规范代码:mould_excel_path = r'监控表.xlsx' #模板路径

时间: 2024-01-22 12:21:22 浏览: 26
好的,下面是规范化后的代码: ```python mould_excel_path = r'监控表.xlsx' # 模板路径 ``` 规范化的代码应该注意以下几点: 1. 在赋值符号 `=` 的两侧加上空格。 2. 在注释符号 `#` 后面加上一个空格。 3. 变量名使用小写字母,单词之间用下划线 `_` 连接。 4. 字符串添加 `r` 前缀,表示原始字符串,避免转义字符的影响。 5. 在代码中添加合适的空格,使代码更易于阅读。

规范代码:读取数据源表格 ori_excel = openpyxl.load_workbook(ori_excel_path) ori_sheet = ori_excel.active rows = ori_sheet.max_row cols = ori_sheet.max_column 加载公式解析器 from transformers import AutoTokenizer tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/CodeGPT-small-py") 遍历每一行 for r in range(2, rows + 1): info = {} # 定义一个字典用来存放数据 mould_excel = openpyxl.load_workbook(mould_excel_path) mould_sheet = mould_excel.active # 遍历每一列 for c in range(1, cols + 1): # 如果标题栏和单元格内有内容 ori_cell_value = ori_sheet.cell(1, c).value cell_value = ori_sheet.cell(r, c).value if ori_cell_value and cell_value: # 获取单元格数据类型和值 data_type = ori_sheet.cell(r, c).data_type value = cell_value # 如果单元格内是函数公式,则运算后写入 if data_type == 'f': # 公式解析 tokens = [str(token.value) if token.type == Token.NUMBER else repr(token.value) for token in tokenizer.parse(value)] # 运算 result = calculate(tokens) # 写入结果 mould_sheet.cell(row=r, column=c).value = result else: # 直接写入值 mould_sheet.cell(row=r, column=c).value = value # 将计算结果写入到模板表格 if data_type == 'f': mould_sheet.cell(row=r, column=c, value=result) else: mould_sheet.cell(row=r, column=c, value=value) else: # 如果单元格内不是函数公式,则直接写入 info[ori_cell_value] = cell_value mould_sheet.cell(row=r, column=c, value=cell_value)

下面是规范化后的代码: ```python import openpyxl from transformers import AutoTokenizer # 读取数据源表格 ori_excel = openpyxl.load_workbook(ori_excel_path) ori_sheet = ori_excel.active rows = ori_sheet.max_row cols = ori_sheet.max_column # 加载公式解析器 tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/CodeGPT-small-py") # 遍历每一行 for r in range(2, rows + 1): info = {} # 定义一个字典用来存放数据 mould_excel = openpyxl.load_workbook(mould_excel_path) mould_sheet = mould_excel.active # 遍历每一列 for c in range(1, cols + 1): # 如果标题栏和单元格内有内容 ori_cell_value = ori_sheet.cell(1, c).value cell_value = ori_sheet.cell(r, c).value if ori_cell_value and cell_value: # 获取单元格数据类型和值 data_type = ori_sheet.cell(r, c).data_type value = cell_value # 如果单元格内是函数公式,则运算后写入 if data_type == 'f': # 公式解析 tokens = [str(token.value) if token.type == Token.NUMBER else repr(token.value) for token in tokenizer.parse(value)] # 运算 result = calculate(tokens) # 写入结果 mould_sheet.cell(row=r, column=c).value = result else: # 直接写入值 mould_sheet.cell(row=r, column=c).value = value # 将计算结果写入到模板表格 if data_type == 'f': mould_sheet.cell(row=r, column=c, value=result) else: mould_sheet.cell(row=r, column=c, value=value) else: # 如果单元格内不是函数公式,则直接写入 info[ori_cell_value] = cell_value mould_sheet.cell(row=r, column=c, value=cell_value) ```

用xlwings支持的方式规范改写这段代码:import xlwings as xw import os def main(): mould_excel_path = r'退汇模板.xlsx' ori_excel_path = r'数据源.xlsx' result_folder = './退汇表' if not os.path.exists(result_folder): os.makedirs(result_folder) app = xw.App(visible=False, add_book=False) ori_wb = app.books.open(ori_excel_path) ori_sheet = ori_wb.sheets[0] ori_sheet.calculate() # 计算公式 rows = ori_sheet.used_range.last_cell.row cols = ori_sheet.used_range.last_cell.column for r in range(2, rows + 1): info = {} mould_wb = xw.Book(mould_excel_path) mould_sheet = mould_wb.sheets[0] for c in range(1, cols + 1): if ori_sheet[c, 1].value: info[ori_sheet[c, 1].value] = ori_sheet[r, c].value print(info) mould_sheet.range('F1').value = info['日期'] mould_sheet.range('J1').value = info['凭证号'] mould_sheet.range('J3').value = info['主体\\姓名'] mould_sheet.range('J4').value = info['账户'] mould_sheet.range('J5').value = info['开户行'] mould_sheet.range('J7').value = info['支付金额'] mould_sheet.range('G9').value = info['预算文号'] mould_sheet.range('J10').value = info['款项用途'] result_file_path = os.path.join(result_folder, f"{info['文件名']}.xlsx") mould_wb.save(result_file_path) mould_wb.close() ori_wb.close() app.quit() if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except Exception as e: input(f"error line:{e.__traceback__.tb_lineno}-{e}")

import xlwings as xw import os def main(): mould_excel_path = r'退汇模板.xlsx' ori_excel_path = r'数据源.xlsx' result_folder = './退汇表' if not os.path.exists(result_folder): os.makedirs(result_folder) app = xw.App(visible=False, add_book=False) ori_wb = app.books.open(ori_excel_path) ori_sheet = ori_wb.sheets[0] ori_sheet.calculate() # 计算公式 rows, cols = ori_sheet.used_range.last_cell.row, ori_sheet.used_range.last_cell.column for r in range(2, rows + 1): info = {} mould_wb = xw.Book(mould_excel_path) mould_sheet = mould_wb.sheets[0] for c in range(1, cols + 1): if ori_sheet[c, 1].value: info[ori_sheet[c, 1].value] = ori_sheet[r, c].value print(info) mould_sheet.range('F1').value = info.get('日期', None) mould_sheet.range('J1').value = info.get('凭证号', None) mould_sheet.range('J3').value = info.get('主体\\姓名', None) mould_sheet.range('J4').value = info.get('账户', None) mould_sheet.range('J5').value = info.get('开户行', None) mould_sheet.range('J7').value = info.get('支付金额', None) mould_sheet.range('G9').value = info.get('预算文号', None) mould_sheet.range('J10').value = info.get('款项用途', None) result_file_path = os.path.join(result_folder, f"{info.get('文件名', None)}.xlsx") mould_wb.save(result_file_path) mould_wb.close() ori_wb.close() app.quit() if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except Exception as e: input(f"error line:{e.__traceback__.tb_lineno}-{e}")


请以最详细的方式解释这段代码with a01 as( select sm_id, isname, case when isname in ('冰箱', '冷柜') then '制冷' when isname = '商空' then '楼宇' when isname = '家空' then '空调' else isname end as cyx, factory_code, mtname, curstatus, model_code, model_name, start_time, --'保养起始时间' expire_time, --'保养到期时间' substring(start_time, 1, 7) byqsny, substring(expire_time, 1, 7) byjssj, case when stype = '2' then '二保' when stype = '3' then '三保' else stype end as bylx, case when mm_type = '2' then '二保' when mm_type = '3' then '三保' when mm_type = '4' then '三保带二保' else mm_type end as mmtype, --实际保养类型 upper_time, --上次保养时间 mm_time, --实际保养时间 scustcode, -- 实供应商编码 scustname, --实供应商名称 mould_status, --模具维保状态 mm_status, --实际是否保养 smould_status --模具实际维保状态 from dwd_mm_staymaintain_all a where by_status <> '无需保养' and length(factory_code) = 4 and curstatus not in ('报废中', '已报废', '冻结数据', '垃圾数据') and isname in ('冰箱', '冷柜', '家空', '商空', '洗涤', '厨电', '热水器') and substring(expire_time, 1, 10) <= from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy-MM-dd') and expire_time is not null and expire_time <> '' ), b01 as( select cyx, byjssj, count(sm_id) by_ying from a01 group by cyx, byjssj ), b02 as( select cyx, byjssj, count(sm_id) by_shi from a01 where mm_status = '已保养' group by cyx, byjssj ),c01 as( select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy-MM') months, t1.cyx industry, t1.byjssj byjsyf, cast(t1.by_ying as string) by_ying, cast(t2.by_shi as string) by_shi, cast(t2.by_shi/t1.by_ying as decimal(8,5)) bywcl from b01 t1 left join b02 t2 on t1.cyx = t2.cyx and t1.byjssj = t2.byjssj) insert overwrite table dh_yf.tt_mould_asset_maintenance_overview select months, industry, byjsyf, by_ying, by_shi, cast(bywcl as string) bywcl, from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy-MM-dd') etl_date, '%' unit from c01










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Minorization-maximization (MM) algorithm是一种常用的优化算法,用于求解非凸问题或含有约束的优化问题。该算法的基本思想是通过构造一个凸下界函数来逼近原问题,然后通过求解凸下界函数的最优解来逼近原问题的最优解。具体步骤如下: 1. 初始化参数 $\theta_0$,设 $k=0$; 2. 构造一个凸下界函数 $Q(\theta|\theta_k)$,使其满足 $Q(\theta_k|\theta_k)=f(\theta_k)$; 3. 求解 $Q(\theta|\theta_k)$ 的最优值 $\theta_{k+1}=\arg\min_\theta Q(

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