假设已经定义了Vector.cpp,Vector.h,分别为Vector对象的定义和声明,再定义一个user.cpp,里面定义一个需要用到Vector的函数sqrt_sum(Vector& v),最后,我们在Unit.cpp中创建main函数,并调用sqrt_sum函数
时间: 2024-03-24 12:40:34 浏览: 55
// Unit.cpp
#include "Vector.h"
#include "user.h"
int main() {
Vector v(3);
v[0] = 1;
v[1] = 2;
v[2] = 3;
double result = sqrt_sum(v);
cout << "The square root of the sum of the vector is: " << result << endl;
return 0;
使用面向对象的方法编写代码,求解下列问题:You run four computer labs. Each lab contains computer stations that are numbered as the above table. ➢ Each user has a unique ID number. The ID starting with three characters (for example, SWE or DMT), and followed by three digits (like, 001). ➢ Whenever a user logs in, the user’s ID, lab number, and the computer station number are transmitted to your system. For example, if user SWE001 logs into lab 2 station 3, then your system receives (SWE001, 2, 3) as input data. Similarly, when a user SWE001 logs off a station, then your system receives the user id SWE001. ➢ If a user who is already logged into a computer attempts to log into a second computer, display “invalid login”. If a user attempts to log into a computer which is already occupied, display “invalid login”. If a user who is not included in the database attempts to log out, display "invalid logoff代码需要符合以下要求: ✓ VS 项目包含至少三个文件 ComputerLab.h、ComputerLab.cpp、main.cpp, ComputerLab.h中写类的定义,ComputerLab.cpp中写类的成员函数实现, main.cpp 中写主函数; ✓ 代码中应有两个类ComputerLab和User,且类中所有数据成员都为私有; ✓ ComputerLab 类是 User 类的友元,可访问 User 类中私有数据成员; ✓ 给 ComputerLab 类重载操作符+和-,分别实现用户登录和退出功能实现下列格式的输入输出If user SWE001 is logged into lab 2 station 3 and user DMT001 is logged into lab 1 station 4, use + for logging in, for logging off, and = for end of input: SWE001 2 3 DMT001 1 4 SWE001 输出格式 The status of all labs (who is logged into which computer). Otherwise, display invalid login or invalid logoff. You need to display the status of all labs even when the input is invalid.
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "User.h"
class ComputerLab
std::vector<User*> computers[4][10]; // 4 labs, each lab has 10 computers
friend class User;
void login(User* user, int lab, int computer);
void logout(User* user);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ComputerLab& lab);
#include "ComputerLab.h"
void ComputerLab::login(User* user, int lab, int computer)
if (user->loggedIn) {
std::cout << "invalid login\n";
if (!computers[lab - 1][computer - 1].empty()) {
std::cout << "invalid login\n";
computers[lab - 1][computer - 1].push_back(user);
user->loggedIn = true;
user->lab = lab;
user->computer = computer;
void ComputerLab::logout(User* user)
if (!user->loggedIn) {
std::cout << "invalid logoff\n";
computers[user->lab - 1][user->computer - 1].clear();
user->loggedIn = false;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ComputerLab& lab)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
os << "Lab " << i + 1 << ":\n";
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
os << "Computer " << j + 1 << ": ";
if (lab.computers[i][j].empty()) {
os << "empty\n";
else {
os << lab.computers[i][j][0]->id << "\n";
os << "\n";
return os;
#pragma once
#include <string>
class ComputerLab;
class User
std::string id;
bool loggedIn;
int lab;
int computer;
friend class ComputerLab;
User(std::string id);
void login(ComputerLab& lab, int computer);
void logout(ComputerLab& lab);
#include "User.h"
#include "ComputerLab.h"
User::User(std::string id) : id(id), loggedIn(false), lab(0), computer(0) {}
void User::login(ComputerLab& lab, int computer)
lab.login(this, this->lab, computer);
void User::logout(ComputerLab& lab)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "ComputerLab.h"
#include "User.h"
int main()
std::string input;
ComputerLab lab;
while (std::getline(std::cin, input)) {
if (input == "=") {
std::cout << lab;
std::string id;
int labNum, compNum;
std::stringstream ss(input);
ss >> id >> labNum >> compNum;
if (id.size() != 6 || id.substr(0,3) != "SWE" && id.substr(0,3) != "DMT" || !isdigit(id[3]) || !isdigit(id[4]) || !isdigit(id[5])) {
std::cout << "invalid login\n";
User* user = new User(id);
if (compNum < 1 || compNum > 10 || labNum < 1 || labNum > 4) {
std::cout << "invalid login\n";
delete user;
if (input[input.size() - 1] == '+') {
user->login(lab, compNum);
else if (input[input.size() - 1] == '-') {
delete user;
return 0;
User class ControlArc {std::string star; std::string startTime; std::string endTime; std::string circleId; };由上面类组成的std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> controlArcList,在task.h文件的plan类中已经通过读外部json实例化,遗传算法每个染色体由4个基因,每个基因都是controlArcList 随机产生一定个数的vector<ControlArc>组成的数组,适应度函数是每条染色体上(endTime-startTime)值最小,请给出完整的c++遗传算法代码,其中要写.h文件和.cpp文件
#ifndef TASK_H
#define TASK_H
#include <vector>
#include <string>
class ControlArc {
std::string star;
std::string startTime;
std::string endTime;
std::string circleId;
class Plan {
std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> controlArcList;
Plan() {}
Plan(std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> controlArcList) {
this->controlArcList = controlArcList;
#endif // TASK_H
#ifndef GA_H
#define GA_H
#include <vector>
#include "task.h"
class GA {
GA(int popSize, int maxGen, double pc, double pm, int geneSize, int arcNum, std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> controlArcList);
void run();
double fitness(Plan& p);
int popSize; // 种群规模
int maxGen; // 最大迭代次数
double pc; // 交叉概率
double pm; // 变异概率
int geneSize; // 染色体长度
int arcNum; // vector<ControlArc> 数组中元素的个数
std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> controlArcList; // 控制弧列表
std::vector<Plan> pop; // 种群
Plan bestIndiv; // 最优个体
double bestFitness; // 最优适应度
Plan decode(std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> gene);
std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> encode(Plan indiv);
void initPop();
void select(std::vector<Plan>& newPop);
void crossover(Plan& p1, Plan& p2);
void mutate(Plan& indiv);
#endif // GA_H
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include "ga.h"
GA::GA(int popSize, int maxGen, double pc, double pm, int geneSize, int arcNum, std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> controlArcList) {
this->popSize = popSize;
this->maxGen = maxGen;
this->pc = pc;
this->pm = pm;
this->geneSize = geneSize;
this->arcNum = arcNum;
this->controlArcList = controlArcList;
this->bestFitness = 9999999.0;
void GA::run() {
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); // 随机数生成器初始化
initPop(); // 初始化种群
for (int i = 0; i < maxGen; i++) { // 迭代maxGen次
std::vector<Plan> newPop; // 新种群
select(newPop); // 选择
for (int j = 0; j < popSize / 2; j++) { // 交叉
Plan& p1 = newPop[j * 2];
Plan& p2 = newPop[j * 2 + 1];
crossover(p1, p2);
for (int j = 0; j < popSize; j++) { // 变异
pop = newPop;
for (int j = 0; j < popSize; j++) { // 更新最优个体和最优适应度
double fit = fitness(pop[j]);
if (fit < bestFitness) {
bestFitness = fit;
bestIndiv = pop[j];
std::cout << "第" << i + 1 << "代,最优适应度:" << bestFitness << std::endl;
double GA::fitness(Plan& p) {
std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> gene = encode(p);
double minEndTime = 9999999.0;
for (int i = 0; i < gene.size(); i++) {
std::vector<ControlArc>& arcs = gene[i];
double endTime = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < arcs.size(); j++) {
double t = atof(arcs[j].endTime.c_str()) - atof(arcs[j].startTime.c_str());
if (t > 0) { // 时间差小于0的不计算
endTime += t;
if (endTime < minEndTime) {
minEndTime = endTime;
return minEndTime;
Plan GA::decode(std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> gene) {
return Plan(gene);
std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> GA::encode(Plan indiv) {
return indiv.controlArcList;
void GA::initPop() {
for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {
std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> gene(geneSize, std::vector<ControlArc>(arcNum));
for (int j = 0; j < geneSize; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < arcNum; k++) {
gene[j][k] = controlArcList[rand() % controlArcList.size()][rand() % controlArcList[0].size()];
bestIndiv = pop[0];
bestFitness = fitness(bestIndiv);
void GA::select(std::vector<Plan>& newPop) {
double sumFitness = 0.0;
std::vector<double> fitnessArr(popSize);
for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {
double fit = fitness(pop[i]);
sumFitness += fit;
fitnessArr[i] = sumFitness;
for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {
double fit = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX * sumFitness;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < popSize - 1; j++) {
if (fit <= fitnessArr[j]) {
void GA::crossover(Plan& p1, Plan& p2) {
if ((double)rand() / RAND_MAX < pc) { // 满足概率要求
int point1 = rand() % geneSize;
int point2 = rand() % geneSize;
if (point1 > point2) { // 确保point1小于point2
int temp = point1;
point1 = point2;
point2 = temp;
std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> gene1 = encode(p1);
std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> gene2 = encode(p2);
for (int i = point1; i <= point2; i++) { // 交叉基因
std::vector<ControlArc> temp = gene1[i];
gene1[i] = gene2[i];
gene2[i] = temp;
p1 = decode(gene1);
p2 = decode(gene2);
void GA::mutate(Plan& indiv) {
if ((double)rand() / RAND_MAX < pm) { // 满足概率要求
std::vector<std::vector<ControlArc>> gene = encode(indiv);
int point = rand() % geneSize;
for (int i = 0; i < arcNum; i++) { // 变异基因
gene[point][i] = controlArcList[rand() % controlArcList.size()][rand() % controlArcList[0].size()];
indiv = decode(gene);
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include "ga.h"
#include "task.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
int popSize = 50; // 种群规模
int maxGen = 100; // 最大迭代次数
double pc = 0.8; // 交叉概率
double pm = 0.2; // 变异概率
int geneSize = 4; // 染色体长度
int arcNum = 10; // vector<ControlArc> 数组中元素的个数
// 读取控制弧列表
ifstream fin("controlArcList.json");
nlohmann::json j;
fin >> j;
vector<vector<ControlArc>> controlArcList = j.get<vector<vector<ControlArc>>>();
GA ga(popSize, maxGen, pc, pm, geneSize, arcNum, controlArcList);
return 0;