C++Write a C++ program that defines a cmplx struct.The cmplx struct object type should include... Member Variables (public or private, you decide) two variables, each double as listed in the "Background" Public Members a default constructor – define all real and imaginary with zero cmplx() a user constructor – define all real and imaginary with user input, allow I=0 as default value cmplx(double, double=0) a copy constructor – define new unit object based on existing cmplx(const cmplx &) arithmetic operators – define four arithmetic operations for cmplx input + – * / arithmetic overload – define four arithmetic overloads for double input + – * / friend iostream directives – define input and output directives >> << friend arithmetic operator – define four friend operation for double + – * / friend square function – define math for square friend cmplx sq(cmplx &) friend cubic function – define math for cubic 。friend cmplx cu(cmplx &)

时间: 2024-02-14 08:06:49 浏览: 72
Here is a sample implementation of the cmplx struct in C++: ```c++ #include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; struct cmplx { private: double real; double imag; public: cmplx(): real(0), imag(0) {} cmplx(double r, double i = 0): real(r), imag(i) {} cmplx(const cmplx& c): real(c.real), imag(c.imag) {} friend cmplx operator+(const cmplx& c1, const cmplx& c2) { return cmplx(c1.real + c2.real, c1.imag + c2.imag); } friend cmplx operator-(const cmplx& c1, const cmplx& c2) { return cmplx(c1.real - c2.real, c1.imag - c2.imag); } friend cmplx operator*(const cmplx& c1, const cmplx& c2) { return cmplx(c1.real*c2.real - c1.imag*c2.imag, c1.real*c2.imag + c1.imag*c2.real); } friend cmplx operator/(const cmplx& c1, const cmplx& c2) { double d = c2.real*c2.real + c2.imag*c2.imag; return cmplx((c1.real*c2.real + c1.imag*c2.imag) / d, (c1.imag*c2.real - c1.real*c2.imag) / d); } friend cmplx operator+(const cmplx& c, double d) { return cmplx(c.real + d, c.imag); } friend cmplx operator-(const cmplx& c, double d) { return cmplx(c.real - d, c.imag); } friend cmplx operator*(const cmplx& c, double d) { return cmplx(c.real*d, c.imag*d); } friend cmplx operator/(const cmplx& c, double d) { return cmplx(c.real/d, c.imag/d); } friend cmplx operator+(double d, const cmplx& c) { return c + d; } friend cmplx operator-(double d, const cmplx& c) { return cmplx(d) - c; } friend cmplx operator*(double d, const cmplx& c) { return c*d; } friend cmplx operator/(double d, const cmplx& c) { double d2 = c.real*c.real + c.imag*c.imag; return cmplx(d*c.real/d2, -d*c.imag/d2); } friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, cmplx& c) { is >> c.real >> c.imag; return is; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const cmplx& c) { os << c.real << " + " << c.imag << "i"; return os; } friend cmplx sq(cmplx& c) { return c*c; } friend cmplx cu(cmplx& c) { return c*c*c; } }; int main() { cmplx a(1, 2), b(3, 4); cmplx c = a + b; cmplx d = a - b; cmplx e = a * b; cmplx f = a / b; cout << "a = " << a << endl; cout << "b = " << b << endl; cout << "a + b = " << c << endl; cout << "a - b = " << d << endl; cout << "a * b = " << e << endl; cout << "a / b = " << f << endl; cmplx g = a + 2.5; cmplx h = 3.7 - b; cmplx i = a * 1.5; cmplx j = b / 2.0; cout << "a + 2.5 = " << g << endl; cout << "3.7 - b = " << h << endl; cout << "a * 1.5 = " << i << endl; cout << "b / 2.0 = " << j << endl; cmplx k = 2.5 + a; cmplx l = 3.7 - b; cmplx m = 1.5 * a; cmplx n = 2.0 / b; cout << "2.5 + a = " << k << endl; cout << "3.7 - b = " << l << endl; cout << "1.5 * a = " << m << endl; cout << "2.0 / b = " << n << endl; cout << "a^2 = " << sq(a) << endl; cout << "b^3 = " << cu(b) << endl; return 0; } ``` In this implementation, the cmplx struct has two private member variables for the real and imaginary parts. It also has a default constructor, a user constructor with a default value for the imaginary part, and a copy constructor. The struct defines arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /) for cmplx input and overloaded arithmetic operators for double input. It also defines input and output directives and friend math functions for square and cube.


Write a C++ program that defines a class DateV3 with the following: (1) private member variables: int year, month, day; (2) Has three constructors and one destructor as follows: The first constructor takes three parameters, int y, int m, int n; The second is the copy constructor that takes a DateV3 object as the parameter; The third is the default constructor that takes no parameter; The destructor takes no parameter. (3) Has overloaded operators: int operator-(DateV3 & oneDate); // return difference in days between the calling object and oneDate DateV3 operator+(int inc); // return a Date object that is inc days later than the calling object DateV3 operator-(int dec); // return a Date object that is dec days earlier than the calling object DateV3 operator++(); // overload the prefix ++ operator DateV3 operator++(int); // overload the postfix ++ operator friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& outputStream, DateV3& theDate); // overload the << operator Test class DateV3 in the main function as follows: (1) Declare and initialize an object to represent today, which should be the date that you work on this assignment. (2) Declare and initialize an object to represent your OWN birthday. Programming for Engineers C++ (3) Express John’s birthday given John is 5 days older than yours. (4) Create Tom’s birthday by using the copy constructor, assuming Tom has the same birthday as you. (5) Display how many days have passed since your birth, John’s birth, and Tom’s birth, respectively. (6) Create an DateV3 object, someday, by cloning Tom’s birthday. Increment someday by the prefix operator ++ once, and by postfix operator ++ once. (7) Display someday, today, your birthday, John’s birthday, and Tom’s birthday. (8) Declare a DateV3 object to represent 28 February 2024, display it, apply the prefix ++ operator on it, display it again, and apply the postfix ++ operator on it and display it again.

C++Write a program that will prepare a shipping label and determine the cost for a box of any size and mass. five attributes: type double length, width, height, mass, price six attributes: type string senderName, receiverName, senderAddress, receiverAddress, originCountry, destinationCountry (you can shorten names if you like, just make a comment about their meaning) a default constructor – basic initial values for all parameters a user constructor – input sender Name, senderAddress, originCountry a double function volume() – a function to return l×w×h a double function surfArea() – a function to return 2×(l×w+l×h+w×h) a double function girth() – a function to return the perimeter for the two smallest dimensions P=2(x+y), where x and y are the two smalles of l,w,h a double function maxDim() – a function to return the largest dimension from l,w,h a double function pricing() – a function to return the shipping price based on the table above an operator+ function – a function that determines the total cost of shipping (return type double).... (you may decide how to calculate.... a) add prices from both packages, b) apply fee or discount for number of packages) an operator>> function – a function to get the information from the user about the package.... OR.... a set of “ask” functions to ask the same information an operator<< function – a function to type the information in the shipping label format.... OR.... a set of “print” functions – to print the same information

C++ defines a class DateV3 with the following: private member variables: int year, month, day; Has three constructors and one destructor as follows: The first constructor takes three parameters, int y, int m, int n; The second is the copy constructor that takes a DateV3 object as the parameter; The third is the default constructor that takes no parameter; The destructor takes no parameter. (3) Has overloaded operators: int operator-(DateV3 & oneDate); // return difference in days between the calling object and oneDate DateV3 operator+(int inc); // return a Date object that is inc days later than the calling object DateV3 operator-(int dec); // return a Date object that is dec days earlier than the calling object DateV3 operator++(); // overload the prefix ++ operator DateV3 operator++(int); // overload the postfix ++ operator friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& outputStream, DateV3& theDate); // overload the << operator Test class DateV3 in the main function as follows: Declare and initialize an object to represent today, which should be the date that you work on this assignment.Declare and initialize an object to represent your OWN birthday.Express John’s birthday given John is 5 days older than yours. Create Tom’s birthday by using the copy constructor, assuming Tom has the same birthday as you. Display how many days have passed since your birth, John’s birth, and Tom’s birth, respectively. Create an DateV3 object, someday, by cloning Tom’s birthday. Increment someday by the prefix operator ++ once, and by postfix operator ++ once.Display someday, today, your birthday, John’s birthday, and Tom’s birthday. Declare a DateV3 object to represent 28 February 2024, display it, apply the prefix ++ operator on it, display it again, and apply the postfix ++ operator on it and display it again.

Write a C++ program that defines a class DateV2 that (1) Contains all the members in the class DateV1; Programming for Engineers C++ (2) Has two constructors as follows: One takes three parameters, int y, int m, int n; The other is the default constructor that takes no parameter (3) Has additional public member functions as follows: string getWeekDay(); // return the week day, for example, Sunday if day is 0, etc bool Leap(); // return if the year is leap int differFrom(DateV2& oneDate); // return the difference in days between the calling object // and the oneDate object void printDate(); // print the year, the month in English, the day, and the week day Test class DateV2 in the main function as follows: (1) Declare and set the objects today and tomorrow as in Problem 2. (2) Declare and initialize (by a constructor) an object to represent your OWN birthday. (3) Use the member function printDate to print today, tomorrow, and your birthday. (4) Output the weekday of today, tomorrow, and your own birthday. (5) Output how many days has passed since your birth (the difference between your birthday and today). Hint: i) We can use another string array to store the English name for week days (Sunday, Monday, through Saturday) ii) We know that it is Monday on Year 1, Month 1, and Day 1 iii) A good idea is to first design a function to compute the number of days that has passed since Year 1, Month 1, and Day 1, and then to use this function to compute the week day for a give date and to compute the difference between two dates. You can store the number of days for each of the 12 months in an integer array, which helps in counting the days.



SD Specifications Part 1 - Physical Layer Specification 4.0

SD Specifications Part 1 Physical Layer Simplified Specification Version 4.10 January 22, 2013

ORAN协议 v04.00

ORAN协议 v04.00


 以下为转载 Plasma工作原理介紹 工作原理 清洁效果的检验  Pull and Shear tests  Water contact angle measurement  Auger Electron Spectroscopic Analysis Plasma机构原理圖 Plasma產生的原理 Plasma產生的條件 Ar/O2 Plasma的原理 Plasma Process Plasma Parameter--(pc32系列) Plasma 功效 早期,日本为了迎合高集成度的电子制造技术,开始使用超薄镀金技术,镀金厚度小于0.05mm。但问题也随之而来,当DM工艺后,经过烘烤,使原镀金层下的Ni元素会上移到表面。在随后的WB工艺中由于这些Ni元素及其他沾污会导致着线不佳现象,甚至着不上线(漏线,少线,第一点剥离,第二点剥离)。Plasma清洗机也就随之出现。 初版----劉卓 更新版----彭齊全




13.6 集成运放电路 由分立元件构成的电路具有电子设计上灵活性大的优点,但缺点是功耗大、稳定性差、可靠性差, 此外,设计本身较复杂。集成电路采用微电子技术构成具有特定功能的电路系统模块,与分立元件构成 的电路相比,性能有了很大提高,电子设计也更为简单。 集成运算放大器是高增益、高输入阻抗、低输出阻抗、直接耦合的线性放大集成电路,功耗低、稳 定性好、可靠性高。可以通过外围元器件的连接构成放大器、信号发生电路、运算电路、滤波器等电路。 以集成运放μA741 为例,图 13.6-1 是μA741 的管脚示意图及实物照片。 图 13.6-1 集成运放μA741 管脚示意图及实物照片



VScode编译C++ 头文件显示not found的问题

VScode编译C++ 头文件显示not found的问题 VScode是一个功能强大且流行的代码编辑器,它支持多种编程语言,包括C++。但是,在使用VScode编译C++代码时,可能会遇到头文件显示not found的问题。本文将详细介绍这个...


VSCode配置C/C++并添加非工作区头文件的方法 本文主要介绍了VSCode配置C/C++并添加非工作区头文件的方法,对大家的学习或工作具有一定的参考借鉴价值。 一、VSCode配置C/C++ VSCode配置C/C++需要安装MinGW,并...






在IT行业,虚拟串口技术是模拟物理串行端口的一种软件解决方案。虚拟串口允许在不使用实体串口硬件的情况下,通过计算机上的软件来模拟串行端口,实现数据的发送和接收。这对于使用基于串行通信的旧硬件设备或者在系统中需要更多串口而硬件资源有限的情况特别有用。 虚拟串口软件的作用机制是创建一个虚拟设备,在操作系统中表现得如同实际存在的硬件串口一样。这样,用户可以通过虚拟串口与其它应用程序交互,就像使用物理串口一样。虚拟串口软件通常用于以下场景: 1. 对于使用老式串行接口设备的用户来说,若计算机上没有相应的硬件串口,可以借助虚拟串口软件来与这些设备进行通信。 2. 在开发和测试中,开发者可能需要模拟多个串口,以便在没有真实硬件串口的情况下进行软件调试。 3. 在虚拟机环境中,实体串口可能不可用或难以配置,虚拟串口则可以提供一个无缝的串行通信途径。 4. 通过虚拟串口软件,可以在计算机网络中实现串口设备的远程访问,允许用户通过局域网或互联网进行数据交换。 虚拟串口软件一般包含以下几个关键功能: - 创建虚拟串口对,用户可以指定任意数量的虚拟串口,每个虚拟串口都有自己的参数设置,比如波特率、数据位、停止位和校验位等。 - 捕获和记录串口通信数据,这对于故障诊断和数据记录非常有用。 - 实现虚拟串口之间的数据转发,允许将数据从一个虚拟串口发送到另一个虚拟串口或者实际的物理串口,反之亦然。 - 集成到操作系统中,许多虚拟串口软件能被集成到操作系统的设备管理器中,提供与物理串口相同的用户体验。 关于标题中提到的“无毒附说明”,这是指虚拟串口软件不含有恶意软件,不含有病毒、木马等可能对用户计算机安全造成威胁的代码。说明文档通常会详细介绍软件的安装、配置和使用方法,确保用户可以安全且正确地操作。 由于提供的【压缩包子文件的文件名称列表】为“虚拟串口”,这可能意味着在进行虚拟串口操作时,相关软件需要对文件进行操作,可能涉及到的文件类型包括但不限于配置文件、日志文件以及可能用于数据保存的文件。这些文件对于软件来说是其正常工作的重要组成部分。 总结来说,虚拟串口软件为计算机系统提供了在软件层面模拟物理串口的功能,从而扩展了串口通信的可能性,尤其在缺少物理串口或者需要实现串口远程通信的场景中。虚拟串口软件的设计和使用,体现了IT行业为了适应和解决实际问题所创造的先进技术解决方案。在使用这类软件时,用户应确保软件来源的可靠性和安全性,以防止潜在的系统安全风险。同时,根据软件的使用说明进行正确配置,确保虚拟串口的正确应用和数据传输的安全。


# 摘要 Python作为一种高级编程语言,在数据处理、分析和机器学习等领域中扮演着重要角色。本文从Python的高级特性入手,深入探讨了面向对象编程、函数式编程技巧、并发编程以及性能优化等多个方面。特别强调了类的高级用法、迭代器与生成器、装饰器、高阶函数的运用,以及并发编程中的多线程、多进程和异步处理模型。文章还分析了性能优化技术,包括性能分析工具的使用、内存管理与垃圾回收优

后端调用ragflow api

### 如何在后端调用 RAGFlow API RAGFlow 是一种高度可配置的工作流框架,支持从简单的个人应用扩展到复杂的超大型企业生态系统的场景[^2]。其提供了丰富的功能模块,包括多路召回、融合重排序等功能,并通过易用的 API 接口实现与其他系统的无缝集成。 要在后端项目中调用 RAGFlow 的 API,通常需要遵循以下方法: #### 1. 配置环境并安装依赖 确保已克隆项目的源码仓库至本地环境中,并按照官方文档完成必要的初始化操作。可以通过以下命令获取最新版本的代码库: ```bash git clone https://github.com/infiniflow/rag


IE6浏览器由于历史原因,对CSS和PNG图片格式的支持存在一些限制,特别是在显示PNG格式图片的透明效果时,经常会出现显示不正常的问题。虽然IE6在当今已不被推荐使用,但在一些老旧的系统和企业环境中,它仍然可能存在。因此,了解如何在IE6中正确显示PNG透明效果,对于维护老旧网站具有一定的现实意义。 ### 知识点一:PNG图片和IE6的兼容性问题 PNG(便携式网络图形格式)支持24位真彩色和8位的alpha通道透明度,这使得它在Web上显示具有透明效果的图片时非常有用。然而,IE6并不支持PNG-24格式的透明度,它只能正确处理PNG-8格式的图片,如果PNG图片包含alpha通道,IE6会显示一个不透明的灰块,而不是预期的透明效果。 ### 知识点二:解决方案 由于IE6不支持PNG-24透明效果,开发者需要采取一些特殊的措施来实现这一效果。以下是几种常见的解决方法: #### 1. 使用滤镜(AlphaImageLoader滤镜) 可以通过CSS滤镜技术来解决PNG透明效果的问题。AlphaImageLoader滤镜可以加载并显示PNG图片,同时支持PNG图片的透明效果。 ```css .alphaimgfix img { behavior: url(DD_Png/PIE.htc); } ``` 在上述代码中,`behavior`属性指向了一个 HTC(HTML Component)文件,该文件名为PIE.htc,位于DD_Png文件夹中。PIE.htc是著名的IE7-js项目中的一个文件,它可以帮助IE6显示PNG-24的透明效果。 #### 2. 使用JavaScript库 有多个JavaScript库和类库提供了PNG透明效果的解决方案,如DD_Png提到的“压缩包子”文件,这可能是一个专门为了在IE6中修复PNG问题而创建的工具或者脚本。使用这些JavaScript工具可以简单快速地解决IE6的PNG问题。 #### 3. 使用GIF代替PNG 在一些情况下,如果透明效果不是必须的,可以使用透明GIF格式的图片替代PNG图片。由于IE6可以正确显示透明GIF,这种方法可以作为一种快速的替代方案。 ### 知识点三:AlphaImageLoader滤镜的局限性 使用AlphaImageLoader滤镜虽然可以解决透明效果问题,但它也有一些局限性: - 性能影响:滤镜可能会影响页面的渲染性能,因为它需要为每个应用了滤镜的图片单独加载JavaScript文件和HTC文件。 - 兼容性问题:滤镜只在IE浏览器中有用,在其他浏览器中不起作用。 - DOM复杂性:需要为每一个图片元素单独添加样式规则。 ### 知识点四:维护和未来展望 随着现代浏览器对标准的支持越来越好,大多数网站开发者已经放弃对IE6的兼容,转而只支持IE8及以上版本、Firefox、Chrome、Safari、Opera等现代浏览器。尽管如此,在某些特定环境下,仍然可能需要考虑到老版本IE浏览器的兼容问题。 对于仍然需要维护IE6兼容性的老旧系统,建议持续关注兼容性解决方案的更新,并评估是否有可能通过升级浏览器或更换技术栈来彻底解决这些问题。同时,对于新开发的项目,强烈建议采用支持现代Web标准的浏览器和开发实践。 在总结上述内容时,我们讨论了IE6中显示PNG透明效果的问题、解决方案、滤镜的局限性以及在现代Web开发中对待老旧浏览器的态度。通过理解这些知识点,开发者能够更好地处理在维护老旧Web应用时遇到的兼容性挑战。


# 摘要 本论文全面概述了欧姆龙触摸屏的常见故障类型及其成因,并从理论和实践两个方面深入探讨了故障诊断与修复的技术细节。通过分析触摸屏的工作原理、诊断流程和维护策略,本文不仅提供了一系列硬件和软件故障的诊断与处理技巧,还详细介绍了预防措施和维护工具。此外,本文展望了触摸屏技术的未来发展趋势,讨论了新技术应用、智能化工业自动化整合以及可持续发展和环保设计的重要性,旨在为工程


### 关于 Educoder 平台上 C 和 C++ 选择结构的相关综合练习 在 Educoder 平台上的 C 和 C++ 编程课程中,选择结构是一个重要的基础部分。它通常涉及条件语句 `if`、`else if` 和 `switch-case` 的应用[^1]。以下是针对选择结构的一些典型题目及其解法: #### 条件判断中的最大值计算 以下代码展示了如何通过嵌套的 `if-else` 判断三个整数的最大值。 ```cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; int max(int a, int b, int c) { if