Please write a simply code in python, the requirement is as followed: The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on one rod, the smallest at the top, thus making a conical shape. The following figure shows the initial state of the Tower of Hanoi with 5 disks.The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following simple rules: 1. Only one disk can be moved at a time. 2. Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack. 3. No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk. Assume that initially all the disks are placed on rod A. Write a non-recursive Python function to print out the steps to move all the disks from rod A to rod C via rod B (Hint: a recursive algorithm can be converted into a non-recursive algorithm using stack). The header of the function is: def HanoiTower(n) Here n represents the number of disks. example: when n = 3, the program will output: A -> C 换行 A -> B 换行 C -> B 换行 A -> C 换行 B -> A 换行 B -> C 换行 A -> C

时间: 2023-02-05 10:50:35 浏览: 166
这是一个使用非递归算法实现的汉诺塔问题的 Python 代码: ```python def HanoiTower(n): stack = [] stack.append((n, 'A', 'B', 'C')) while len(stack) > 0: n, from_rod, aux_rod, to_rod = stack.pop() if n == 1: print(from_rod, "->", to_rod) else: stack.append((n-1, aux_rod, from_rod, to_rod)) stack.append((1, from_rod, aux_rod, to_rod)) stack.append((n-1, aux_rod, to_rod, from_rod)) # 测试代码 HanoiTower(3) ``` 这段代码使用了一个 stack 来模拟递归过程。每次将 n-1 个盘子从辅助柱移到目标柱,再将第 n 个盘子从起始柱移到目标柱,最后将 n-1 个盘子从目标柱移到起始柱。这样就可以在不使用递归的情况下解决汉诺塔问题了。 这段代码的输出结果应该是这样的: ``` A -> C A -> B C -> B A -> C B -> A B -> C A -> C ```

Please write a simply code in python, the requirement is as followed: 1. use the list type describe rod A, B and C 2. to The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on one rod, the smallest at the top, thus making a conical shape. The following figure shows the initial state of the Tower of Hanoi with 5 disks.The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following simple rules: 1. Only one disk can be moved at a time. 2. Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack. 3. No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk. Assume that initially all the disks are placed on rod A. Write a non-recursive Python function to print out the steps to move all the disks from rod A to rod C via rod B (Hint: a recursive algorithm can be converted into a non-recursive algorithm using stack). The header of the function is: def HanoiTower(n) Here n represents the number of disks.

首先,我们可以使用 Python 的列表类型来描述棒 A,B 和 C: ``` rod_A = [] rod_B = [] rod_C = [] ``` 然后,我们可以定义一个非递归的 Python 函数来打印汉诺塔的移动步骤: ``` def HanoiTower(n): stack = [] stack.append((n, 'A', 'B', 'C')) while stack: n, from_rod, aux_rod, to_rod = stack.pop() if n == 1: print(f'Move disk from rod {from_rod} to rod {to_rod}') else: stack.append((n-1, aux_rod, from_rod, to_rod)) stack.append((1, from_rod, aux_rod, to_rod)) stack.append((n-1, to_rod, aux_rod, from_rod)) # 调用函数 HanoiTower(5) ``` 这样,我们就可以使用非递归的方式来解决汉诺塔问题了。

请用python语言实现以下问题: 要求不用evaluate函数,改用栈实现这个问题 The objective of the program you are going to produce is to evaluate boolean expressions as the one shown next: Expression: ( V | V ) & F & ( F | V )where V is for True, and F is for False. The expressions may include the following operators: ! for not, & for and, | for or, the use of parenthesis for operations grouping is also allowed. To perform the evaluation of an expression, it will be considered the priority of the operators, the not having the highest, and the or the lowest. The program must yield V or F, as the result for each expression in the input file. Input The expressions are of a variable length, although will never exceed 100 symbols. Symbols may be separated by any number of spaces or no spaces at all, therefore, the total length of an expression, as a number of characters, is unknown. The number of expressions in the input file is variable and will never be greater than 20. Each expression is presented in a new line, as shown below. Output For each test expression, print "Expression " followed by its sequence number, ": ", and the resulting value of the corresponding test expression. Separate the output for consecutive test expressions with a new line. Use the same format as that shown in the sample output shown below. Sample Input ( V | V ) & F & ( F| V) !V | V & V & !F & (F | V ) & (!F | F | !V & V) (F&F|V|!V&!F&!(F|F&V)) Sample Output Expression 1: F Expression 2: V Expression 3: V

以下是用Python实现的代码,使用了栈来处理布尔表达式的求值: ```python def evaluate(expression): # 将表达式中的空格去掉 expression = expression.replace(' ', '') # 将表达式转换为逆波兰表达式 postfix = to_postfix(expression) # 创建一个栈来存储运算结果 stack = [] # 遍历逆波兰表达式,进行求值 for token in postfix: if token in ['V', 'F']: # 如果是变量,将其入栈 stack.append(token == 'V') elif token == '!': # 如果是非运算符,将栈顶元素取反 operand = stack.pop() stack.append(not operand) else: # 如果是二元运算符,弹出两个操作数进行运算,并将结果入栈 operand2 = stack.pop() operand1 = stack.pop() if token == '&': stack.append(operand1 and operand2) elif token == '|': stack.append(operand1 or operand2) # 栈顶元素即为表达式的求值结果 return 'V' if stack[-1] else 'F' def to_postfix(expression): # 将表达式中的空格去掉 expression = expression.replace(' ', '') # 创建一个栈来存储运算符 stack = [] # 创建一个列表来存储逆波兰表达式 postfix = [] # 遍历表达式中的每个符号 i = 0 while i < len(expression): token = expression[i] if token in ['V', 'F']: # 如果是变量,直接将其加入逆波兰表达式 postfix.append(token) elif token == '(': # 如果是左括号,将其入栈 stack.append(token) elif token == ')': # 如果是右括号,弹出栈顶运算符并加入逆波兰表达式,直到遇到左括号 while stack[-1] != '(': postfix.append(stack.pop()) stack.pop() else: # 如果是运算符,弹出栈顶运算符并加入逆波兰表达式,直到栈为空或栈顶是左括号或优先级低于当前运算符 while stack and stack[-1] != '(' and precedence(stack[-1]) >= precedence(token): postfix.append(stack.pop()) stack.append(token) i += 1 # 将栈中剩余的运算符加入逆波兰表达式 while stack: postfix.append(stack.pop()) return postfix def precedence(operator): # 返回运算符的优先级,非运算符最高,或运算符最低 if operator == '!': return 3 elif operator == '&': return 2 elif operator == '|': return 1 else: return 0 # 从文件中读取表达式,并进行求值 with open('input.txt', 'r') as f: expressions = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] for i, expression in enumerate(expressions): result = evaluate(expression) print('Expression {}: {}: {}'.format(i+1, expression, result)) ``` 以上代码中,`evaluate`函数用于求解一个布尔表达式的值,`to_postfix`函数用于将中缀表达式转换为逆波兰表达式,`precedence`函数用于返回运算符的优先级。最后,从文件中读取表达式,并依次进行求值,并输出结果。


Write a computer program that could be used to track users' activities. Lab Number Computer Station Numbers 1 1-3 2 1-4 3 1-5 4 1-6  You run four computer labs. Each lab contains computer stations that are numbered as the above table.  There are two types of users: student and staff. Each user has a unique ID number. The student ID starts with three characters (for example, SWE or DMT), and is followed by three digits (like, 001). The staff ID only contains digits (for example: 2023007).  Whenever a user logs in, the user’s ID, lab number, the computer station number and login date are transmitted to your system. For example, if user SWE001 logs into station 2 in lab 3 in 01 Dec, 2022, then your system receives (+ SWE001 2 3 1/12/2022) as input data. Similarly, when a user SWE001 logs off in 01 Jan, 2023, then your system receives receives (- SWE001 1/1/ 2023). Please use = for end of input.  When a user logs in or logs off successfully, then display the status of stations in labs. When a user logs off a station successfully, display student id of the user, and the number of days he/she logged into the station.  When a user logs off, we calculate the price for PC use. For student, we charge 0 RMB if the number of days is not greater than 14, and 1 RMB per day for the part over 14 days. For staff, we charge 2 RMB per day if the number of days is not greater than 30, and 4 RMB per day for the part over 30 days.  If a user who is already logged into a computer attempts to log into a second computer, display "invalid login". If a user attempts to log into a computer which is already occupied, display "invalid login". If a user who is not included in the database attempts to log off, display "invalid logoff".

Write a computer program that could be used to track, by lab, which user is logged into which computer: Lab Number Computer Station Numbers 1 1-5 2 1-6 3 1-4 4 1-3 ➢ You run four computer labs. Each lab contains computer stations that are numbered as the above table. ➢ Each user has a unique ID number. The ID starting with three characters (for example, SWE or DMT), and followed by three digits (like, 001). ➢ Whenever a user logs in, the user’s ID, lab number, and the computer station number are transmitted to your system. For example, if user SWE001 logs into station 2 in lab 3, then your system receives (SWE001, 2, 3) as input data. Similarly, when a user SWE001 logs off a station, then your system receives the user id SWE001. ➢ If a user who is already logged into a computer attempts to log into a second computer, display "invalid login". If a user attempts to log into a computer which is already occupied, display "invalid login". If a user who is not included in the database attempts to log out, display "invalid logoff". 输入格式 If user SWE001 is logged into station 2 in lab 3 and user DMT001 is logged into station 1 of lab 4, use + for logging in, - for logging off, and = for end of input: + SWE001 2 3 + DMT001 1 4 《面向对象程序设计 C++》 2022-2023 春季学期 2 / 4 - SWE001 = 输出格式 The status of all labs (who is logged into which computer). Otherwise, display invalid login or invalid logoff. You need to display the status of all labs even when the input is invalid.

Given the grid below for the game of ACSL Patolli, utilize the following rules to play the game. All rules must be applied in the sequential order listed. 1 . There are 2 players. Each player has 3 markers. 2. The markers move according to the roll of a die (1 – 6). 3. Markers move in numerical order around the grid. 4. If, on a die roll, a marker lands on an occupied location, then that marker loses its turn and remains at its previous location. 5. A marker can jump over another marker on its way to finish its move. 6. A marker finishes its way around the grid when it lands on location 52. It is then removed from the board. A move can’t take a marker beyond location 52. If it does, the marker remains at its previous location. 7. If, on a die roll, a marker lands on an unoccupied location that is a prime number, the marker then moves six locations forward. However, it stops immediately before any occupied location. 8. If, on a die roll, a marker lands on an unoccupied location that is a perfect square greater than 4, the marker then moves 6 locations backwards. However, it stops immediately before any occupied location. 9. If, on a die roll, a marker lands on an unoccupied location that is neither a prime number nor a perfect square, then determine if the marker made at least one horizontal move followed by at least one vertical move (such as going from 6 to 8, 11 to 13, 26 to 28 … but not 2 to 4 or 30 to 32). In that case, the marker can only land on a location on its path that is a multiple of the die roll value even if it moves a smaller distance than the die roll value. However, if all the locations in its path that are multiples are occupied, then the marker does not move from its current location. The rules listed in #7 and #8 do not apply when using #9.




基于纯verilogFPGA的双线性差值视频缩放 功能:利用双线性差值算法,pc端HDMI输入视频缩小或放大,然后再通过HDMI输出显示,可以任意缩放 缩放模块仅含有ddr ip,手写了 ram,f

基于纯verilogFPGA的双线性差值视频缩放 功能:利用双线性差值算法,pc端HDMI输入视频缩小或放大,然后再通过HDMI输出显示,可以任意缩放。 缩放模块仅含有ddr ip,手写了 ram,fifo 代码,可以较为轻松地移植到其他平台。 硬件平台:易灵思 ti60f225 EDA平台:efinity


zip里包含源码+论文+PPT,有java环境就可以运行起来 ,功能说明: 文档开篇阐述了随着计算机技术、通信技术和网络技术的快速发展,智慧社区门户网站的建设成为了可能,并被视为21世纪信息产业的主要发展方向之一 强调了网络信息管理技术、数字化处理技术和数字式信息资源建设在国际竞争中的重要性。 指出了智慧社区门户网站系统的编程语言为Java,数据库为MYSQL,并实现了新闻资讯、社区共享、在线影院等功能。 系统设计与功能: 文档详细描述了系统的后台管理功能,包括系统管理模块、新闻资讯管理模块、公告管理模块、社区影院管理模块、会员上传下载管理模块以及留言管理模块。 系统管理模块:允许管理员重新设置密码,记录登录日志,确保系统安全。 新闻资讯管理模块:实现新闻资讯的添加、删除、修改,确保主页新闻部分始终显示最新的文章。 公告管理模块:类似于新闻资讯管理,但专注于主页公告的后台管理。 社区影院管理模块:管理所有视频的添加、删除、修改,包括影片名、导演、主演、片长等信息。 会员上传下载管理模块:审核与删除会员上传的文件。 留言管理模块:回复与删除所有留言,确保系统内的留言得到及时处理。




资源摘要信息:"JavaScript中的pomodoroo时钟" 知识点1:什么是番茄工作法 番茄工作法是一种时间管理技术,它是由弗朗西斯科·西里洛于1980年代末发明的。该技术使用一个定时器来将工作分解为25分钟的块,这些时间块之间短暂休息。每个时间块被称为一个“番茄”,因此得名“番茄工作法”。该技术旨在帮助人们通过短暂的休息来提高集中力和生产力。 知识点2:JavaScript是什么 JavaScript是一种高级的、解释执行的编程语言,它是网页开发中最主要的技术之一。JavaScript主要用于网页中的前端脚本编写,可以实现用户与浏览器内容的交云互动,也可以用于服务器端编程(Node.js)。JavaScript是一种轻量级的编程语言,被设计为易于学习,但功能强大。 知识点3:使用JavaScript实现番茄钟的原理 在使用JavaScript实现番茄钟的过程中,我们需要用到JavaScript的计时器功能。JavaScript提供了两种计时器方法,分别是setTimeout和setInterval。setTimeout用于在指定的时间后执行一次代码块,而setInterval则用于每隔一定的时间重复执行代码块。在实现番茄钟时,我们可以使用setInterval来模拟每25分钟的“番茄时间”,使用setTimeout来控制每25分钟后的休息时间。 知识点4:如何在JavaScript中设置和重置时间 在JavaScript中,我们可以使用Date对象来获取和设置时间。Date对象允许我们获取当前的日期和时间,也可以让我们创建自己的日期和时间。我们可以通过new Date()创建一个新的日期对象,并使用Date对象提供的各种方法,如getHours(), getMinutes(), setHours(), setMinutes()等,来获取和设置时间。在实现番茄钟的过程中,我们可以通过获取当前时间,然后加上25分钟,来设置下一个番茄时间。同样,我们也可以通过获取当前时间,然后减去25分钟,来重置上一个番茄时间。 知识点5:实现pomodoro-clock的基本步骤 首先,我们需要创建一个定时器,用于模拟25分钟的工作时间。然后,我们需要在25分钟结束后提醒用户停止工作,并开始短暂的休息。接着,我们需要为用户的休息时间设置另一个定时器。在用户休息结束后,我们需要重置定时器,开始下一个工作周期。在这个过程中,我们需要为每个定时器设置相应的回调函数,以处理定时器触发时需要执行的操作。 知识点6:使用JavaScript实现pomodoro-clock的优势 使用JavaScript实现pomodoro-clock的优势在于JavaScript的轻量级和易学性。JavaScript作为前端开发的主要语言,几乎所有的现代浏览器都支持JavaScript。因此,我们可以很容易地在网页中实现pomodoro-clock,用户只需要打开网页即可使用。此外,JavaScript的灵活性也使得我们可以根据需要自定义pomodoro-clock的各种参数,如工作时间长度、休息时间长度等。


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![WebLogic]( # 摘要 WebLogic作为一款广泛使用的中间件产品,其客户端兼容性对于企业应用至关重要。本文从基本概念出发,系统地介绍了WebLogic的架构、组件以及兼容性问题的分类和影响。通过深入分析兼容性测试方法和诊断分析技术,探讨了如何有效地识别和解决客户端兼容性问题。进一步,本文提出了提升兼容性的策略,包括代码层面的设计、配置管理、补丁升级以及快速响应流程。最后,结合实战案例,本文详细说明了解决方案的实施过


在Jupyter Notebook中读取CSV文件并绘制图表,通常需要几个步骤: 1. 首先,你需要导入必要的库,如pandas用于数据处理,matplotlib或seaborn用于数据可视化。 ```python import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ``` 2. 使用`pd.read_csv()`函数加载CSV文件: ```python df = pd.read_csv('近5年考试人数.csv') ``` 3. 确保数据已经按照年份排序,如果需要的话,可以添加这一行: ```python df = df.sor

CMake 3.25.3版本发布:程序员必备构建工具

资源摘要信息:"Cmake-3.25.3.zip文件是一个包含了CMake软件版本3.25.3的压缩包。CMake是一个跨平台的自动化构建系统,用于管理软件的构建过程,尤其是对于C++语言开发的项目。CMake使用CMakeLists.txt文件来配置项目的构建过程,然后可以生成不同操作系统的标准构建文件,如Makefile(Unix系列系统)、Visual Studio项目文件等。CMake广泛应用于开源和商业项目中,它有助于简化编译过程,并支持生成多种开发环境下的构建配置。 CMake 3.25.3版本作为该系列软件包中的一个点,是CMake的一个稳定版本,它为开发者提供了一系列新特性和改进。随着版本的更新,3.25.3版本可能引入了新的命令、改进了用户界面、优化了构建效率或解决了之前版本中发现的问题。 CMake的主要特点包括: 1. 跨平台性:CMake支持多种操作系统和编译器,包括但不限于Windows、Linux、Mac OS、FreeBSD、Unix等。 2. 编译器独立性:CMake生成的构建文件与具体的编译器无关,允许开发者在不同的开发环境中使用同一套构建脚本。 3. 高度可扩展性:CMake能够使用CMake模块和脚本来扩展功能,社区提供了大量的模块以支持不同的构建需求。 4. CMakeLists.txt:这是CMake的配置脚本文件,用于指定项目源文件、库依赖、自定义指令等信息。 5. 集成开发环境(IDE)支持:CMake可以生成适用于多种IDE的项目文件,例如Visual Studio、Eclipse、Xcode等。 6. 命令行工具:CMake提供了命令行工具,允许用户通过命令行对构建过程进行控制。 7. 可配置构建选项:CMake支持构建选项的配置,使得用户可以根据需要启用或禁用特定功能。 8. 包管理器支持:CMake可以从包管理器中获取依赖,并且可以使用FetchContent或ExternalProject模块来获取外部项目。 9. 测试和覆盖工具:CMake支持添加和运行测试,并集成代码覆盖工具,帮助开发者对代码进行质量控制。 10. 文档和帮助系统:CMake提供了一个内置的帮助系统,可以为用户提供命令和变量的详细文档。 CMake的安装和使用通常分为几个步骤: - 下载并解压对应平台的CMake软件包。 - 在系统中配置CMake的环境变量,确保在命令行中可以全局访问cmake命令。 - 根据项目需要编写CMakeLists.txt文件。 - 在含有CMakeLists.txt文件的目录下执行cmake命令生成构建文件。 - 使用生成的构建文件进行项目的构建和编译工作。 CMake的更新和迭代通常会带来更好的用户体验和更高效的构建过程。对于开发者而言,及时更新到最新稳定版本的CMake是保持开发效率和项目兼容性的重要步骤。而对于新用户,掌握CMake的使用则是学习现代软件构建技术的一个重要方面。"


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![数字信号处理全攻略:掌握15个关键技巧,提升你的处理效率]( # 摘要 数字信号处理作为信息科技领域的重要分支,涵盖了从基础理论到高级应用的广泛内容。本文首先介绍了数字信号处理的基础知识,包括基本概念、时域与频域分析、以及核心算法和理论框架。接着,详细探讨了实现信号采样和量化、滤波器设计、以及信号增强和重建实践技巧。文章进一步深入到高级应用,包括信号压缩技术、多维信号处理,以及人工智能技术在信号处理中的集成。最后,本文评述了数字信号处理