epoll select
时间: 2023-08-23 10:14:48 浏览: 124
1. select是Unix系统提供的传统的I/O多路复用机制,而epoll是Linux特有的高效的I/O多路复用机制。
2. select采用轮询的方式来检查每个文件描述符的状态,而epoll使用事件驱动的方式,通过监听事件来即时获取就绪的文件描述符。
3. select对于大量的文件描述符来说,性能会随着文件描述符的增加而下降,而epoll则可以处理大量的并发连接,具有更高的性能。
4. select有一个最大文件描述符数量的限制,而epoll没有这个限制。
5. select每次调用都需要将文件描述符集合从用户态拷贝到内核态,而epoll只需要在注册和返回事件时进行一次拷贝。
C++ epoll select poll
Epoll, select, and poll are all I/O multiplexing mechanisms used in Linux to handle multiple I/O operations with a single thread. They allow a program to wait for multiple I/O operations without blocking, thus improving the overall efficiency of the program.
Select is the oldest mechanism and is available on most Unix-like systems. It works by monitoring a set of file descriptors and notifying the program when an I/O operation is ready to be performed. However, select has several limitations, including a maximum limit on the number of file descriptors it can monitor and poor performance when monitoring large numbers of file descriptors.
Poll is a more recent mechanism that is similar to select but has some improvements, including a higher limit on the number of file descriptors it can monitor and better performance when monitoring large numbers of file descriptors. However, like select, poll still suffers from poor performance when monitoring a large number of file descriptors.
Epoll is the newest and most advanced mechanism, introduced in Linux 2.5.44. It uses a scalable event notification mechanism and can handle a large number of file descriptors efficiently. Unlike select and poll, epoll is not limited by the maximum number of file descriptors it can monitor, making it the preferred mechanism for high-performance applications that need to monitor a large number of file descriptors.
poll epoll select区别
1. **select**:这是最早的IO多路复用函数,支持对多个套接字进行读写操作。它一次性可以监视最多1024个文件描述符。缺点是每次都需要检查所有fd的状态,效率较低。
2. **poll**: 它是在select的基础上改进的,增加了对事件数量限制的灵活性。每个fd都有一个独立的时间戳,可以选择自定义超时时间。相比select,它更适合于大量fd的情况,但API相对复杂一些。
3. **epoll**: Linux内核提供的高级版本,epoll使用了红黑树数据结构,优化了底层实现,支持更大的fd数量(通常是64K+),并且仅当感兴趣的fd有活动时才会唤醒进程,因此效率更高,延迟更低。epoll还引入了一个fd_set结构的替代品——epoll_event,使得事件的添加和删除更简单。