ghost dense block
时间: 2023-12-18 11:25:55 浏览: 141
Ghost Dense Block是一种用于图像分类的深度神经网络结构,它结合了Ghost Net和DenseNet的优点,既具有轻量级的特点,又能够有效地利用特征信息。Ghost Dense Block的核心思想是在DenseNet的基础上引入Ghost Module,通过减少参数数量和计算量来提高模型的效率。
Ghost Module是一种新型的卷积模块,它通过将输入特征图分为两部分来减少参数数量。其中一部分被称为“ghost feature”,它只占用原始特征图的一小部分,而另一部分则是“residual feature”,它包含了原始特征图的大部分信息。Ghost Module通过这种方式实现了轻量级化,并且在保持模型性能的同时减少了计算量。
Ghost Dense Block将Ghost Module引入到DenseNet中,使得每个密集块都包含了Ghost Module。这种结构可以有效地利用特征信息,提高模型的准确率。同时,由于Ghost Module的轻量级特性,Ghost Dense Block也具有较小的模型大小和计算量。
dense block
Dense block是一种深度学习中的网络结构,它可以在卷积神经网络中增加网络深度,提高模型的准确性和稳定性。它的主要特点是将前面所有层的输出都连接到当前层的输入上,从而使得网络中的信息流更加充分和高效。
Dense block
A dense block refers to a compact and highly populated area that is typically characterized by high-rise buildings or closely spaced houses. It is a term used in urban planning and architecture to describe areas with a high population density, where buildings are often built close together and occupy most of the available land. Dense blocks can be found in cities around the world and are often associated with urbanization and rapid population growth. These areas may be highly developed, with many commercial and residential properties, or they may be impoverished neighborhoods with overcrowded housing and limited resources.