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| 160 浏览量 | 举报
t the power and auxiliary equipment in the engine room run efficiently and provide a comfortable working environment for the staff, it is necessary to establish and maintain suitable environmental conditions in the engine room. The purpose of ship cabin ventilation is to achieve this. In the design of production units, ships are currently designed according to experience to ensure a suitable cabin environment. This paper is mainly based on the MATLAB platform to digitize the simulation of the ship cabin ventilation system. It provides theoretical support and digital representation for the manufacturing and operation of ship ventilation equipment, and provides theoretical reference for the long-term operation of ship cabin ventilation system and the change of cabin air pressure. This simulation is based on the design of the ventilation pipeline network of a container ship. Through the differences between the fan system and each sealed space module, the ship's ventilation pipeline network is classified and categorized. Then, the digital modeling and interface simulation of the subsys+tem modules of the fixed and variable capacity fan system under the partition are performed. At the same time, the digital modeling and interface simulation of each sealed space module under each subsystem are performed. Finally, the interface of the ventilation pipe network is realized, and the air volume of the fan and the threshold of the air valve in each sealed space can be controlled in real time, so as to control and stabilize the air pressure in the cabin, and meet the requirements of dynamically displaying the trend of air pressure changes.

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