时间: 2024-01-24 14:05:18 浏览: 246
function [x,status,history] = l1_ls(A, b, lambda, tol)
% l1_ls: Solve L1-regularized least squares problem
% [x,status,history] = l1_ls(A, b, lambda, tol)
% Solves the problem
% minimize || A*x - b ||_2^2 + lambda * || x ||_1
% by converting it to a linearly-constrained problem and calling l1-Homotopy.
% The solution is returned in the vector x.
% The "status" output gives the status of the solver:
% status = 0: the solution is known to be exact.
% status = 1: the solution is known to be accurate to within the given
% tolerance tol.
% status = 2: the solution is accurate to within a certain tolerance,
% but the algorithm did not converge.
% status = 3: the algorithm did not converge and did not find a solution.
% The "history" output is a structure containing the following fields:
% iter: the iteration number
% obj: the objective function value at each iteration
% gap: the duality gap at each iteration
% time: the time elapsed at each iteration
% Example usage:
% n = 1000; p = 200;
% A = randn(p,n); x0 = sprandn(n,1,0.1); b = A*x0 + 0.01*randn(p,1);
% lambda = 0.1;
% [x,status,history] = l1_ls(A, b, lambda);
% Written by: Justin Romberg, Caltech
% Email:
% Created: February 2007
t0 = tic;
% Set solver options
opts.tol = tol;
opts.maxiter = 1000;
opts.x0 = [];
opts.print = 0;
opts.update = 10;
opts.stopcond = 3;
% Call l1-Homotopy solver
[x,status,history] = l1_homotopy(A, b, lambda, opts);
% Add elapsed time to history
history.time = toc(t0);