解释代码 while epoch < pretrain_max_step: #当迭代次数小于预训练步数的while循环 epoch = epoch + 1 cost = CAE.pretrain_step(Img_test,Img_train, lr) #cost为卷积自动编码器的预训练步数 if epoch % display_step == 0: print ("pretrtain epoch: %.1d" % epoch, "cost: %.8f" % (cost / float(batch_size))) #当迭代次数为展示步数的整数倍时,输出预训练迭代次数和cost while epoch < max_step: #当迭代次数小于最大步数的while循环 epoch = epoch + 1 cost, Coef = CAE.partial_fit(Img_test,Img_train, lr) if epoch % display_step == 0: print ("epoch: %.1d" % epoch, "cost: %.8f" % (cost / float(batch_size))) Coef = thrC(Coef) Coef= np.abs(Coef) for test_sample in range(0,len(test_labels)): x = Coef[test_sample,:] for l in range(1,np.max(test_labels)+1): l_idx = np.array([j for j in range(0,len(train_labels)) if train_labels[j]==l]) l_idx= l_idx.astype(int) class_[int(l-1)] = sum(np.abs(x[l_idx])) prediction[test_sample] = np.argmax(class_) +1 prediction = np.array(prediction) missrate_x = err_rate(test_labels, prediction) acc_x = 1 - missrate_x print("accuracy: %.4f" % acc_x) ACC.append(acc_x) Cost.append(cost / float(batch_size)) if False: # change to ture to save values in a mat file sio.savemat('./coef.mat', dict(ACC=ACC,Coef=Coef,Cost=Cost)) return acc_x, Coef
时间: 2023-06-19 09:05:28 浏览: 188
这段代码的作用是使用卷积自动编码器(CAE)进行图像分类。首先,使用CAE进行预训练,其中参数包括Img_test和Img_train(分别是测试集和训练集的图像数据), lr表示学习率。然后在每个展示步数(display_step)的整数倍时输出预训练或训练的迭代次数(epoch)和损失(cost)。