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"C++ for Financial Mathematics" 是一本专为对金融数学有一定了解但缺乏编程知识的人群设计的实用指南。C++作为量化金融领域的重要技能,其学习过程可能会让人望而却步。本书旨在帮助读者逐步掌握如何用C++在不涉及复杂性和技术细节的情况下定价衍生品,引导他们从编程新手成长为能够编写高级且灵活金融数学库的专业人士。 书中内容涵盖了从基础到进阶的主题,包括但不限于:第1章介绍入门,让读者了解C++语言的基本环境;第2章至第11章分别探讨基本数据类型、运算符、函数、控制流程、多文件操作、单元测试、类的使用、用户自定义类型、蒙特卡洛定价方法、接口设计、数组、字符串与指针等,这些都是编写高质量软件所必需的基础知识。接着,第12章至第20章深入讲解更复杂的类、组合策略(如Portfolio Class)以及风险管理(如Delta Hedging),并涉及调试工具、模板、标准模板库、函数对象和Lambda函数等高级特性。最后,第21章展望未来的学习路径,为读者提供持续学习的建议。 这本书不仅教授C++的核心语法,还强调了软件开发的关键技能,如测试、调试、设计模式和数据结构,这对于在金融行业中编写高效、可靠的代码至关重要。此外,书中融入了大量的实际金融案例和代码示例,使得理论知识与实践应用相结合,适合自我学习或作为高级本科和研究生课程的教材使用。 整个系列书籍旨在捕捉金融数学领域的最新进展,覆盖广泛,既满足学术研究的需求,也满足业界实践者的需求,鼓励包含丰富的数值代码和现实世界的例子。编辑团队由业内资深专家组成,如M.A.H. Dempster、Dilip B. Madan、Rama Cont等人,他们的经验和专长为读者提供了深厚的理论支撑和实践指导。 通过阅读这本书,读者将建立起坚实的C++编程基础,并掌握金融数学在实际问题中的应用,这对于在金融工程、量化分析或金融科技等领域的发展都具有极大的帮助。
2018-06-16 上传
This is a hands-on book for programmers who want to learn about how C++ is used in the financial industry. The book concentrates on the parts of the language that are more frequently used to write financial software, including the STL (standard template library), templates, and support for numerical libraries. I also describe many of the important problems in financial engineering that are part of the day-to-day work of financial programmers and quantitative analysts in investment banks and hedge funds. The book provides how-to examples that cover all the major tools and concepts used to build working solutions for financial applications. Each chapter teaches readers how to use advanced C++ concepts as well as the basic building libraries used by modern C++ developers, such as the STL and Boost. I discuss how to create correct and efficient applications, leveraging knowledge of object-oriented and template- based programming. I assume only a basic knowledge of C and C++, and build on these concepts to explain techniques already mastered by developers who are familiar with modern C++. In the process of writing this book, I was concerned with providing a great value for readers who are trying to use their programming knowledge to become proficient in the style of programming used in financial institutions such as banks, hedge funds, and other companies in the financial industry. However, I have introduced the topics covered in the book in a logical and structured way, so that even novice programmers will be able to absorb the most important topics and competencies necessary to develop financial applications in C++. An important feature of the book is its focus on specific themes and practical solutions for financial problems. While the emphasis is not on the theoretical aspects of finance, I do discuss topics such as numerical algorithms, integration techniques, and differential equations for derivative valuation. Moreover, the reader will gain a good understanding of how to model such problems using modern C++ concepts. The financial literature for programmers typically has a large number of books written from an academic standpoint, with most of the time spent on the discussion of mathematics concepts behind algorithms, rather than the software engineering challenges that developers need to overcome ers. Therefore, in this book, I decided to focus on working solutions for common programming problems, in the form of code examples, offering readers much more value for their reading efforts.