RetinaFace: Single-stage Dense Face Localisation in the Wild
Jiankang Deng
* 1,2,4
Jia Guo
* 2
Yuxiang Zhou
Jinke Yu
Irene Kotsia
Stefanos Zafeiriou
Imperial College London
Middlesex University London
Though tremendous strides have been made in uncon-
trolled face detection, accurate and efficient face locali-
sation in the wild remains an open challenge. This pa-
per presents a robust single-stage face detector, named
RetinaFace, which performs pixel-wise face localisation
on various scales of faces by taking advantages of joint
extra-supervised and self-supervised multi-task learning.
Specifically, We make contributions in the following five
aspects: (1) We manually annotate five facial landmarks
on the WIDER FACE dataset and observe significant im-
provement in hard face detection with the assistance of
this extra supervision signal. (2) We further add a self-
supervised mesh decoder branch for predicting a pixel-wise
3D shape face information in parallel with the existing su-
pervised branches. (3) On the WIDER FACE hard test set,
RetinaFace outperforms the state of the art average pre-
cision (AP) by 1.1% (achieving AP equal to 91.4%). (4)
On the IJB-C test set, RetinaFace enables state of the art
methods (ArcFace) to improve their results in face ver-
ification (TAR=89.59% for FAR=1e-6). (5) By employ-
ing light-weight backbone networks, RetinaFace can run
real-time on a single CPU core for a VGA-resolution im-
age. Extra annotations and code have been made avail-
able at:
1. Introduction
Automatic face localisation is the prerequisite step of fa-
cial image analysis for many applications such as facial at-
tribute (e.g. expression [64] and age [38]) and facial identity
recognition [45, 31, 55, 11]. A narrow definition of face lo-
calisation may refer to traditional face detection [53, 62],
which aims at estimating the face bounding boxes without
any scale and position prior. Nevertheless, in this paper
Equal contributions.
InsightFace is a nonprofit Github project for 2D and 3D face analysis.
Figure 1. The proposed single-stage pixel-wise face localisation
method employs extra-supervised and self-supervised multi-task
learning in parallel with the existing box classification and regres-
sion branches. Each positive anchor outputs (1) a face score, (2) a
face box, (3) five facial landmarks, and (4) dense 3D face vertices
projected on the image plane.
we refer to a broader definition of face localisation which
includes face detection [39], face alignment [13], pixel-
wise face parsing [48] and 3D dense correspondence regres-
sion [2, 12]. That kind of dense face localisation provides
accurate facial position information for all different scales.
Inspired by generic object detection methods [16, 43, 30,
41, 42, 28, 29], which embraced all the recent advances in
deep learning, face detection has recently achieved remark-
able progress [23, 36, 68, 8, 49]. Different from generic
object detection, face detection features smaller ratio varia-
tions (from 1:1 to 1:1.5) but much larger scale variations
(from several pixels to thousand pixels). The most re-
cent state-of-the-art methods [36, 68, 49] focus on single-
stage [30, 29] design which densely samples face locations
and scales on feature pyramids [28], demonstrating promis-
ing performance and yielding faster speed compared to two-
stage methods [43, 63, 8]. Following this route, we improve
the single-stage face detection framework and propose a
state-of-the-art dense face localisation method by exploit-
ing multi-task losses coming from strongly supervised and
self-supervised signals. Our idea is examplified in Fig. 1.
Typically, face detection training process contains both
classification and box regression losses [16]. Chen et al. [6]
proposed to combine face detection and alignment in a joint
cascade framework based on the observation that aligned
arXiv:1905.00641v2 [cs.CV] 4 May 2019