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"Go in Practice" 是一本由 Matt Butcher 和 Matt Farina 合著的书籍,专注于探讨 Go 语言在实际开发中的应用。本书由 Brian Ketelsen 题写序言,并由 Manning 出版社出版。书中包含了70种实践技术,旨在帮助读者深入理解和运用 Go 语言进行实际项目开发。 Go 语言,又称为 Golang,是 Google 推出的一种静态类型的编程语言,设计初衷是为了提高软件开发者的工作效率,特别适合构建分布式系统、网络服务和高效能的后端应用程序。"Go in Practice" 一书深入浅出地介绍了 Go 语言在实际工作场景中的最佳实践,涵盖了并发编程、错误处理、性能优化、依赖管理、测试策略等多个关键领域。 1. 并发编程:Go 语言以其内置的 Goroutines 和 Channels 机制,使得并发编程变得简单而高效。书中详细讲解了如何利用这些特性构建可扩展的并发程序,以及如何避免并发安全问题。 2. 错误处理:Go 语言采用错误返回值的方式进行错误处理,作者在书中强调了正确处理和记录错误的重要性,以及如何编写健壮的错误处理代码。 3. 性能优化:由于 Go 语言的编译特性,它天生适合编写高性能的应用。书中分享了如何通过内存管理和算法选择来提升程序性能,同时讨论了基准测试和性能分析的方法。 4. 依赖管理:Go 语言的导入路径和 vendor 目录提供了相对简单的依赖管理方式,但仍然存在挑战。书中介绍了最佳的包管理和版本控制策略,以保持项目的整洁和可维护性。 5. 测试策略:Go 语言内置了测试框架,使得编写单元测试和集成测试变得方便。书中讲解了如何编写有效的测试用例,实现全面的测试覆盖,以及如何进行持续集成和自动化测试。 6. 格式化和编码风格:Go 语言强调代码一致性,有标准的 gofmt 工具自动格式化代码。书中讨论了遵循 Go 社区约定的编码风格和注释规范,以提升代码可读性和团队协作效率。 7. Web 开发:Go 语言在构建 RESTful API 和 web 应用方面表现出色。书中介绍了使用 Go 构建 web 服务的常用库和框架,如 Gin 或 Revel。 8. 网络和系统编程:Go 语言的 C-like 特性使其非常适合进行低级网络编程和操作系统接口交互。书中可能涵盖网络套接字、系统调用等方面的内容。 9. 容器和微服务:随着 Docker 和 Kubernetes 的流行,Go 语言在容器化和微服务架构中的角色日益凸显。书中可能讨论了如何使用 Go 编写 Docker 容器化应用和构建微服务。 10. 持续学习和社区:Go 语言拥有活跃的社区,提供了丰富的第三方库和工具。书中鼓励读者参与社区,跟随最新的开发趋势,持续学习和成长。 "Go in Practice" 是一本面向有经验的 Go 语言开发者或者想要深入实践 Go 的程序员的宝贵资源,它通过大量的实践示例和技巧,帮助读者将理论知识转化为实际操作,提升开发能力。
2016-09-05 上传
Summary Go in Practice guides you through 70 real-world techniques in key areas like package management, microservice communication, and more. Following a cookbook-style Problem/Solution/Discussion format, this practical handbook builds on the foundational concepts of the Go language and introduces specific strategies you can use in your day-to-day applications. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Go may be the perfect systems language. Built with simplicity, concurrency, and modern applications in mind, Go provides the core tool set for rapidly building web, cloud, and systems applications. If you know a language like Java or C#, it's easy to get started with Go; the trick is finding the practical dirt-under-the-fingernails techniques that you need to build production-ready code. About the Book Go in Practice guides you through dozens of real-world techniques in key areas. Following a cookbook-style Problem/Solution/Discussion format, this practical handbook builds on the foundational concepts of the Go language and introduces specific strategies you can use in your day-to-day applications. You'll learn techniques for building web services, using Go in the cloud, testing and debugging, routing, network applications, and much more. After finishing this book, you will be ready to build sophisticated cloud-native Go applications. What's Inside Dozens of specific, practical Golang techniques Using Go for devops and cloudops Writing RESTful web services and microservices Practical web dev techniques About the Reader Written for experienced developers who have already started exploring Go and want to use it effectively in a production setting. About the Authors Matt Farina is a software architect at Deis. Matt Butcher is a Principal Engineer in the Advanced Technology Group at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. They are both authors, speakers, and regular open source contributors. Table of Contents Part 1 Background and fundamentals Chapter 1 Getting into Go Chapter 2 A solid foundation Chapter 3 Concurrency in Go Part 2 Well-rounded applications Chapter 4 Handling errors and panics Chapter 5 Debugging and testing Part 3 An interface for your applications Chapter 6 HTML and email template patterns Chapter 7 Serving and receiving assets and forms Chapter 8 Working with web services Part 4 Taking your applications to the cloud Chapter 9 Using the cloud Chapter 10 Communication between cloud services Chapter 11 Reflection and code generation