def f(x): if x < 0: return -x elif x >= 0 and x < 5: return x + 1 else: return 2*x - 5
时间: 2024-05-27 20:11:13 浏览: 128
This is a Python function that takes a numerical input x and returns a value based on the following conditions:
- If x is less than 0, return the absolute value of x (i.e. -x).
- If x is between 0 (inclusive) and 5 (exclusive), return x.
- If x is greater than or equal to 5, return 2x - 5.
The function is defined using the "def" keyword, followed by the name of the function (in this case, "f") and the input parameter (x). The function body consists of three conditional statements, each of which returns a different value depending on the value of x. The last line of the function, which reads "1", is likely a mistake and should be removed.
def low(x, a, b): if x <= a: return 1 elif a < x < b: return (b - x) / (b - a) else: return 0 def medium1(x, a, b, c): if x <= a: return 0 elif a < x <= b: return (x - a) / (b - a) elif b < x <= c: return (c - x) / (c - b) elif x >= c: return 0 def medium2(x, b, c, d): if x <= b: return 0 elif b < x <= c: return (x - b) / (c - b) elif c < x < d: return (d - x) / (d - c) elif x >= d: return 0 def high(x, c, d): if x <= c: return 0 elif c < x < d: return (x - c) / (d - c) else: return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': standard_values = [0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.50] a = standard_values[0] b = standard_values[1] c = standard_values[2] d = standard_values[3] x = 0.07 memberships = [low(x,a,b), medium1(x,a,b,c), medium2(x,b,c,d), high(x,c,d)] print(memberships)你能帮我把这段代码简化一下吗?
def fuzzy_membership(x, a, b, c, d):
if x <= a:
return 1
elif a < x <= b:
return (b - x) / (b - a)
elif b < x <= c:
return 1
elif c < x <= d:
return (d - x) / (d - c)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
standard_values = [0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.50]
x = 0.07
memberships = [fuzzy_membership(x, standard_values[0], standard_values[1], standard_values[2], standard_values[3]) for _ in range(4)]
def is_end_point_near_edge(l: np.array([]), im_w, im_h, thr=2.5): x = l[-1][0] y = l[-1][1] if 0 <= x < thr: if 0 <= y < im_h - thr: return 1 elif im_h - thr <= y < im_h: return 2 elif thr <= x <= im_w - thr: if 0 <= y < im_h - thr: return 0 elif im_h - thr <= y < im_h: return 3 elif im_w - thr < x < im_w: if 0 <= y < im_h - thr: return 5 elif im_h - thr <= y < im_h: return 4 else: raise ConnectionError('point_position_out_of_pic') return None
- l:包含点坐标的 NumPy 数组;
- im_w:图片宽度;
- im_h:图片高度;
- thr:边缘宽度阈值,默认为 2.5。
如果点在图片边缘附近,则返回相应的数字,否则返回 None。具体返回的数字含义如下:
- 0:点不靠近图片边缘;
- 1:点靠近图片左边缘;
- 2:点靠近图片下边缘;
- 3:点靠近图片右边缘;
- 4:点靠近图片上边缘;
- 5:点靠近图片右上角。