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"Getting Started with TensorFlow" 是一本由 Giancarlo Zaccone 编写的全英文入门教程,专为读者提供最新Google开发的数值计算库TensorFlow的基础知识。本书旨在帮助读者快速上手,并深入了解如何利用TensorFlow进行深度学习和人工智能领域的项目开发。通过阅读这本电子版教材,你将有机会学习到Tensorflow的核心概念、API使用、数据处理以及神经网络模型构建等内容。 本书涵盖了以下几个关键知识点: 1. **TensorFlow简介**:介绍TensorFlow的基本背景,包括其作为开源机器学习库的重要性,以及它在现代AI技术中的地位。 2. **安装与配置**:指导读者如何在Python环境中安装和配置TensorFlow,包括支持的平台(如Windows、Mac和Linux)以及不同版本的兼容性。 3. **编程基础**:教授基本的Python编程技巧,这对于理解TensorFlow的代码结构至关重要。涵盖数据类型、控制流、函数和模块化编程等概念。 4. **数据准备**:讲解如何处理和预处理数据,包括加载、清洗、格式转换和特征工程,这是深度学习项目的基石。 5. **张量和图形**:介绍TensorFlow的核心概念——张量和计算图,帮助理解如何构建和执行计算任务。 6. **模型构建**:展示如何使用TensorFlow构建各种类型的神经网络模型,如前馈神经网络、卷积神经网络(CNN)和循环神经网络(RNN),并解释它们在图像分类、自然语言处理等任务中的应用。 7. **训练与优化**:讨论损失函数、优化算法(如梯度下降、Adam等)以及如何调整超参数以提高模型性能。 8. **GPU加速**:讲解如何利用GPU进行大规模并行计算,提升训练速度。 9. **实战项目**:提供实际项目案例,如图像识别、文本分类或推荐系统,让读者通过实践巩固所学知识。 10. **最佳实践和资源**:分享关于如何有效调试、部署和维护TensorFlow模型的实用建议,以及推荐的学习资源和社区支持。 在版权方面,作者和Packt Publishing强调未经出版商事先书面许可,不得复制、存储或以任何形式传输书中的任何部分,除非用于嵌入在批评文章或评论中。同时,虽然作者和出版社已尽力确保信息的准确性,但书中提供的信息是无保证的,不承担因本书内容导致的直接或间接损害的责任。 本书的第一版发布日期为2016年7月,反映了当时TensorFlow的最新进展,但由于技术的快速发展,后续内容可能会随着TensorFlow的更新有所扩展和修订。购买这本书,你可以获得一个全面且紧跟潮流的TensorFlow学习指南。
2017-05-08 上传
Key Features, Get the first book on the market that shows you the key aspects TensorFlow, how it works, and how to use it for the second generation of machine learning, Want to perform faster and more accurate computations in the field of data science? This book will acquaint you with an all-new refreshing library—TensorFlow!, Dive into the next generation of numerical computing and get the most out of your data with this quick guide, Book Description, Google's TensorFlow engine, after much fanfare, has evolved in to a robust, user-friendly, and customizable, application-grade software library of machine learning (ML) code for numerical computation and neural networks., This book takes you through the practical software implementation of various machine learning techniques with TensorFlow. In the first few chapters, you'll gain familiarity with the framework and perform the mathematical operations required for data analysis. As you progress further, you'll learn to implement various machine learning techniques such as classification, clustering, neural networks, and deep learning through practical examples., By the end of this book, you’ll have gained hands-on experience of using TensorFlow and building classification, image recognition systems, language processing, and information retrieving systems for your application., What you will learn, Install and adopt TensorFlow in your Python environment to solve mathematical problems, Get to know the basic machine and deep learning concepts, Train and test neural networks to fit your data model, Make predictions using regression algorithms, Analyze your data with a clustering procedure, Develop algorithms for clustering and data classification, Use GPU computing to analyze big data