module 'sklearn.metrics' has no attribute 'si1houette_score
时间: 2023-07-21 08:02:55 浏览: 123
The correct attribute name is 'silhouette_score' instead of 'si1houette_score'. The 'silhouette_score' is a metric for evaluating the quality of clustering results. You can use it to measure the separation between clusters. Here's an example of how to use it:
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score
# Assuming you have the true labels and predicted labels
true_labels = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2]
predicted_labels = [1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2]
score = silhouette_score(true_labels, predicted_labels)
print("Silhouette Score:", score)
Make sure you have the scikit-learn library installed and imported correctly.
module 'sklearn.metrics' has no attribute 'calinski_harabasz_score'
from sklearn.metrics import calinski_harabasz
然后在代码中使用 `calinski_harabasz(X, labels)` 替换 `calinski_harabasz_score(X, labels)`。
AttributeError: module 'sklearn.metrics' has no attribute 'calinski_harabasz_score'
AttributeError: module 'sklearn.metrics' has no attribute 'calinski_harabasz_score'是由于sklearn.metrics模块中没有名为calinski_harabasz_score的属性引起的。可能的原因是您使用的sklearn版本中没有这个属性或者您的导入语句有误。
1. 确保您的sklearn版本是最新的。您可以使用以下命令升级sklearn:
pip install -U scikit-learn
2. 检查您的导入语句是否正确。请确保导入语句如下:
from sklearn.metrics import calinski_harabasz_score