时间: 2023-04-23 08:06:14 浏览: 550
sklearn.cross_validation 已经不再被支持,建议使用 model_selection 模块中的 train_test_split 和 KFold 等函数来进行交叉验证。
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The `sklearn.cross_validation` module is a deprecated module in Scikit-learn version 0.20. It was used earlier for cross-validation methods, but now it has been moved to the `sklearn.model_selection` module.
The `cross_validation` module provides tools for splitting datasets into training and testing sets, and for evaluating the performance of a machine learning model using cross-validation techniques. It includes functions such as `train_test_split`, `KFold`, `StratifiedKFold`, and `cross_val_score`.
`train_test_split` function is used to split the dataset into training and testing sets. `KFold` and `StratifiedKFold` are used to create cross-validation folds for training and testing the machine learning model. `cross_val_score` function is used to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model using cross-validation.
The `cross_validation` module is still available in Scikit-learn, but it is recommended to use the `model_selection` module instead.