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"Coding-Interview.pdf 是一本关于编程面试准备的电子书,源自《剑指offer》的英文版,旨在帮助在校学生准备校招面试。书中涵盖了多种编程题目和算法解决方案,包括但不限于字符串处理、数组操作、链表、树结构等常见面试题。" 本书内容丰富,包含了多个部分,如Java相关问题,以及一系列在LeetCode平台上的热门算法题目的Java实现。以下是部分章节概览: 1. 前言:介绍本书的目的和内容,为读者提供阅读指南。 2. Java问题:集中讨论与Java编程相关的面试问题。 3. Top10 Algorithms for Coding Interview:列出面试中最常遇到的10种算法,是准备面试的核心部分。 4. LeetCode题目:提供了多个LeetCode上的经典问题的Java解法,例如: - Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation:逆波兰表达式求值,涉及栈数据结构的应用。 - Longest Palindromic Substring:最长回文子串,涉及字符串处理和动态规划。 - Word Break:单词拆分,涉及到动态规划或回溯算法。 - Word Ladder:单词阶梯,通常用广度优先搜索(BFS)解决。 - Median of Two Sorted Arrays:两个排序数组的中位数,需要寻找高效的线性时间复杂度解法。 - Regular Expression Matching:正则表达式匹配,可以采用动态规划或递归方法。 - Merge Intervals:合并区间,需要理解区间合并的逻辑。 - Insert Interval:插入区间,涉及到区间操作和排序。 - Two Sum、3Sum:两数之和、三数之和,都是基础的数组搜索问题。 - String to Integer (atoi):字符串转整数,需要处理各种边界情况。 - Merge Sorted Array:合并两个有序数组,可以使用双指针技术。 - Valid Parentheses:有效括号,可以用栈来检查括号的合法性。 - Implement strStr():实现strStr()函数,查找子串的位置。 - Set Matrix Zeroes:设置矩阵中的零元素,可能涉及原地修改和数据结构优化。 - Add Two Numbers:相加两个数,涉及到链表的操作。 - Reorder List:重新排列链表,需要对链表进行操作和排序。 - LinkedList Cycle:检测链表中的环,常用快慢指针法。 - Copy List with Random Pointer:带有随机指针的复制列表,需要理解链表和随机指针的关系。 - Merge Two Sorted Lists:合并两个有序链表,通常用迭代或递归解决。 - RemoveDuplicates from Sorted List:删除排序链表中的重复元素,可以使用双指针法。 - Binary Tree Preorder Traversal:二叉树前序遍历,涉及递归或栈的使用。 - Binary Tree Inorder Traversal:二叉树中序遍历,同样可以采用递归或栈的方法。 这些章节不仅提供了问题的解决方案,还可能包含解题思路和优化技巧,对于提升编程能力、熟悉面试流程以及掌握常见算法有着极大的帮助。通过学习和实践这些题目,读者能够更好地应对实际的编程面试,提高被心仪公司录用的机会。
2015-11-12 上传
The first chapter focuses on the interview process. A typical interview process can be divided into two phases: phone interviews (including phone-screen interviews) and on-site interviews. Usually there are three steps in each round of interview, which are the behavioral interview, technical interview, and general Q/A. Tips are provided for each stage of interviews. The next three chapters cover basic programming knowledge. Technical interview questions on four popular programming languages (C, C++, C#, and Java) are discussed in Chapter 2. The most common data structures (including arrays, strings, lists, trees, stacks, and queues) and algorithms (including search, sort, backtracking, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, and bit operations) are discussed in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 respectively. Chapter 5 discusses three factors of high quality code. Interviewers usually expect candidates’ code to fulfill the functional requirements as well as cover corner cases and handle invalid inputs gracefully. After reading this chapter, you should get the idea so that you will write clear, complete, and robust code. Three strategies to solve difficult coding interview problems are provided in Chapter 6. If hard problems are met during interviews, candidates should figure out solutions before they write code. After reading this chapter, you may get three strategies to solve problems: figures to visualize problems, step-by-step analysis on examples to simplify problems, and divide-and-conquer strategies to break complex problems into manageable pieces. The topic of Chapter 7 is performance optimization. If there are multiple solutions to a problem, usually interviewers expect the most efficient one. The strategies to improve time efficiency and make trade-off decisions between time and space are discussed with several sample coding interview questions. Chapter 8 summarizes various skills for interviews. Interviewers usually pay close attention to candidates’ communication and learning skills. Additionally, many interviewers like to examine candidates’ skills of reapplying knowledge, mathematical modeling, and divergent thinking. Chapter 9 closes this book with two interview cases, which highlight good behavior expected by interviewers and the most common mistakes made by candidates.