
0 下载量 25 浏览量 更新于2024-03-10 收藏 854KB DOC 举报
The graduation design thesis, "Design of Automobile Interior Air Quality Monitoring and Purification Device", focuses on the design of a system that uses the AT89C52 microcontroller as its core, supplemented by necessary external circuits, to monitor and purify the air quality inside a car. In addition to the microcontroller control module, the system includes air quality measurement, A/D conversion (ADC0809N), abnormal alarm, and negative ion generator. The QS-01 air quality sensor is used to measure the air quality inside the car, and the ADC0809N is utilized for A/D conversion to compare the analog conversion results with the AT89C52 to assess air quality, triggering an alarm and activating the negative ion generator for air purification in case of pollution exceeding the set limits. The key components of the system include the air purification system, the AT89C52 microcontroller, the air quality sensor QS-01, ADC0809N, and the negative ion generator. This design thesis aims to provide a comprehensive solution for monitoring and purifying air quality in automobiles, ensuring a healthier and cleaner environment for passengers.