时间: 2024-05-19 16:14:41 浏览: 71
It was found through the study in this article that multi-layer perceptron has the highest average prediction accuracy and the most excellent FPR, FNR, TPR, and TNR. Therefore, the most suitable algorithm in this article is multi-layer perceptron.
FPR(False Positive Rate):假阳性率,也叫误报率;
FNR(False Negative Rate):假阴性率,也叫漏报率;
TPR(True Positive Rate):真阳性率,也叫命中率、召回率、灵敏度;
TNR(True Negative Rate):真阴性率,也叫特异性。
def compute_eer(label, pred, positive_label=1): # 打的分数 # all fpr, tpr, fnr, fnr, threshold are lists (in the format of np.array) fpr, tpr, threshold = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(label, pred, positive_label) fnr = 1 - tpr # the threshold of fnr == fpr eer_threshold = threshold[np.nanargmin(np.absolute((fnr - fpr)))] # theoretically eer from fpr and eer from fnr should be identical but they can be slightly differ in reality eer_1 = fpr[np.nanargmin(np.absolute((fnr - fpr)))] eer_2 = fnr[np.nanargmin(np.absolute((fnr - fpr)))] # return the mean of eer from fpr and from fnr eer = (eer_1 + eer_2) / 2 return eer,eer_threshold
这是一个计算等误率(EER)的函数。它接受三个参数:真实标签(label)、模型预测值(pred)和正类标签(positive_label)。其中,label 和 pred 都是数组,positive_label 的默认值为 1。函数中使用了 scikit-learn 库的 roc_curve 函数来计算真正率(TPR)和假正率(FPR),并使用 numpy 库的函数来计算 EER 和阈值。最后,函数返回 EER 和相应的阈值。