
需积分: 5 0 下载量 112 浏览量 更新于2024-01-09 收藏 160KB DOC 举报
Abstract: In today's society, information has become one of the three pillars of social and scientific technological development, alongside materials and energy. Information is the foundation of management and is crucial for decision-making. In an organization, information is considered as the fourth resource after manpower, physical resources, and financial resources, playing a significant role. However, information is intangible and different from basic resources, presenting itself as a new form of resource. Information also needs to be managed and controlled. The kindergarten personnel management system is an application of IT technology in managing information in kindergartens. It is capable of collecting and storing archival information of kindergarten, providing an interface for updating and retrieving kindergarten information, thus improving work efficiency. The system is programmed using JSP. This paper primarily introduces the development background, expected functions, and development process of the project. The key focus is on the system design, design concepts, technical challenges, and solutions. Keywords: Kindergarten, website, system, development.