200x200+200+300") app = Application(master=root) root.mainloop()使这串代码的✖能计算

给我解释一下每段代码的意思from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox class Application(Frame): def init(self, master=None): super().init(master) self.master = master self.pack() self.createWidget() def createWidget(self): self.result = Entry(self, width=20, font=('Arial', 16), justify='right') self.result.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, pady=10) """通过grid布局实现计算器的界面""" btnText = (("MC", "M+", "M-", "MR"), ("C", "±", "/", "*"), (7, 8, 9, "-"), (4, 5, 6, "+"), (1, 2, 3, "="), (0, ".")) for rindex, r in enumerate(btnText): for cindex, c in enumerate(r): if c == "=": Button(self, text=c, width=2, command=lambda text=c: self.buttonClick(text)) \ .grid(row=rindex + 1, column=cindex, rowspan=2, sticky=NSEW) elif c == 0: Button(self, text=c, width=2, command=lambda text=c: self.buttonClick(text)) \ .grid(row=rindex + 1, column=cindex, columnspan=2, sticky=NSEW) elif c == ".": Button(self, text=c, width=2, command=lambda text=c: self.buttonClick(text)) \ .grid(row=rindex + 1, column=cindex + 1, sticky=NSEW) else: Button(self, text=c, width=2, command=lambda text=c: self.buttonClick(text)) \ .grid(row=rindex + 1, column=cindex, sticky=NSEW) def buttonClick(self, text): current = self.result.get() if text == "C": self.result.delete(0, END) elif text == "±": if current.startswith("-"): self.result.delete(0) else: self.result.insert(0, "-") elif text == "=": try: result = eval(current) self.result.delete(0, END) self.result.insert(0, result) except: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid input") else: self.result.insert(END, text) if name == 'main': root = Tk() root.geometry("250x250+200+300") app = Application(master=root) root.mainloop()






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好的,这是一个比较常见的技术问题,我可以为您提供一些参考资料和思路。首先,您可以使用Spring Boot作为后端框架来处理用户认证和注册的逻辑,比如使用Spring Security实现用户登录认证。同时,您还需要设计相应的数据模型和数据库表结构来存储用户信息。在前端方面,您可以使用Vue.js作为框架来构建登录注册页面,使用Axios来发起API请求并和后端进行交互。当然,在实现过程中,还需要考虑一些具体细节,比如数据校验、安全性和用户体验等方面。希望这些信息能够帮助到您。

JSBSim Reference Manual



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![MATLAB柱状图在数据分析中的作用:从可视化到洞察](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/1a36558cefc0339f7836cca7680c0aef.png) # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** 柱状图是一种广泛用于数据可视化的图表类型,它使用垂直条形来表示数据中不同类别或组别的值。在MATLAB中,柱状图通过`bar`函数创建,该函数接受数据向量或矩阵作为输入,并生成相应的高度条形。 柱状图的优点在于其简单性和易于理解性。它们可以快速有效地传达数据分布和组别之间的比较。此外,MATLAB提供了广泛的定制选项,允许用户调整条形颜色、