. sem (Y <- X/(beta1*X + beta2)) (X <- Y), covs(cov_matrix), optimization(bfgs) invalid 'optimization'
时间: 2024-05-07 19:23:47 浏览: 202
这个错误提示表示在运行 sem 函数时,'optimization' 参数不正确。具体来说,你指定了 'optimization' 为 'bfgs',但是 sem 函数不支持使用 'bfgs' 作为优化算法。
sem 函数默认使用 ML(最大似然)算法进行优化,如果你想使用其他优化算法,可以将 'optimization' 参数设置为 'nlminb' 或 'optim'。例如:
sem(Y <- X/(beta1*X + beta2), X <- Y, covs=cov_matrix, optimization = 'nlminb')
这样就会使用 'nlminb' 算法进行优化。如果你想使用 'optim' 算法,可以将 'optimization' 参数设置为一个包含优化算法参数的列表,例如:
sem(Y <- X/(beta1*X + beta2), X <- Y, covs=cov_matrix, optimization = list(method = 'BFGS'))
这里将 'optimization' 参数设置为一个包含 'method' 参数的列表,使得 sem 函数使用 'BFGS' 算法进行优化。注意,这里使用的是 'optim' 函数中的参数,而不是 sem 函数自己的参数。
. sem (Y <- X/(beta1*X + beta2)) (X <- Y), covs(cov_matrix) optimization(bfgs) '/' not allowed in varlist
The error message is indicating that the forward slash ("/") is not allowed in the variable list.
It seems like you are trying to specify a formula using the sem function, where Y is a function of X. However, the formula you provided seems to be incorrect.
Here's an example of how you can use the sem function to specify a model where Y is a function of X:
sem_model <- sem(Y ~ beta1*X + beta2, covs = cov_matrix, data = your_data)
In this example, `Y` is the dependent variable, and it is modeled as a function of `X` with coefficients `beta1` and `beta2`. `cov_matrix` is the covariance matrix of the variables, and `your_data` is the dataset where these variables are measured.
Note that the optimization method `bfgs` is not specified in this example, but you can include it as an argument to the sem function if you wish to use this method.
. sem(Y <- X/(beta1*X + beta2), X <- Y, covs=cov_matrix, optimization = list(method = 'BFGS')) '/' not allowed in varlist
# 使用 make.names() 函数替换变量名中的斜杠和点号
names(cov_matrix) <- make.names(names(cov_matrix))
# 运行 SEM 模型
sem(Y <- X/(beta1*X + beta2), X <- Y, covs=cov_matrix, optimization = list(method = 'BFGS'))