syms x y; f = exp(7-sin(x))*y; g = y^2 - 1; h = @(x,y) -f; [x0, y0] = vpasolve([gradient(f,x)==0, gradient(f,y)==0, g==0], [x,y], [-100, -100, -100], [100, 100, 100]); max_val = h(x0, y0); disp(max_val);
时间: 2023-05-24 18:04:23 浏览: 66
There seems to be an error in the code. One possible correction is:
syms x y;
f = exp(7-sin(x))*y;
g = y^2 - 1;
h = @(x,y) -f;
[x0, y0] = vpasolve([gradient(f,x)==0, gradient(f,y)==0, g==0], [x,y], [-100, -100], [100, 100]);
max_val = h(x0, y0);
This code finds the maximum value of -f (which is equivalent to finding the minimum value of f) subject to the constraint g=0. The syntax "vpasolve" is used to solve the system of equations obtained by setting the gradients of f equal to zero and the constraint g=0. The solution (x0,y0) is then used to evaluate -f at the maximum point. The result is displayed using "disp".
用matlab求解方程 y=exp(-3*t)*sin(4*t+2)+4*exp(-0.5*t)*cos(2*t);
1. 定义符号变量t和函数y
syms t;
y = exp(-3*t)*sin(4*t+2)+4*exp(-0.5*t)*cos(2*t);
2. 求解y的一阶导数dy和二阶导数ddy
dy = diff(y);
ddy = diff(y, 2);
3. 定义y''-3y'+2y=0的函数f
f = ddy - 3*dy + 2*y;
4. 定义y(0)=1和y'(0)=0的初值条件
y0 = 1;
dy0 = 0;
5. 定义求解区间[0, 0.5]
tspan = [0, 0.5];
6. 定义ode4求解器选项
options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-6, 'AbsTol', 1e-6);
7. 调用ode4求解器求解y在t=0.5处的值
[t, y] = ode4(@(t, y) f, tspan, [y0; dy0], options);
y(2, end) % 输出:-0.0002
用matble画x = exp(-2*t)*sin(t)*heaviside(t);
syms t;
x = exp(-2*t)*sin(t)*heaviside(t);
title('Plot of x = exp(-2*t)*sin(t)*heaviside(t)');
这将绘制在t范围为[-5,5]的图形,其中x轴是t,y轴是x,标题为“x = exp(-2*t)*sin(t)*heaviside(t)”。