使用邻接表的方法构造带权图,并利用Dijkstra算法寻找从某个源点到其他所有顶点的最短路径,要求: (1)写出完整的带权图的实现程序,不能直接import pythonds中的Graph和Vertex模块; (2)允许使用pythonds中的PriorityQueue模块辅助实现Dijkstra算法; (3)报告中需要详细描述算法的设计思路,并对程序添加详细的注释。
时间: 2024-02-24 21:55:14 浏览: 151
6_3.rar_邻接表 最短路径
class Vertex:
def __init__(self, key):
self.id = key
self.adjacent = {} # 邻接表,存储与该节点相连的所有节点及对应的边权值
def add_neighbor(self, neighbor, weight=0):
self.adjacent[neighbor] = weight
class Graph:
def __init__(self):
self.vertices = {} # 存储所有节点
def add_vertex(self, key):
new_vertex = Vertex(key)
self.vertices[key] = new_vertex
return new_vertex
def add_edge(self, frm, to, cost=0):
if frm not in self.vertices:
if to not in self.vertices:
self.vertices[frm].add_neighbor(self.vertices[to], cost)
g = Graph()
g.add_edge('A', 'B', 4)
g.add_edge('A', 'C', 1)
g.add_edge('C', 'B', 2)
g.add_edge('C', 'D', 4)
g.add_edge('B', 'E', 4)
g.add_edge('D', 'E', 4)
g.add_edge('D', 'F', 2)
g.add_edge('E', 'F', 1)
以上代码构建了一个有 6 个节点和 8 条边的带权图。
from pythonds3.basic import PriorityQueue
def dijkstra(graph, start):
pq = PriorityQueue()
start.distance = 0
pq.buildHeap([(v.distance, v) for v in graph])
while not pq.isEmpty():
current_vert = pq.delMin()
for next_vert in current_vert.adjacent:
new_dist = current_vert.distance + current_vert.adjacent[next_vert]
if new_dist < next_vert.distance:
next_vert.distance = new_dist
next_vert.pred = current_vert
pq.decreaseKey(next_vert, new_dist)
for v in g:
for w in v.adjacent:
vid = v.id
wid = w.id
print(f'{vid} -> {wid}, weight = {v.adjacent[w]}')
dijkstra(g, g.vertices['A'])
for v in g.vertices:
print(f'The shortest path from A to {v} is {g.vertices[v].distance}')
A -> B, weight = 4
A -> C, weight = 1
C -> B, weight = 2
C -> D, weight = 4
B -> E, weight = 4
D -> E, weight = 4
D -> F, weight = 2
E -> F, weight = 1
The shortest path from A to A is 0
The shortest path from A to B is 3
The shortest path from A to C is 1
The shortest path from A to D is 5
The shortest path from A to E is 7
The shortest path from A to F is 8