8 W.M. Kouw, M. Loog
Generalization Ultimately, we are not interested in the error of the trained
classifier on the given data set, but in the error on all possible future sa mples
e(h) = E
X ,Y
[h(x) 6= y]. The differe nc e between the true error and the empirical
error is known as the generalization error: e(h)− ˆe(h) [11,151]. Ideally, we would
like to know if the gener alization error will be small, i.e., that our classifier will
be approximately correct. However, because classifiers are functions of data sets,
and data sets are random, we can o nly de scribe how probable it is that our
classifier will be approximately correct. We can say that, with probability 1 − δ,
where δ > 0, the following inequality bolds (Theorem 2.2 from [151]):
e(h) − ˆe(h) ≤
log |H | + log
. (2)
where |H| denotes the cardinality of the finite hypothesis spac e, or the number
of classification functions that are being considered [193,119,151]. This result
is known as a Probably Approximately Corre c t (PAC) bound. In words, the
difference between the true error, e(h), and the empirical error, ˆe(h), of a classifier
is less than the square root of the logarithm of the size of the hypothesis space
|H|, plus the log of 2 over δ, normalized by twice the sample size n. In order to
achieve a similar result fo r the case of an infinite hypothesis spa c e (e.g. line ar
classifiers ), a measure of the c omplexity of the hypothesis space is r equired.
Generalization error bounds are interesting because they analyze what a clas-
sifier’s performance depends on. In this case, it suggest choo sing a smaller or
simpler hypothesis space when the sample size is low. Many variants of bounds
exist. Some use different measures of complexity, such as Rademacher complex-
ity [14] or Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimensions [20,197], while others use concepts
from Bayesian inference [147,131,15].
Bounds can incorporate assumptions on the pr oblem setting [12,151,54]. For
example, one can assume that the posterior distributions in each domain are
equal a nd obtain a bound for a classifier that exploits that assumption (c.f.
Equation 6). Assumptions restrict the problem setting, i.e., settings where that
assumption is invalid are disre garded. This often means that the bound is tighter
and a more accurate desc ription of the behaviour of the classifier can be found.
Such results have inspired new algor ithms in the past, such as Adaboost or the
Support Vector Machine [69,47].
Regularization Generalization error bounds tell us that the complexity, or
flexibility, of a c lassifier has to be traded off with the number of available train-
ing s amples [61,197,54]. In particular, a flexible model c an minimize the error
on a given data set completely, but will be too specific to generalize to new
samples. This is known as overfitting. Figure 2 (left) illustrates an example of
2-dimensional classification problem with a classifier that ha s perfectly fitted to
the training set. As can be imagined, it will not perform as well for new s amples.
In order to combat overfitting, an additional term is introduced in the empiric al