Cannot find an exact (case-sensitive) match for 'B.m' The closest match is E:\metlab\bin\B.M To change the file extension, cd to the file's folder, type: movefile B.M B.m_bad; movefile B.m_bad B.m and then cd back.
时间: 2024-02-17 16:01:42 浏览: 112
这个错误提示是因为 MATLAB 找不到文件名为 "B.m" 的文件,但是找到了一个文件名为 "B.M" 的文件,但是这个文件名与你在命令中输入的文件名大小写不一致,所以报错了。
1. 更改 MATLAB 中的搜索路径:在 MATLAB 命令窗口中输入 "pathtool" 命令打开路径工具,然后添加包含 "B.m" 文件的文件夹到 MATLAB 的搜索路径中。然后再尝试运行 "load B.m" 命令。
2. 更改文件名:将文件名从 "B.M" 改为 "B.m",可以使用 MATLAB 命令 "movefile" 来重命名文件。在 MATLAB 命令窗口中输入以下命令:
movefile('E:\metlab\bin\B.M', 'E:\metlab\bin\B.m')
这将把 "B.M" 文件重命名为 "B.m"。然后再尝试运行 "load B.m" 命令。
[ERROR] [2023-06-06 21:01:16.555] [http-nio-18086-exec-1] [com.botian.government.framework.config.GlobalExceptionHandler.exceptionHandler] [55] [系统报错] java.lang.ArithmeticException: Non-terminating decimal expansion; no exact representable decimal result. at java.math.BigDecimal.divide(
这个错误通常是因为在Java中使用BigDecimal类进行除法运算时,除数无法精确表示而导致的。因此,Java引发了一个ArithmeticException异常。要解决这个问题,你可以考虑使用BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal divisor, int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)方法来进行除法运算,其中scale和roundingMode参数可以帮助你控制结果的精度和舍入方式。你也可以尝试使用BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal divisor, int scale, int roundingMode)方法,该方法已被弃用,但在一些旧版本的Java中仍然可用。
Full path incl. file to the Wireshark - sharkd binary. e.g. for OSX: /Applications/
The full path to the Wireshark sharkd binary can vary depending on your operating system. Here's the path for different platforms:
1. **Windows**: Wireshark's installation typically places `sharkd` in the `bin` folder within the installation directory. The path would be something like:
C:\Program Files\Wireshark\bin\sharkd.exe
If you have a portable version, it might be located in `%APPDATA%\Wireshark\sharkd.exe`.
2. **MacOS (macOS):**
For the installed version on Mac, it's usually found inside the Wireshark app bundle. The path is:
3. **Linux (Debian/Ubuntu):**
On a Debian-based Linux distribution, it can be found in `/usr/bin/sharkd`. For Arch-based systems, look in `/usr/bin`.
4. **Linux (Fedora/Red Hat):**
The path is `/usr/sbin/sharkd`, but it's common for it to be installed in `/usr/bin` as well.
To find the exact path, you can open the terminal and type `which sharkd`, which will give you the location of the executable on your system.