when..else vhdl
时间: 2023-05-25 17:03:37 浏览: 119
The when..else statement in VHDL is used for conditional operations. It checks for a condition and executes a set of statements when the condition is true, and another set of statements when the condition is false.
The syntax of the when..else statement in VHDL is as follows:
when condition => statement_1;
| condition_2 => statement_2;
| ...
| condition_n => statement_n;
| others => statement_x;
Here, the condition is evaluated and if it is true, statement_1 is executed. If it is false, the condition_2 is evaluated and if it is true, statement_2 is executed, otherwise the next condition is evaluated and so on. If none of the conditions are true, the statement_x is executed.
The others keyword is used as a default condition when none of the conditions are met.
signal A : std_logic;
signal B : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal C : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
case A is
when '0' =>
C <= "00000001";
when '1' =>
case B is
when "0000" =>
C <= "00010000";
when "0001" =>
C <= "00010001";
when "0010" =>
C <= "00010010";
when "0011" =>
C <= "00010011";
when others =>
C <= "11111111";
end case;
end case;
end process;
In this code, if A is '0', then C will be assigned the value "00000001". If A is '1', then B will be evaluated and if B is "0000", C will be assigned the value "00010000". If B is "0001", C will be assigned the value "00010001" and so on. If none of the conditions are met, C will be assigned the value "11111111".