时间: 2024-01-28 11:03:06 浏览: 107
以下是 TopDisc 算法的伪代码:
- D: a set of documents
- q: a query
- k: the number of top relevant documents to retrieve
- Top-k documents in D that are most relevant to q
1. Initialize an empty priority queue Q
2. For each document d in D:
a. Calculate the relevance score r(d, q)
b. If Q has less than k documents, add d to Q with r(d, q) as priority
c. Otherwise, if r(d, q) is greater than the priority of the least relevant document in Q, remove the least relevant document from Q and add d with r(d, q) as priority
3. Return the top-k documents in Q
其中,r(d, q) 表示文档 d 与查询 q 的相关度得分,可以根据具体的信息检索算法进行计算。该算法通过维护一个优先队列来寻找相关度最高的文档,时间复杂度为 O(n log k),其中 n 为文档集合 D 的大小。