x >> i & 1 是什么意思
时间: 2024-06-04 18:12:04 浏览: 217
The ">>" operator in programming is the right shift operator. The expression "x >> i" means to shift the binary representation of the value of x i places to the right. If the value of x is positive, the shifted bits are filled with 0's on the left side. If the value of x is negative, the shifted bits are filled with 1's on the left side (this is called sign extension).
For example, if x = 10 (which in binary is 1010) and i = 2, then x >> i would be 0010 (which is 2 in decimal).
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) { if (~a >> i & 1 && a + b + (2ll << i) <= 2 * x) { b |= 1ll << i; a |= 1ll << i; } }翻译一下每行的意思
1. `for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) {`:从31开始循环到0,这是因为在32位整数中,最高位的索引是31。
2. `if (~a >> i & 1 && a + b + (2ll << i) <= 2 * x) {`:判断条件,如果满足以下两个条件:a的第i位为0(通过对a取反后右移i位再与1做与运算得到)且 a + b + (2ll << i) 小于等于 2 * x,则执行后续操作。
3. `b |= 1ll << i;`:将b的第i位设置为1,即将b的第i位和a的第i位都更新为1。
4. `a |= 1ll << i;`:将a的第i位设置为1,即将b的第i位和a的第i位都更新为1。
Nr=39; Ny=22000; t=linspace(0,39,Nr)'; t1=linspace(0,110,Ny)'; x=zeros(Ny,Nr); z=zeros(Ny,Nr); y=zeros(Ny,Nr); for i=1:Ny y(i,:) = t; if i>0 && i<=17*200 z(i,:) = 0; elseif i>17*200 && i<=45*200 z(i,:) = (4/7*t - 9.7); elseif i>45*200 && i<=65*200 z(i,:) = 16; elseif i>65*200 && i<=93*200 z(i,:) = (-4/7*t + 53.1); elseif i>93*200 && i<=110*200 z(i,:) = 0; end end for j=1:Nr x(:,j)=t1; end V=d2; c=zeros(Nr,Ny); for j = 1:Nr for i = 1:Ny c(j,i) = V((j-1)*(length(x))+i); end end c=c'; h=surf(x,y,z,c); set(h,'edgecolor','none'); xlabel('x/mm'); ylabel('y/mm'); zlabel('z/mm');什么意思