Guide to Project Deployment and Remote Development Setup

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# Project Deployment and Remote Development Configuration Guide ## 1. Overview of Project Deployment Project deployment is the process of releasing completed code to a production environment, an essential step in the software development lifecycle. It involves transferring code from a local development environment to a remote server and ensuring its proper operation. The deployment process typically includes the following steps: - Code packaging: Compiling the code into an executable or deployment package. - Code release: Transferring the deployment package to a remote server. - Environment configuration: Setting up the runtime environment on the server, including the operating system, software libraries, and services. - Code deployment: Placing the code in the specified location on the server. - Startup and verification: Launching the application and verifying its proper functioning. ## 2. Configuration of Local Development Environment ### 2.1 Setting Up the Development Environment #### 2.1.1 Operating System and Language Environment The first step in setting up a local development environment is choosing the appropriate operating system and language environment. For most IT projects, Linux systems are a good choice due to their high stability, robust security, ***mon Linux distributions include Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, and others. Above the operating system, it's necessary to install the necessary language environments, such as Python, Java, Node.js, and so on. Installation methods vary depending on the language, but typically, they can be installed using package managers (such as apt, yum, npm) or by downloading installation packages from official websites. #### 2.1.2 Installation of Development Tools and Libraries In addition to the language environment, it'***mon development tools include IDEs (integrated development environments), text editors, version control tools, etc. IDEs can provide features like code editing, debugging, and version control, with popular options being PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, and others. Develo***mon development libraries include NumPy, Pandas, scikit-learn, etc. Libraries can be downloaded and installed using package managers or from official websites. ### 2.2 Local Code Management #### 2.2.1 Selection of Version Control Systems Version control systems (VCS) are tools for managing the history of code changes. They help developers track code modifications, collaborate on development, ***mon VCS options include Git, SVN, Mercurial, and others. Git is a distributed version control system that allows each developer to have their own local code repository and to synchronize with remote repositories at any time. SVN is a centralized version control system with a central server that stores the code repository, from which developers check out code for modification. #### 2.2.2 Code Commit and Management Workflow The code commit and management workflow is the basic operation of using a VCS. Code commit refers to pushing modifications from a local code repository to a remote repository so that other developers can access and view them. The code management workflow includes branch management, merge requests, code reviews, etc. Branch management involves creating new branches in the code repository to make independent modifications without affecting the main branch. Merge requests refer to merging modifications from a branch into the main branch, requiring code review and approval. Code review involves other developers examining the submitted code to ensure it meets code standards and quality requirements. **Code Block: Git Code Commit and Management Workflow** ```bash # Create a new branch git checkout -b new-branch # Modify code and commit to the local branch git add . git commit -m "feat: add new feature" # Push the local branch to the remote repository git push origin new-branch # Create a merge request git request-pull origin/new-branch # Code review and approval # ... # Merge the branch into the main branch git merge new-branch ``` **Logical Analysis:** This code demonstrates the process of using Git for code commits and management. Initially, a new branch is created for independent modifications. Then, the code is modified and committed to the local branch. Next, the local branch is pushed to the remote repository. Finally, a merge request is created, followed by code review and approval, and ultimately merging the branch into the main branch. ## 3. C
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