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本文档深入探讨了在二维(2D)和三维(3D)空间中使用的李群(Lie Groups),这是一种重要的数学概念在计算机图形学、机器人学以及计算机视觉等领域发挥关键作用。李群不仅是一个拓扑群,也具备光滑流形的特性,这使得它们在处理连续变换时具有直观性和方便性。每个李群都对应一个称为李代数的矢量空间,两者之间存在着深刻的内在联系,这种联系使得在李群上进行的计算可以转化为其李代数中的相应操作,从而简化了实际问题的求解。 文档首先介绍了李群的基本概念,着重强调了它们在2D旋转(SO(2))和3D旋转(SO(3))中的应用。2D旋转由一个1x1的矩阵表示,即旋转矩阵,而3D旋转则涉及到3x3矩阵,因为它们包含了绕三个轴的旋转。在机器人学和计算机视觉中,这些李群用于描述物体的精确旋转和姿态。 接着,文档讨论了扩展的欧几里得空间(SE(2))和SE(3),这些李群在处理2D和3D刚体变换时更为全面。SE(2)代表2D刚体变换,它结合了平移和旋转,用一个3x3的矩阵来表达,其中前两行是旋转矩阵,最后一行是平移向量。同样,SE(3)用于3D空间中的刚体变换,其矩阵形式是一个4x4的线性变换,前3x3部分对应旋转,后3个元素构成平移向量。 尽管本文没有提供一个严格的李群理论介绍,但它提供了足够的背景知识,让读者能够理解和有效地利用这些李群在实际问题中进行空间变换的分析和计算。这对于那些希望在机器人导航、图像校正或物体追踪等场景中应用这些技术的人来说,是非常实用的指南。 通过学习和掌握这些李群及其相关的李代数,专业人士能够在处理2D和3D空间中的复杂变换时,利用它们的结构和性质,提升算法的效率和精度,进而推动技术的发展和创新。
2015-05-01 上传
李群的一本书,是扫描版,书的质量不错。 This book is intended for a one year graduate course on Lie groups and Lie algebras. The author proceeds beyond the representation theory of compact Lie groups (which is the basis of many texts)and provides a carefully chosen range of material to give the student the bigger picture. For compact Lie groups, the Peter-Weyl theorem, conjugacy of maximal tori (two proofs), Weyl character formula and more are covered. The book continues with the study of complex analytic groups, then general noncompact Lie groups, including the Coxeter presentation of the Weyl group, the Iwasawa and Bruhat decompositions, Cartan decomposition, symmetric spaces, Cayley transforms, relative root systems, Satake diagrams, extended Dynkin diagrams and a survey of the ways Lie groups may be embedded in one another. The book culminates in a "topics" section giving depth to the student's understanding of representation theory, taking the Frobenius-Schur duality between the representation theory of the symmetric group and the unitary groups as a unifying theme, with many applications in diverse areas such as random matrix theory, minors of Toeplitz matrices, symmetric algebra decompositions, Gelfand pairs, Hecke algebras, representations of finite general linear groups and the cohomology of Grassmannians and flag varieties.   Daniel Bump is Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University. His research is in automorphic forms, representation theory and number theory. He is a co-author of GNU Go, a computer program that plays the game of Go. His previous books include Automorphic Forms and Representations (Cambridge University Press 1997)and Algebraic Geometry (World Scientific 1998).

翻译This SiO2 shell is a key component in the mechanism for reversible actuation, as illustrated by finite element analysis (FEA) in Fig. 1C. An increase in temperature transforms the SMA (nitinol) from the martensitic to the austenitic phase, causing the 3D structure to flatten into a 2D shape. The responses of the SMA elements at the joints act as driving forces to deform the PI skeleton. This process also elastically deforms the SiO2 shell, resulting in a counter force that limits the magnitude of the deformation. The change in shape ceases when the forces from the shell balance those from the joints (right frame in Fig. 1C). Upon a reduction in temperature, the SMA changes from the austenitic back to the martensitic phase, thereby reducing the force produced by the SMA at the joints to zero. The elastic forces associated with the shell then push the entire system back to the original 3D geometry (left frame in Fig. 1C). Figure S3A simulates the moments generated by the SMA and the SiO2 shell. In the FEA model, the SiO2 shell appears on both the outer and inner surfaces of the 3D robot, consistent with experiments (fig. S3B). Although a single layer of the SiO2 shell at the outer or inner surface can also provide restoring force, the double-layer shell structure follows naturally from the conformal deposition process. This actuation scheme allows for reversible shape transformations using a one-way shape memory material. Without the shell, the structure only supports a single change in shape, from 3D to 2D, as illustrated in fig. S3C. Figure 1D shows optical images of a freestanding 3D peekytoe crab on the edge of a coin, highlighting the preserved 3D geometry enabled by the SiO2 shell after release from the elastomer substrate. Other 3D structures in geometries that resemble baskets, circular helices, and double-floor helices also exhibit high shape storage ratios (>85%) after cycles of heating and cooling (fig. S4). This ratio (s) is defined as s = 1 − |L1 − L0|/L0 × 100%, where L0 and L1 are the distances between the bonding sites at both ends at the initial stage and subsequent stages, respectively

2023-06-13 上传