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"《GoWeb编程》是一本开源的Go语言Web开发教程,旨在帮助Go初学者和爱好者学习如何使用Go进行Web应用开发。作者希望通过分享知识,让从不同背景(如PHP/Python/Ruby或C/C++)转到Go语言的开发者了解Web应用的构建。教程内容包括Markdown格式的章节文件,每章末尾有链接导航,并要求代码经过gofmt处理和注解。读者可以自行编译Markdown为HTML,作者提供了编译指南。此外,还设有QQ交流群和在线论坛供读者互动。本书特别感谢了多位贡献者,并采用CC BY-SA 3.0 License授权。" 《GoWeb编程》这本书详细介绍了使用Go语言进行Web开发的知识点,主要面向有一定Go语言基础并希望深入Web开发的读者。以下是书中可能涵盖的关键知识点: 1. **Go语言基础**:首先,读者需要了解Go语言的基本语法、数据类型、控制结构、函数、包和模块系统等基础知识。 2. **Go Web框架**:书中可能介绍Go语言中常见的Web框架,如Gin、Beego、Echo等,以及如何使用这些框架构建RESTful API。 3. **HTTP服务器**:讲解如何使用net/http包创建HTTP服务器,处理HTTP请求和响应,包括路由、中间件、错误处理等。 4. **模板引擎**:介绍如何使用Go的模板库(如html/template)来渲染动态网页内容。 5. **数据库集成**:讲解如何与数据库(如MySQL、PostgreSQL、MongoDB)交互,包括ORM(对象关系映射)库的使用。 6. **JSON处理**:介绍Go语言中的json包,用于序列化和反序列化JSON数据。 7. **并发编程**:利用Go的goroutine和channel实现高效的并发处理,优化Web服务性能。 8. **测试**:教授如何编写单元测试和集成测试,确保Web应用的正确性和稳定性。 9. **部署与运维**:讨论如何将Go应用部署到生产环境,包括Docker容器化、负载均衡和监控等话题。 10. **Web安全**:介绍Web开发中的安全性问题,如CSRF(跨站请求伪造)、XSS(跨站脚本攻击)防护措施。 11. **持续集成与持续部署(CI/CD)**:讲解如何设置Git工作流,使用如Jenkins、Travis CI等工具实现自动化构建和部署。 12. **性能优化**:探讨Go语言的性能调优技巧,包括内存管理、CPU使用率优化等。 通过这本书,读者不仅能学习到Go语言Web开发的基础知识,还能了解到实际开发中的最佳实践和常见问题解决方案。同时,由于书本开源,读者可以参与到项目中,与作者和其他读者交流,共同提升Web开发技能。
2018-05-18 上传
Summary Go Web Programming teaches you how to build scalable, high-performance web applications in Go using modern design principles. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology The Go language handles the demands of scalable, high-performance web applications by providing clean and fast compiled code, garbage collection, a simple concurrency model, and a fantastic standard library. It's perfect for writing microservices or building scalable, maintainable systems. About the Book Go Web Programming teaches you how to build web applications in Go using modern design principles. You'll learn how to implement the dependency injection design pattern for writing test doubles, use concurrency in web applications, and create and consume JSON and XML in web services. Along the way, you'll discover how to minimize your dependence on external frameworks, and you'll pick up valuable productivity techniques for testing and deploying your applications. What's Inside Basics Testing and benchmarking Using concurrency Deploying to standalone servers, PaaS, and Docker Dozens of tips, tricks, and techniques About the Reader This book assumes you're familiar with Go language basics and the general concepts of web development. About the Author Sau Sheong Chang is Managing Director of Digital Technology at Singapore Power and an active contributor to the Ruby and Go communities. Table of Contents Part 1 Go and web applications Chapter 1 Go and web applications Chapter 2 Go ChitChat Part 2 Basic web applications Chapter 3 Handling requests Chapter 4 Processing requests Chapter 5 Displaying content Chapter 6 Storing data Part 3 Being real Chapter 7 Go web services Chapter 8 Testing your application Chapter 9 Leveraging Go concurrency Chapter 10 Deploying Go

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2023-03-08 上传

func PostFeedBackList(a *decorator.ApiBase, data *adminStruct.FeedBackList) error { logger.AccessLogger.Info("PostFeedBackList...") res := adminStruct.AfterSaleResp{} f := []adminStruct.AFeedBackList{} query := a.Ts.Table("feedback a"). Select("a.fid,a.gid,m.star,u.user_name,a.appraise_time,boi.order_no,m.shop_id"). Joins("left join reply_temp m on a.mid=m.mid"). Joins("left join business_order_info boi on boi.uid=a.uid"). Joins("left join user_base u on u.uid=a.uid ") if len(data.ShopId) > 0 { query = query.Where("m.shop_id like ?", data.ShopId) } if data.Gid > 0 { query = query.Where("a.gid like ?", data.Gid) } if len(data.OrderNo) > 0 { query = query.Where("boi.order_no like ?", data.OrderNo) } if len(data.UserName) > 0 { query = query.Where("u.user_name like ?", data.UserName) } if data.Star > 0 { query = query.Where("m.star like ?", data.Star) } if data.AppraiseTime > 0 { query = query.Where("a.appraise_time like ? ", data.AppraiseTime) } utils.Error(query.Find(&res.Data).Error) var fids []int64 for _, i := range res.Data { fids = append(fids, i.Fid) } utils.Error(a.Ts.Table("feedback a"). Select("g.image,g.gname,boi.order_no,u.user_name,m.star,a.appraise_time,a.appraise_text,m.country,m.shop_id"). Joins("left join goods_base g on a.gid=g.gid"). Joins("left join reply_temp m on a.mid=m.mid"). Joins("left join business_order_info boi on boi.uid=a.uid"). Joins("left join user_base u on u.uid=a.uid "). Where("a.fid like ?", fids). Find(&f). Error) return a.ReturnSuccessCustomResponse(res) }

2023-07-16 上传