void traverse_huffman_tree(huffman_tree_node_t *root, char *code, huffman_code_t *huffman_codes)
时间: 2023-06-14 11:08:21 浏览: 82
- `root`:哈夫曼树的根节点
- `code`:用来存储生成的哈夫曼编码的字符数组
- `huffman_codes`:存储每个字符的哈夫曼编码的结构体数组
void traverse_huffman_tree(huffman_tree_node_t *root, char *code, huffman_code_t *huffman_codes);
void traverse_huffman_tree(huffman_tree_node_t *root, char *code, huffman_code_t *huffman_codes) {
if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) { // 当前节点为叶子节点
strcpy(huffman_codes[root->symbol].code, code); // 将当前节点的编码存入对应字符的哈夫曼编码中
if (root->left != NULL) { // 遍历左子树
code[strlen(code)] = '0'; // 当前节点编码加上'0'表示向左走
traverse_huffman_tree(root->left, code, huffman_codes);
code[strlen(code)-1] = '\0'; // 回溯到上一层节点
if (root->right != NULL) { // 遍历右子树
code[strlen(code)] = '1'; // 当前节点编码加上'1'表示向右走
traverse_huffman_tree(root->right, code, huffman_codes);
code[strlen(code)-1] = '\0'; // 回溯到上一层节点
How can I build a Huffman tree?
To build a Huffman tree, follow these steps:
1. Create a frequency table: Count the frequency of each character in the message you want to encode. The frequency table lists each character and its frequency.
2. Sort the frequency table: Sort the frequency table in ascending order of frequency.
3. Create a binary tree: Create a binary tree with each character in the frequency table as a leaf node.
4. Merge the nodes: Take the two nodes with the lowest frequency and merge them into a single node. This new node becomes the parent of the two nodes.
5. Update the frequency table: Remove the two nodes that were merged from the frequency table and add the new node with the combined frequency.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5: Continue merging nodes until only one node remains, which is the root of the Huffman tree.
7. Assign codes to the characters: Traverse the Huffman tree to assign a binary code to each character. Assign a 0 to each left branch and a 1 to each right branch.
8. Encode the message: Use the binary code assigned to each character to encode the message.
9. Decode the message: Use the Huffman tree to decode the message by traversing the tree based on the binary code.