In order to obtain the Deep Learning network for the LR task, the architecture was first trained to classify the T- stage, with MCC = 0.863 on the training set (one-shot) and MCC = 0.279 on the test set, despite having used all the main techniques to avoid overfitting (e.g., use of Dropout Layers and Data Augmentation): here the small sample size of the dataset plays a critical role. 解释

时间: 2024-04-22 10:27:10 浏览: 144

Traditional network security situation prediction methods depend on the accuracy of historical situation value. Moreover, there are differences in correlation and importance among various network security factors. In order to solve these problems, a combined prediction model based on the temporal convolution attention network (TCAN) and bi-directional gate recurrent unit (BiGRU) network optimized by singular spectrum analysis (SSA) and improved quantum particle swarm optimization algorithm (IQPSO) was proposed. This model was first decomposed and reconstructed into a series of subsequences through the SSA of network security situation data. Next, a prediction model of TCAN-BiGRU was established for each subsequence, respectively. The TCN with relatively simple structure was used in the TCAN to extract features from the data. Besides, the improved channel attention mechanism (CAM) was used to extract important feature information from TCN. Afterwards, the before-after status of the learning situation value of the BiGRU neural network was used to extract more feature information from sequences for prediction. Meanwhile, an improved IQPSO was proposed to optimize the hyper-parameter of the BiGRU neural network. Finally, the prediction results of subsequence were superimposed to obtain the final predicted value. In the experiment, on the one hand, the IQPSO was compared with other optimization algorithms; and the results showed that the IQPSO has better optimization performance; on the other hand, the comparison with traditional prediction methods was performed through the simulation experiment and the established prediction model; and the results showed that the combined prediction model established has higher prediction accuracy.


检查下列语句的语法和拼写问题。Traditional network security situation prediction methods depend on the accuracy of historical situation value. Moreover, there are differences in correlation and importance among various network security factors. In order to solve these problems, a combined prediction model based on the temporal convolution attention network (TCAN) and bi-directional gate recurrent unit (BiGRU) network optimized by singular spectrum analysis (SSA) and improved quantum particle swarm optimization algorithm (IQPSO) was proposed. This model was first decomposed and reconstructed into a series of subsequences through the SSA of network security situation data. Next, a prediction model of TCAN-BiGRU was established for each subsequence, respectively. The TCN with relatively simple structure was used in the TCAN to extract features from the data. Besides, the improved channel attention mechanism (CAM) was used to extract important feature information from TCN. Afterwards, the before-after status of the learning situation value of the BiGRU neural network was used to extract more feature information from sequences for prediction. Meanwhile, an improved IQPSO was proposed to optimize the hyper-parameter of the BiGRU neural network. Finally, the prediction results of subsequence were superimposed to obtain the final predicted value. In the experiment, on the one hand, the IQPSO was compared with other optimization algorithms; and the results showed that the IQPSO has better optimization performance; on the other hand, the comparison with traditional prediction methods was performed through the simulation experiment and the established prediction model; and the results showed that the combined prediction model established has higher prediction accuracy.



A. Encoding Network of PFSPNet The encoding network is divided into three parts. In the part I, RNN is adopted to model the processing time pij of job i on all machines, which can be converted into a fixed dimensional vector pi. In the part II, the number of machines m is integrated into the vector pi through the fully connected layer, and the fixed dimensional vector p˜i is output. In the part III, p˜i is fed into the convolution layer to improve the expression ability of the network, and the final output η p= [ η p1, η p2,..., η pn] is obtained. Fig. 2 illustrates the encoding network. In the part I, the modelling process for pij is described as follows, where WB, hij , h0 are k-dimensional vectors, h0, U, W, b and WB are the network parameters, and f() is the mapping from RNN input to hidden layer output. The main steps of the part I are shown as follows. Step 1: Input pij to the embedding layer and then obtain the output yij = WB pij ; Step 2: Input yi1 and h0 to the RNN and then obtain the hidden layer output hi1 = f(yi1,h0; U,W, b). Let p1 = h1m ; Step 3: Input yij and hi,j−1, j = 2, 3 ··· , m into RNN in turn, and then obtain the hidden layer output hij = f(yij ,hi,j−1; U,W, b), j = 2, 3 ··· , m. Let pi = him . In the part II, the number of machines m and the vector pi are integrated by the fully connected layer. The details are described as follows. WB and h˜i are d-dimensional vectors, WB W and ˜b are network parameters, and g() denotes the mapping from the input to the output of full connection layer. Step 1: Input the number of machines m to the embedding layer, and the output m = WB m is obtained。Step 2: Input m and pi to the fully connected layer and then obtain the output hi = g([m, pi];W, b); Step 3: Let pi = Relu(hi). In the part III, pi, i = 1, 2,...,n are input into onedimensional convolution layer. The final output vector η pi, i = 1, 2, ··· , n are obtained after the output of convolutional layer goes through the Relu layer.首先逐行仔细的分析此过程,其次怎么使用pytorch用EncoderNetwork类完全实现这个过程的所有功能和步骤

3.4 Pair Interaction Feature The interaction pattern between two individuals is encoded by a spatial descriptor with view invariant relative pose encoding. Given the 3D locations of two individual detec- tions zi,zj and two pose features pi,pj, we represent the pairwise relationship using view normalization, pose co-occurrence encoding, semantic compression and a spatial histogram (see Fig. 5 for illustration). The view normalization is performed by rotating the two people in 3D space by θ with respect to their midpoint, making their connecting line perpendicular to the cam- era view point. In this step, the pose features are also shifted accordingly (e.g. if θ = 45‘, shift 1 dimension with a cycle). Then, the co-occurrence feature is obtained by building a 2-dimensional matrix in which each element (r, c) corresponds to min(pi(r), pj (c)). Although the feature is view invariant, there are still elements in the matrix that deliver the same semantic concepts (e.g. left-left and right-right). To reduce such unnecessary variance and obtain a compact representation, we perform another transformation by multiplying a semantic compression matrix Sc to the vector form of the co-occurrence feature. The matrix Sc is learned offline by enumerating all possible configurations of view points and grouping the pairs that are equivalent when rotated by 180 degrees. Finally, we obtain the pair interaction descriptor by building a spatial histogram based on the 3D distance between the two (bin centers at 0.2, 0.6, 2.0 and 6.5 m). Here, we use linear interpolation similarly to contextual feature in Sec. 3.3. Given the interac- tion descriptor for each pair, we represent the interaction feature φxx(xi,xj) using the confidence value from an SVM classifier trained on a dictionary of interaction labels Y.什么意思

Algorithm 1: The online LyDROO algorithm for solving (P1). input : Parameters V , {γi, ci}Ni=1, K, training interval δT , Mt update interval δM ; output: Control actions 􏰕xt,yt􏰖Kt=1; 1 Initialize the DNN with random parameters θ1 and empty replay memory, M1 ← 2N; 2 Empty initial data queue Qi(1) = 0 and energy queue Yi(1) = 0, for i = 1,··· ,N; 3 fort=1,2,...,Kdo 4 Observe the input ξt = 􏰕ht, Qi(t), Yi(t)􏰖Ni=1 and update Mt using (8) if mod (t, δM ) = 0; 5 Generate a relaxed offloading action xˆt = Πθt 􏰅ξt􏰆 with the DNN; 6 Quantize xˆt into Mt binary actions 􏰕xti|i = 1, · · · , Mt􏰖 using the NOP method; 7 Compute G􏰅xti,ξt􏰆 by optimizing resource allocation yit in (P2) for each xti; 8 Select the best solution xt = arg max G 􏰅xti , ξt 􏰆 and execute the joint action 􏰅xt , yt 􏰆; { x ti } 9 Update the replay memory by adding (ξt,xt); 10 if mod (t, δT ) = 0 then 11 Uniformly sample a batch of data set {(ξτ , xτ ) | τ ∈ St } from the memory; 12 Train the DNN with {(ξτ , xτ ) | τ ∈ St} and update θt using the Adam algorithm; 13 end 14 t ← t + 1; 15 Update {Qi(t),Yi(t)}N based on 􏰅xt−1,yt−1􏰆 and data arrival observation 􏰙At−1􏰚N using (5) and (7). i=1 i i=1 16 end With the above actor-critic-update loop, the DNN consistently learns from the best and most recent state-action pairs, leading to a better policy πθt that gradually approximates the optimal mapping to solve (P3). We summarize the pseudo-code of LyDROO in Algorithm 1, where the major computational complexity is in line 7 that computes G􏰅xti,ξt􏰆 by solving the optimal resource allocation problems. This in fact indicates that the proposed LyDROO algorithm can be extended to solve (P1) when considering a general non-decreasing concave utility U (rit) in the objective, because the per-frame resource allocation problem to compute G􏰅xti,ξt􏰆 is a convex problem that can be efficiently solved, where the detailed analysis is omitted. In the next subsection, we propose a low-complexity algorithm to obtain G 􏰅xti, ξt􏰆. B. Low-complexity Algorithm for Optimal Resource Allocation Given the value of xt in (P2), we denote the index set of users with xti = 1 as Mt1, and the complementary user set as Mt0. For simplicity of exposition, we drop the superscript t and express the optimal resource allocation problem that computes G 􏰅xt, ξt􏰆 as following (P4) : maximize 􏰀j∈M0 􏰕ajfj/φ − Yj(t)κfj3􏰖 + 􏰀i∈M1 {airi,O − Yi(t)ei,O} (28a) τ,f,eO,rO 17 ,建立了什么模型

Please revise the paper:Accurate determination of bathymetric data in the shallow water zone over time and space is of increasing significance for navigation safety, monitoring of sea-level uplift, coastal areas management, and marine transportation. Satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) is widely accepted as an effective alternative to conventional acoustics measurements over coastal areas with high spatial and temporal resolution combined with extensive repetitive coverage. Numerous empirical SDB approaches in previous works are unsuitable for precision bathymetry mapping in various scenarios, owing to the assumption of homogeneous bottom over the whole region, as well as the limitations of constructing global mapping relationships between water depth and blue-green reflectance takes no account of various confounding factors of radiance attenuation such as turbidity. To address the assumption failure of uniform bottom conditions and imperfect consideration of influence factors on the performance of the SDB model, this work proposes a bottom-type adaptive-based SDB approach (BA-SDB) to obtain accurate depth estimation over different sediments. The bottom type can be adaptively segmented by clustering based on bottom reflectance. For each sediment category, a PSO-LightGBM algorithm for depth derivation considering multiple influencing factors is driven to adaptively select the optimal influence factors and model parameters simultaneously. Water turbidity features beyond the traditional impact factors are incorporated in these regression models. Compared with log-ratio, multi-band and classical machine learning methods, the new approach produced the most accurate results with RMSE value is 0.85 m, in terms of different sediments and water depths combined with in-situ observations of airborne laser bathymetry and multi-beam echo sounder.






通信系统里面的信道编码中的乘积码合作编码visual c++程序




OFDM接收机的设计——ADC(样值同步) 修正采样频率偏移(SFC)。 因为FPGA的开发板上集成了压控振荡器(Voltage Controlled Oscillator,VCO),所以我们使用VOC来实现样值同步。具体算法为DDS算法。


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简化填写流程:Annoying Form Completer插件

资源摘要信息:"Annoying Form Completer-crx插件" Annoying Form Completer是一个针对Google Chrome浏览器的扩展程序,其主要功能是帮助用户自动填充表单中的强制性字段。对于经常需要在线填写各种表单的用户来说,这是一个非常实用的工具,因为它可以节省大量时间,并减少因重复输入相同信息而产生的烦恼。 该扩展程序的描述中提到了用户在填写表格时遇到的麻烦——必须手动输入那些恼人的强制性字段。这些字段可能包括但不限于用户名、邮箱地址、电话号码等个人信息,以及各种密码、确认密码等重复性字段。Annoying Form Completer的出现,使这一问题得到了缓解。通过该扩展,用户可以在表格填充时减少到“一个压力……或两个”,意味着极大的方便和效率提升。 值得注意的是,描述中也使用了“抽浏览器”的表述,这可能意味着该扩展具备某种数据提取或自动化填充的机制,虽然这个表述不是一个标准的技术术语,它可能暗示该扩展程序能够从用户之前的行为或者保存的信息中提取必要数据并自动填充到表单中。 虽然该扩展程序具有很大的便利性,但用户在使用时仍需谨慎,因为自动填充个人信息涉及到隐私和安全问题。理想情况下,用户应该只在信任的网站上使用这种类型的扩展程序,并确保扩展程序是从可靠的来源获取,以避免潜在的安全风险。 根据【压缩包子文件的文件名称列表】中的信息,该扩展的文件名为“Annoying_Form_Completer.crx”。CRX是Google Chrome扩展的文件格式,它是一种压缩的包格式,包含了扩展的所有必要文件和元数据。用户可以通过在Chrome浏览器中访问chrome://extensions/页面,开启“开发者模式”,然后点击“加载已解压的扩展程序”按钮来安装CRX文件。 在标签部分,我们看到“扩展程序”这一关键词,它明确了该资源的性质——这是一个浏览器扩展。扩展程序通常是通过增加浏览器的功能或提供额外的服务来增强用户体验的小型软件包。这些程序可以极大地简化用户的网上活动,从保存密码、拦截广告到自定义网页界面等。 总结来看,Annoying Form Completer作为一个Google Chrome的扩展程序,提供了一个高效的解决方案,帮助用户自动化处理在线表单的填写过程,从而提高效率并减少填写表单时的麻烦。在享受便捷的同时,用户也应确保使用扩展程序时的安全性和隐私性。


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


# 摘要 CC-LINK远程IO模块作为一种工业通信技术,为自动化和控制系统提供了高效的数据交换和设备管理能力。本文首先概述了CC-LINK远程IO模块的基础知识,接着详细介绍了其安装与配置流程,包括硬件的物理连接和系统集成要求,以及软件的参数设置与优化。为应对潜在的故障问题,本文还提供了故障诊断与排除的方法,并探讨了故障解决的实践案例。在高级应用方面,文中讲述了如何进行编程与控制,以及如何实现系统扩展与集成。最后,本文强调了CC-LINK远程IO模块的维护与管理的重要性,并对未来技术发展趋势进行了展望。 # 关键字 CC-LINK远程IO模块;系统集成;故障诊断;性能优化;编程与控制;维护

使用MATLAB写一个在柱坐标系中实现以下功能的代码:1) 生成具有损耗的平面电磁波模型;2) 调整电场分量Ex和Ey的幅度和相位,以仿真三种极化的形成?

在MATLAB中,处理电磁学问题通常需要利用`physconst`、`polar2cartesian`等函数库。以下是一个简化的示例,展示了如何生成一个基本的平面电磁波模型,并调整电场分量的幅度和相位。请注意,实际的损耗模型通常会涉及到复杂的阻抗和吸收系数,这里我们将简化为理想情况。 ```matlab % 初始化必要的物理常数 c = physconst('LightSpeed'); % 光速 omega = 2*pi * 5e9; % 角频率 (例如 GHz) eps0 = physconst('PermittivityOfFreeSpace'); % 真空介电常数 % 定义网格参数


资源摘要信息: "TeraData是一个高性能、高可扩展性的数据仓库和数据库管理系统,它支持大规模的数据存储和复杂的数据分析处理。TeraData的产品线主要面向大型企业级市场,提供多种数据仓库解决方案,包括并行数据仓库和云数据仓库等。由于其强大的分析能力和出色的处理速度,TeraData被广泛应用于银行、电信、制造、零售和其他需要处理大量数据的行业。TeraData系统通常采用MPP(大规模并行处理)架构,这意味着它可以通过并行处理多个计算任务来显著提高性能和吞吐量。" 由于提供的信息中描述部分也是"TeraData",且没有详细的内容,所以无法进一步提供关于该描述的详细知识点。而标签和压缩包子文件的文件名称列表也没有提供更多的信息。 在讨论TeraData时,我们可以深入了解以下几个关键知识点: 1. **MPP架构**:TeraData使用大规模并行处理(MPP)架构,这种架构允许系统通过大量并行运行的处理器来分散任务,从而实现高速数据处理。在MPP系统中,数据通常分布在多个节点上,每个节点负责一部分数据的处理工作,这样能够有效减少数据传输的时间,提高整体的处理效率。 2. **并行数据仓库**:TeraData提供并行数据仓库解决方案,这是针对大数据环境优化设计的数据库架构。它允许同时对数据进行读取和写入操作,同时能够支持对大量数据进行高效查询和复杂分析。 3. **数据仓库与BI**:TeraData系统经常与商业智能(BI)工具结合使用。数据仓库可以收集和整理来自不同业务系统的数据,BI工具则能够帮助用户进行数据分析和决策支持。TeraData的数据仓库解决方案提供了一整套的数据分析工具,包括但不限于ETL(抽取、转换、加载)工具、数据挖掘工具和OLAP(在线分析处理)功能。 4. **云数据仓库**:除了传统的本地部署解决方案,TeraData也在云端提供了数据仓库服务。云数据仓库通常更灵活、更具可伸缩性,可根据用户的需求动态调整资源分配,同时降低了企业的运维成本。 5. **高可用性和扩展性**:TeraData系统设计之初就考虑了高可用性和可扩展性。系统可以通过增加更多的处理节点来线性提升性能,同时提供了多种数据保护措施以保证数据的安全和系统的稳定运行。 6. **优化与调优**:对于数据仓库而言,性能优化是一个重要的环节。TeraData提供了一系列的优化工具和方法,比如SQL调优、索引策略和执行计划分析等,来帮助用户优化查询性能和提高数据访问效率。 7. **行业应用案例**:在金融、电信、制造等行业中,TeraData可以处理海量的交易数据、客户信息和业务数据,它在欺诈检测、客户关系管理、供应链优化等关键业务领域发挥重要作用。 8. **集成与兼容性**:TeraData系统支持与多种不同的业务应用和工具进行集成。它也遵循行业标准,能够与其他数据源、分析工具和应用程序无缝集成,为用户提供一致的用户体验。 以上便是关于TeraData的知识点介绍。由于文件描述内容重复且过于简略,未能提供更深层次的介绍,如果需要进一步详细的知识,建议参考TeraData官方文档或相关技术文章以获取更多的专业信息。


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