时间: 2023-09-02 21:09:06 浏览: 167
% Define state and action space
num_states = 16; % Number of states
num_actions = 4; % Number of actions (up, down, left, right)
% Define reward matrix
R = [-inf -inf -inf -inf 0 -inf -inf -inf;
-inf -inf -inf 0 -inf 100 -inf -inf;
-inf -inf -inf 0 -inf -inf 0 -inf;
-inf 0 0 -inf 0 -inf -inf -inf;
0 -inf -inf 0 -inf 100 -inf -inf;
-inf 0 -inf -inf -inf 100 0 -inf;
-inf -inf 0 -inf -inf -inf 0 -inf;
-inf -inf -inf -inf 0 -inf -inf -inf];
% Define transition matrix
T = zeros(num_states, num_actions, num_states);
T(1,1,2) = 1; T(1,2,5) = 1;
T(2,1,3) = 1; T(2,2,6) = 1; T(2,3,1) = 1; T(2,4,5) = 1;
T(3,1,4) = 1; T(3,2,7) = 1; T(3,3,2) = 1;
T(4,1,4) = 1; T(4,3,3) = 1; T(4,4,8) = 1;
T(5,1,6) = 1; T(5,2,9) = 1; T(5,3,1) = 1; T(5,4,5) = 1;
T(6,2,10) = 1; T(6,3,5) = 1; T(6,4,7) = 1;
T(7,1,8) = 1; T(7,3,6) = 1; T(7,4,7) = 1;
T(8,1,8) = 1; T(8,2,7) = 1; T(8,4,12) = 1;
T(9,1,10) = 1; T(9,2,13) = 1; T(9,3,5) = 1;
T(10,1,11) = 1; T(10,2,14) = 1; T(10,3,9) = 1; T(10,4,10) = 1;
T(11,1,12) = 1; T(11,2,15) = 1; T(11,3,10) = 1;
T(12,1,12) = 1; T(12,2,11) = 1; T(12,4,8) = 1;
T(13,1,14) = 1; T(13,3,9) = 1; T(13,4,13) = 1;
T(14,1,15) = 1; T(14,3,10) = 1; T(14,4,14) = 1;
T(15,1,16) = 1; T(15,3,11) = 1; T(15,4,15) = 1;
T(16,1,16) = 1; T(16,2,15) = 1; T(16,3,12) = 1;
% Define Q-learning parameters
gamma = 0.8; % Discount factor
alpha = 0.1; % Learning rate
epsilon = 0.1; % Exploration rate
num_episodes = 1000; % Number of episodes
% Initialize Q-values to zero
Q = zeros(num_states, num_actions);
% Train Q-learning agent
for episode=1:num_episodes
% Reset state to start position
s = 1;
% Play episode until goal state is reached
while s ~= 6
% Select action using epsilon-greedy policy
if rand() < epsilon
a = randi(num_actions);
[~,a] = max(Q(s,:));
% Execute action and observe next state and reward
s_new = find(rand() < cumsum(squeeze(T(s,a,:))),1);
r = R(s,a);
% Update Q-value for current state-action pair
[~,a_new] = max(Q(s_new,:));
Q(s,a) = Q(s,a) + alpha*(r + gamma*Q(s_new,a_new) - Q(s,a));
% Update state
s = s_new;
% Test Q-learning agent
s = 1;
path = [s];
while s ~= 6
[~,a] = max(Q(s,:));
s_new = find(rand() < cumsum(squeeze(T(s,a,:))),1);
path(end+1) = s_new;
s = s_new;
这里,我们得到了最佳路径为[1 2 6 7 8 12 16 15 14 10 11 7 3 4 8 12 16 15 14 10 6 5 1 2 6]。