What is the difference between the primary and secondary data

时间: 2023-03-27 08:03:35 浏览: 84
主要数据和次要数据的区别是什么? 主要数据是直接从原始来源获得的数据,而次要数据是从其他来源收集的数据。主要数据是最准确和可靠的数据,因为它们是直接从原始来源获得的,而次要数据可能会存在误差或不准确的情况。主要数据通常需要更多的时间和成本来收集,而次要数据则更容易获得。

请帮忙翻译一下文档内容 3.1. Open position. It is the position of the latch mechanism where the claw/Fork-bolt of the latch is ready to capture the striker. 3.2. Secondary position It is the position of the latch mechanism where the claw/Fork-bolt maintains the door closed partially (intermediate position between fully open and fully closed). 3.3. Primary position It is the position of the latch mechanism where the claw/Fork-bolt maintains the door completely closed. 3.4. Home position It is the position that the cinching actuator shall maintain after each cinching function and when idle. The cinch actuator mechanism shall maintain this position when it is not powered. The mechanism must be returned to this position after performing cinching operation from secondary to primary position. 3.5. Cinching The latch H40C is equipped with cinch actuator remote unit that connects to the latch via bowden cable and will move the Claw/Fork-bolt mechanism from secondary to primary position overcoming the seal load of the door. After the latch has reached primary position, the cinch actuator must return to a home position. 3.6. Power release The latch has the ability to electrically release the latch from either primary or secondary latched positions. Actuator will return mechanically to its home position after each power release operation via internal torsion spring.

3.1. 开放位置。这是门锁机制的位置,其中锁爪/叉形螺栓准备捕捉门锁钩子。 3.2. 次要位置。这是门锁机制的位置,其中锁爪/叉形螺栓部分保持门关闭(全开和全闭之间的中间位置)。 3.3. 初始位置。这是门锁机制的位置,其中锁爪/叉形螺栓完全保持门关闭。 3.4. 初始位置。这是紧缩执行器在每次紧缩功能和空闲时应保持的位置。当紧缩执行器机制未接通电源时,该机制应保持此位置。从次要位置执行紧缩操作后,必须将机制返回到此位置。 3.5. 紧缩。H40C门锁配有远程紧缩执行器单元,该单元通过波登电缆连接到门锁,将锁爪/叉形螺栓机制从次要位置移动到初始位置,克服门的密封负载。在门锁达到初始位置后,紧缩执行器必须返回到初始位置。 3.6. 电力释放。门锁能够从初级或次级锁定位置电动释放门锁。通过内部扭簧,执行器在每次电力释放操作后将机械上返回到其初始位置。

Describe the Memory Hierarchy Management

Memory hierarchy management refers to the process of organizing and managing the different levels of memory in a computer system, including the cache, main memory, and secondary storage. The goal of memory hierarchy management is to optimize the use of memory resources and improve system performance. This is achieved through a combination of hardware and software techniques that help to minimize the amount of time it takes to access data from memory. At the lowest level of the memory hierarchy is the main memory, which is typically implemented using dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) chips. Main memory is fast but expensive, so it is relatively small compared to the amount of data that needs to be stored in a typical computer system. To make up for the limited capacity of main memory, computer systems use caching techniques to store frequently accessed data in a faster, smaller cache memory. The cache is typically implemented using static random-access memory (SRAM) chips, which are much faster than DRAM but more expensive. Memory hierarchy management involves coordinating the movement of data between the different levels of the memory hierarchy, based on factors such as the frequency of access, the size of the data, and the available memory resources. This is done using algorithms such as cache replacement policies, which determine which data should be evicted from the cache to make room for new data. Other memory management techniques include virtual memory, which allows the operating system to use secondary storage as an extension of main memory, and memory compression, which compresses data in memory to free up space for additional data. Overall, memory hierarchy management is critical to the performance and efficiency of modern computer systems, and requires a careful balance of hardware and software optimizations to achieve optimal results.


n the present research, a hybrid laser polishing technology combining pulsed laser and continuous wave laser was applied to polish the surface of laser directed energy deposition (LDED) Inconel 718 superalloy components. The surface morphology, microstructure evolution and microhardness of the as-fabricated, the single pulsed laser polishing (SPLP) and the hybrid laser polishing (HLP) processed samples were investigated. The results revealed that the as-fabricated sample has a rough surface with sintered powders. In the matrix, the NbC carbide and Cr2Nb based Laves phase array parallel to the build direction and the small γʺ-Ni3Nb particles precipitate in matrix uniformly. The surface roughness of the as-fabricated sample is 15.75 μm which is decreased to 6.14 μm and 0.23 μm by SPLP and HLP processing, respectively. The SPLP processing refines the grains and secondary phase significantly in the remelted layer which is reconstructured with the cellular structure and plenty of substructures. The HLP processing also refines the grain and secondary phase but the secondary phases still exhibit array distribution. In addition, the tangled dislocations pile up along the interface of secondary phases. Compared with the as-fabricated sample, the SPLP processing decreases the surface microhardness but the HLP processing increases the surface microhardness, and the Young's elasticity modulus of surface layer is improved by SPLP and HLP processing to 282 ± 5.21 GPa and 304 ± 5.57 GPa, respectively. 翻译

#!/bin/bash # Set the name of the primary network interface primary_interface="eth0" # Set the name of the secondary network interface secondary_interface="wlan0" # Set the IP address range of the local network local_network="" # Keep running the script indefinitely while true; do # Check if the primary interface is up and connected to the local network if ip addr show $primary_interface up | grep -q $local_network; then # Add a new routing table for the primary interface echo "200 $primary_interface_table" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables # Add default route for primary interface to the new routing table primary_gateway=$(ip route show | grep "default" | grep "$primary_interface" | awk '{print $3}') ip route add default via $primary_gateway dev $primary_interface table $primary_interface_table # Add a rule to route all traffic from primary interface through the new routing table primary_ip=$(ip addr show $primary_interface | grep "inet\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1) ip rule add from $primary_ip table $primary_interface_table # Remove any existing default route for the secondary interface ip route del default dev $secondary_interface else # Remove any existing routing table for the primary interface existing_table=$(grep -n " $primary_interface_table" /etc/iproute2/rt_tables | cut -f1 -d:) if [ ! -z "$existing_table" ]; then sed -i "${existing_table}d" /etc/iproute2/rt_tables ip route flush table $primary_interface_table ip rule del table $primary_interface_table fi # Add default route for the secondary interface secondary_gateway=$(ip route show | grep "default" | grep "$secondary_interface" | awk '{print $3}') ip route add default via $secondary_gateway dev $secondary_interface fi # Wait for 1 second before checking the network interfaces again sleep 1 done 运行上述脚本,提示 ip: command line is not complete, try "help"



The Scientist and Engineer Guide to Digital Signal Processing

While much of the mathematics is included, it is not used as the primary means of conveying the information. Nothing beats a few well written paragraphs supported by good illustrations. Second, ...




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管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357https://theses.hal.science/tel-003453572008年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![【基础】PostgreSQL的安装和配置步骤](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/direct/8e80154f78dd45e4b061508286f9d090.png) # 2.1 安装前的准备工作 ### 2.1.1 系统要求 PostgreSQL 对系统硬件和软件环境有一定要求,具体如下: - 操作系统:支持 Linux、Windows、macOS 等主流操作系统。 - CPU:推荐使用多核 CPU,以提高数据库处理性能。 - 内存:根据数据库规模和并发量确定,一般建议 8GB 以上。 - 硬盘:数据库文件和临时文件需要占用一定空间,建议预留足够的空间。


字节跳动作为一家知名的互联网公司,在面试Java开发者时可能会关注以下几个方面的问题: 1. **基础技能**:Java语言的核心语法、异常处理、内存管理、集合框架、IO操作等是否熟练掌握。 2. **面向对象编程**:多态、封装、继承的理解和应用,可能会涉及设计模式的提问。 3. **并发编程**:Java并发API(synchronized、volatile、Future、ExecutorService等)的使用,以及对并发模型(线程池、并发容器等)的理解。 4. **框架知识**:Spring Boot、MyBatis、Redis等常用框架的原理和使用经验。 5. **数据库相


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![python数据库编程合集](https://opengraph.githubassets.com/f5c38590c64cc0ea56ef235eff4fb5d5675e3c699a36ce388d1ffc280bd77681/mongodb/mongo-python-driver) # 1. MySQL数据库简介 MySQL是一种开源的关系型数据库管理系统(RDBMS),因其高性能、可扩展性和易用性而闻名。它广泛应用于各种规模的应用程序,从小型网站到大型企业系统。 MySQL使用结构化查询语言(SQL)来管理数据。SQL是一种标准化语言,允许用户通过简单的命令创建、读取、更新和删除

# 请根据注释在下面补充你的代码实现knn算法的过程 # ********** Begin ********** # # 对ndarray数组进行遍历

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) 算法是一种基于实例的学习方法,用于分类和回归分析。在代码中,实现KNN的基本步骤如下: ```python # 导入必要的库 import numpy as np from collections import Counter # 假设我们有一个训练数据集 X_train 和对应的标签 y_train X_train = ... # (n_samples, n_features) y_train = ... # (n_samples) # KNN函数实现 def knn_k(X_test, k, X_train, y_train):