时间: 2023-12-06 21:11:10 浏览: 66
一文读懂Faster RCNN - 知乎.pdf
5星 · 资源好评率100%
Sure, I'd be happy to help with your question on Fast R-CNN. Fast R-CNN, like R-CNN, is an object detection algorithm that uses region proposals to classify objects within an image. However, while R-CNN used a slow, multi-step approach involving selecting regions, computing features, and classifying objects in each region, Fast R-CNN streamlines this process by sharing computations across regions.
The four main modules of Fast R-CNN are as follows:
1. Region Proposal Network (RPN): This module scans the input image and generates a set of bounding box proposals for objects, represented by (x,y) coordinates at four corners of the bounding box.
2. RoI (Region of interest) Pooling: This module takes the output of the RPN - the set of multi-sized proposals - and converts them into fixed-size feature maps. This is done by applying a convolutional neural network (CNN) with a filter that maps each pixel in the proposal to a fixed size region.
3. CNN: This module computes the features for each of the RoI proposed in the previous step, producing a feature vector on each region.
4. Classification: This module performs object classification and localization by using the feature maps generated in the previous step. The algorithm outputs object category and object location, which are then used to draw bounding boxes around the object.
I hope this helps to answer your question! Let me know if you have any other questions.