改写代码:def index_y(x): y='' if x==0: y='speed_391_24' elif x==1: y='speed_391_23' else: y='speed_391_22' return y def nan(): data=data2[['speed_391_24','speed_391_23','speed_391_22']] for i in range(0,len(x_index)): data.loc[x_index[i],index_y(y_index[i])]=np.nan return data data2_0=nan() nan_index=[] for i in range(len(data2_0)): if (np.isnan(data2_0.iat[i,0])==True): nan_index.append(i) print(nan_index)
时间: 2023-06-09 22:07:17 浏览: 105
def index_y(x):
if x==0:
return 'speed_391_24'
elif x==1:
return 'speed_391_23'
return 'speed_391_22'
def nan():
for i in range(0,len(x_index)):
return data
for i in range(len(data2_0)):
if (np.isnan(data2_0.iloc[i,0])==True):
帮我接下去写class Result: def first_function(x: float, y: float): return math.sin(x) def second_function(x: float, y: float): return (x * y)/2 def third_function(x: float, y: float): return y - (2 * x)/y def fourth_function(x: float, y: float): return x + y def default_function(x:float, y: float): return 0.0 # How to use this function: # func = Result.get_function(4) # func(0.01) def get_function(n: int): if n == 1: return Result.first_function elif n == 2: return Result.second_function elif n == 3: return Result.third_function elif n == 4: return Result.fourth_function else: return Result.default_function # # Complete the 'solveByMilne' function below. # # The function is expected to return a DOUBLE. # The function accepts following parameters: # 1. INTEGER f # 2. DOUBLE epsilon # 3. DOUBLE a # 4. DOUBLE y_a # 5. DOUBLE b # def solveByMilne(f, epsilon, a, y_a, b):
import math
class Result:
def first_function(x: float, y: float):
return math.sin(x)
def second_function(x: float, y: float):
return (x * y)/2
def third_function(x: float, y: float):
return y - (2 * x)/y
def fourth_function(x: float, y: float):
return x + y
def default_function(x:float, y: float):
return 0.0
def get_function(n: int):
if n == 1:
return Result.first_function
elif n == 2:
return Result.second_function
elif n == 3:
return Result.third_function
elif n == 4:
return Result.fourth_function
return Result.default_function
def solveByMilne(f, epsilon, a, y_a, b):
h = (b-a)/4
x = [a+h*i for i in range(5)]
y = [y_a] + [0]*4
for i in range(4):
y[i+1] = y[i] + h*Result.get_function(f)(x[i], y[i])
for i in range(2, 5):
y[i] = y[i-2] + 2*h*Result.get_function(f)(x[i-1], y[i-1])
y_2h = y[0] + 4*h*Result.get_function(f)(x[2], y[2])
R = (y_2h - y[4])/30
while abs(R) > epsilon:
h /= 2
x = [a+h*i for i in range(9)]
y = [y_a] + [0]*8
for i in range(4):
y[i+1] = y[i] + h*Result.get_function(f)(x[i], y[i])
for i in range(2, 9):
y[i] = y[i-2] + 2*h*Result.get_function(f)(x[i-1], y[i-1])
y_2h = y[0] + 4*h*Result.get_function(f)(x[2], y[2])
R = (y_2h - y[4])/30
return y[4] + R
这个类包含了五个函数,其中 `first_function` 到 `fourth_function` 是四个给定的函数,而 `default_function` 则用于当输入的函数编号不在 `1-4` 范围内时,返回默认值 `0.0`。
`get_function` 静态方法接收一个编号 `n`,并返回相应的函数。如果 `n` 不在 `1-4` 范围内,则返回默认函数。
`solveByMilne` 静态方法接收五个参数:`f` 是函数编号,`epsilon` 是精度,`a` 是起始点,`y_a` 是起始点的函数值,`b` 是终点。该方法中实现了 Milne-Simpson 方法,通过迭代计算得到函数在 `b` 点的值,并返回。
func = Result.get_function(4)
res = func(0.01, 0.02)
res = Result.solveByMilne(1, 0.0001, 0, 0, 1)
第一次调用中,我们使用 `get_function` 方法得到了第四个函数,并计算了它在 `(0.01, 0.02)` 处的值。
第二次调用中,我们使用 `solveByMilne` 方法求解函数编号为 `1` 的函数在区间 `[0, 1]` 中的值,精度为 `0.0001`。
def is_end_point_near_edge(l: np.array([]), im_w, im_h, thr=2.5): x = l[-1][0] y = l[-1][1] if 0 <= x < thr: if 0 <= y < im_h - thr: return 1 elif im_h - thr <= y < im_h: return 2 elif thr <= x <= im_w - thr: if 0 <= y < im_h - thr: return 0 elif im_h - thr <= y < im_h: return 3 elif im_w - thr < x < im_w: if 0 <= y < im_h - thr: return 5 elif im_h - thr <= y < im_h: return 4 else: raise ConnectionError('point_position_out_of_pic') return None
- l:包含点坐标的 NumPy 数组;
- im_w:图片宽度;
- im_h:图片高度;
- thr:边缘宽度阈值,默认为 2.5。
如果点在图片边缘附近,则返回相应的数字,否则返回 None。具体返回的数字含义如下:
- 0:点不靠近图片边缘;
- 1:点靠近图片左边缘;
- 2:点靠近图片下边缘;
- 3:点靠近图片右边缘;
- 4:点靠近图片上边缘;
- 5:点靠近图片右上角。