add x5 , x5 ,x6
时间: 2023-09-23 12:11:17 浏览: 80
这是一条 ARM64 汇编指令,它的作用是将寄存器 x5 和寄存器 x6 中的值相加,并将结果存储回寄存器 x5 中。如果用伪代码来表示,这条指令的含义是:
x5 = x5 + x6
其中,x5 和 x6 都是 64 位寄存器。对应的机器码为:
- 0x8b 表示这是一条 R 形式的指令,也就是指令中包含两个寄存器操作数和一个目标寄存器。
- 0x05 表示目标寄存器 x5。
- 0x00 表示第一个操作数是寄存器 x6。
- 0x6b 表示第二个操作数是寄存器 x5。
asm( "mv x5,%[a]\n" "mv x6,%[b]\n" "label_add:" "add %[c],x5,x6\n" :[c]"=r"(c) :[a]"r"(a),[b]"r"(b) :"x5","x6" );
For the RISC-V assembly instructions below, what is the corresponding C statement? Assume that the variables f, g, h, i, and j are assigned to registers x5, x6, x7, x28, and x29, respectively. Assume that the base address of the arrays A and B are in registers x10 and x11, respectively. slli x30, x5, 2 // x30 = f*4 add x30, x10, x30 // x30 = &A[f] slli x31, x6, 2 // x31 = g*4 add x31, x11, x31 // x31 = &B[g] lw x5, 0(x30) // f = A[f] addi x12, x30, 4 lw x30, 0(x12) add x30, x30, x5 sw x30, 0(x31)
The corresponding C statement is:
B[g+1] = A[f] + A[f+1];
- `slli x30, x5, 2`: Shift the value of register `x5` (which contains `f`) left by 2 bits (multiply by 4) and store the result in register `x30`.
- `add x30, x10, x30`: Add the value of register `x10` (which contains the base address of array `A`) to the value of register `x30` (which now contains `&A[f]`) and store the result in register `x30`. Now `x30` contains the memory address of `A[f]`.
- `slli x31, x6, 2`: Shift the value of register `x6` (which contains `g`) left by 2 bits (multiply by 4) and store the result in register `x31`.
- `add x31, x11, x31`: Add the value of register `x11` (which contains the base address of array `B`) to the value of register `x31` (which now contains `&B[g]`) and store the result in register `x31`. Now `x31` contains the memory address of `B[g]`.
- `lw x5, 0(x30)`: Load the value stored at memory address `x30` into register `x5`. Now `x5` contains the value of `A[f]`.
- `addi x12, x30, 4`: Add 4 to the value of register `x30` (which still contains the memory address of `A[f]`) and store the result in register `x12`. Now `x12` contains the memory address of `A[f+1]`.
- `lw x30, 0(x12)`: Load the value stored at memory address `x12` (which now contains `A[f+1]`) into register `x30`.
- `add x30, x30, x5`: Add the value of register `x5` (which contains `A[f]`) to the value of register `x30` (which now contains `A[f+1]`) and store the result in register `x30`. Now `x30` contains the sum `A[f] + A[f+1]`.
- `sw x30, 0(x31)`: Store the value of register `x30` (which contains `A[f] + A[f+1]`) at the memory address `x31` (which contains `B[g+1]`). Now `B[g+1]` is updated with the sum `A[f] + A[f+1]`.