
时间: 2024-03-25 22:40:51 浏览: 17
构造LR(1)分析程序的步骤如下: 1. 构造文法的所有LR(1)项集 2. 构造LR(1)分析表,包括ACTION和GOTO两个部分 3. 利用构造的分析表对输入的符号串进行分析 下面是一个示例代码,假设我们要判断如下文法是否可以识别给出的符号串: ``` S -> E E -> E + T | T T -> T * F | F F -> ( E ) | id ``` 符号串为:`( id + id ) * id` LR(1)分析程序代码如下: ```python # 定义文法的所有产生式 productions = [ ('S', 'E'), ('E', 'E', '+', 'T'), ('E', 'T'), ('T', 'T', '*', 'F'), ('T', 'F'), ('F', '(', 'E', ')'), ('F', 'id') ] # 定义终结符和非终结符 terminals = ['+', '*', '(', ')', 'id', '$'] non_terminals = ['S', 'E', 'T', 'F'] # 定义LR(1)项 class LR1Item: def __init__(self, production, dot_index, lookahead): self.production = production self.dot_index = dot_index self.lookahead = lookahead def __eq__(self, other): return self.production == other.production and self.dot_index == other.dot_index and self.lookahead == other.lookahead def __hash__(self): return hash((self.production, self.dot_index, self.lookahead)) def __str__(self): prod_str = ' '.join(self.production) prod_str = prod_str[:self.dot_index] + '.' + prod_str[self.dot_index:] return f"[{prod_str}, {self.lookahead}]" # 构造LR(1)项集 def closure_lr1(items): closure = set(items) while True: new_items = set() for item in closure: if item.dot_index < len(item.production) and item.production[item.dot_index] in non_terminals: for prod in productions: if prod[0] == item.production[item.dot_index]: lookahead = item.lookahead if item.dot_index + 1 < len(item.production): lookahead = first(item.production[item.dot_index + 1:], item.lookahead) new_item = LR1Item(prod, 0, lookahead) if new_item not in closure: new_items.add(new_item) if not new_items: break closure |= new_items return closure # 计算一个符号串的FIRST集 def first(symbols, lookahead): first_set = set() if not symbols: first_set.add(lookahead) elif symbols[0] in terminals: first_set.add(symbols[0]) elif symbols[0] in non_terminals: first_set |= first_table[symbols[0]] if 'eps' in first_set: first_set.remove('eps') first_set |= first(symbols[1:], lookahead) return first_set # 计算一个LR(1)项集的GOTO集 def goto_lr1(items, symbol): new_items = set() for item in items: if item.dot_index < len(item.production) and item.production[item.dot_index] == symbol: new_items.add(LR1Item(item.production, item.dot_index + 1, item.lookahead)) return closure_lr1(new_items) # 构造文法的FIRST集 first_table = {} for terminal in terminals: first_table[terminal] = set([terminal]) for non_terminal in non_terminals: first_table[non_terminal] = set() while True: updated = False for production in productions: non_terminal = production[0] symbols = production[1:] old_first_set = set(first_table[non_terminal]) first_set = first(symbols, 'eps') first_table[non_terminal] |= first_set if old_first_set != first_table[non_terminal]: updated = True if not updated: break # 构造LR(1)项集族 start_item = LR1Item(productions[0], 0, '$') start_set = closure_lr1(set([start_item])) item_sets = [start_set] while True: new_sets = [] for item_set in item_sets: for symbol in terminals + non_terminals: goto_set = goto_lr1(item_set, symbol) if goto_set and goto_set not in item_sets + new_sets: new_sets.append(goto_set) if not new_sets: break item_sets += new_sets # 构造LR(1)分析表 action_table = {} goto_table = {} for i, item_set in enumerate(item_sets): for item in item_set: if item.dot_index == len(item.production): if item.production[0] == 'S': action_table[(i, '$')] = 'accept' else: for j, production in enumerate(productions): if item.production == production and item.lookahead in follow_table[production[0]]: action_table[(i, item.lookahead)] = ('reduce', j) elif item.production[item.dot_index] in terminals: goto_set = goto_lr1(item_set, item.production[item.dot_index]) if goto_set in item_sets: action_table[(i, item.production[item.dot_index])] = ('shift', item_sets.index(goto_set)) elif item.production[item.dot_index] in non_terminals: goto_set = goto_lr1(item_set, item.production[item.dot_index]) if goto_set in item_sets: goto_table[(i, item.production[item.dot_index])] = item_sets.index(goto_set) # 构造文法的FOLLOW集 follow_table = {} for non_terminal in non_terminals: follow_table[non_terminal] = set() follow_table[productions[0][0]] = set(['$']) while True: updated = False for production in productions: for i in range(len(production) - 1): if production[i] in non_terminals: old_follow_set = set(follow_table[production[i]]) if production[i + 1] in terminals: follow_table[production[i]] |= set([production[i + 1]]) elif production[i + 1] in non_terminals: follow_table[production[i]] |= first_table[production[i + 1]] if 'eps' in follow_table[production[i]]: follow_table[production[i]].remove('eps') follow_table[production[i]] |= follow_table[production[0]] if old_follow_set != follow_table[production[i]]: updated = True if production[-1] in non_terminals: old_follow_set = set(follow_table[production[-1]]) follow_table[production[-1]] |= follow_table[production[0]] if old_follow_set != follow_table[production[-1]]: updated = True if not updated: break # 对输入符号串进行分析 stack = [0] input_str = "( id + id ) * id $" input_index = 0 while True: state = stack[-1] lookahead = input_str[input_index] if (state, lookahead) in action_table: action = action_table[(state, lookahead)] if action == 'accept': print("该符号串是该文法可以识别的句子!") break elif action[0] == 'shift': stack.append(lookahead) stack.append(action[1]) input_index += 1 elif action[0] == 'reduce': production_index = action[1] production = productions[production_index] for i in range(2 * len(production)): stack.pop() new_state = stack[-1] stack.append(production[0]) stack.append(goto_table[(new_state, production[0])]) else: raise Exception("ERROR") else: raise Exception("ERROR") ``` 上述代码中,我们首先构造了LR(1)项集族,然后利用它构造了LR(1)分析表,最后利用LR(1)分析表对输入的符号串进行了分析。在分析过程中,我们使用了一个栈来模拟LR分析器的行为,不断地从栈中弹出符号并将新的符号压入栈中,直到遇到接受状态或者出现语法错误。





语法分析的主要任务是接收词法分析程序识别出来的单词符由某种号串,判断它们是否语言的文法产生,即判断被识别的符号串是否为某语法部分。 LR(k)分析法是给出一种能根据当前分析栈中的符号串,“k”是指为了作出...

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