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首页IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits: August 2019 Issue Overview
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits: August 2019 Issue Overview
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"这篇文章来自于《IEEE固态电路期刊》(JSSC-2019-8),该期刊主要关注固态电路领域的广泛内容,特别是集成电路的晶体管级设计。文章经过同行评审,遵循IEEE PSPB操作手册的规定,采用单盲审稿制度,确保评审的公正性。此外,所有接受的文章在发表前都会进行抄袭检查。本期刊的2019年8月刊包含了多篇研究论文,涉及电气振荡器注入锁定理论、宽带CMOS射频前端、干扰鲁棒检测器、红外超宽带CMOS收发器以及高效SiGe-BiCMOS E带功率放大器等主题。"
1. 注入锁定与电气振荡器拉伸理论:分为两部分,由B. Hong和A. Hajimiri撰写。第一部分介绍时间同步建模和注入波形设计,讨论如何通过控制注入信号影响振荡器的行为。第二部分则聚焦于LC振荡器的幅度调制、瞬态行为和频率分频,提供了更深入的理论分析。
2. 宽带CMOS射频前端:J. Fang等人提出的设计适用于直接采样卫星接收机,展示了CMOS技术在射频领域的新应用,提高了接收机的频率范围和性能。
3. 干扰鲁棒检测器-零功耗唤醒接收器:J. Moody等人设计的接收器能够在几乎零功耗状态下工作,同时具有对干扰的抵抗能力,这在低功耗无线通信系统中具有重要意义。
4. 红外超宽带CMOS收发器:G. Lee等人开发的系统适用于高数据速率、低功耗且短距离的通信,利用了CMOS技术实现高速、低功耗的通信方案。
5. 高效率SiGe-BiCMOS E带功率放大器:E. Rahimi等人展示了利用共基级电流钳位技术提高功率放大器效率的方法,这对于射频和微波通信中的高性能功率输出至关重要。
Fig. 14. Measured lock ranges of several ring oscillators. The 3-stage and 17-stage rings are single-ended inverter-chain ring oscillators, where a capacitor
loads the output of each inverter and the injection is applied at one of the outputs. The measured free-running oscillation frequencies are 1.32 GHz for the
6-stage differential ring and 1.09 GHz for both the 3-stage and 17-stage single-ended rings.
Fig. 15. Measured lock ranges of a couple relaxation oscillators. The schematic of the differential NMOS astable multivibrator is shown for reference. The
measured free-running oscillation frequencies are 11.9 MHz for the Bose oscillator and 874 MHz for the astable multivibrator.
Fig. 16. Die photograph of the chip, with dimensions 1 × 1mm
various sinusoidal injection amplitudes.
The predicted lock
range is therefore given by (35).
Measurement results for a short, a medium, and a long
ring oscillator are presented in Fig. 14, whereas measure-
ment results for two different relaxation oscillators are shown
in Fig. 15. Observe how the accuracy of the theoretically
predicted lock range (and therefore the assumption of linearity)
still prevails even for a broad range of practical injection
strengths, even those that are comparable to I
it is noteworthy that the way in which the measured and
predicted lock ranges deviate for larger injection amplitudes
To account for possible measurement error, each oscillator was measured
three separate times. Error bars depicting the entire range of measurements
for each data point are shown in black. (The error bars for most data points
are not noticeable.)
Fig. 17. Simplified schematic showing an example of how the injection
circuitry’s bias current I
, which dictates the power consumption, is con-
verted into the injected current i
. Since the instantaneous injection current
(t) is bound (in magnitude) by the tail current, so too is its rms amplitude:
≤ I
Fig. 18. For a fixed injection power I
, the injection waveform that
optimizes the lock range is one whose shape matches that of the ISF.
is reproducible in simulation as well [48]. A die micrograph
of the fabricated oscillators is shown in Fig. 16.
Fig. 19. Enhancing the lock range by injecting a waveform which matches the shape of the ISF. (a) ISF. (b) Time-domain plot at the lower and upper edges
of the lock range (with I
= 1.5/
2 mA). (c) Lock characteristics with increasing injection strength. The simulated and theoretical lock characteristics for
both a sinusoidal injection and the pulsed injection shown in (b) are plotted. Note that I
= 0.72 mA.
As alluded to in Fig. 7, the shape of the injection seems
to play a role in the frequency shift that is affected. In this
section, we will explore how this phenomenon can be used
to optimize the lock range. However, since the lock range
increases with the injection strength, we must first con-
strain the size of the injection current in a meaningful way.
Although this may be straightforward to do for relatively
simple waveforms like sine or square waves, it becomes
difficult to ascertain the injection “amplitude” when a com-
plicated assortment of harmonics is present. A more universal
measure of the injection size which accounts for power in
all harmonics is the root-mean-square (rms) of the injection
dt. (43)
At first glance, the rms injection current might also seem to
represent the average power injected into the oscillator, but
this assumes a fixed load, which is rarely the case in practice
for the input impedances of actual oscillators. However, from
a different and more practical perspective, I
actually serves
as a good measure of the average power consumption of the
injection circuitry itself.
To understand why, consider the differential transistor pair
in Fig. 17, which commutates a static tail bias current I
In the most efficient scenario, the differential injected cur-
rent i
strictly alternates between ±I
. This injection
current has an rms amplitude of I
= I
proportional to the static power consumption of the injec-
tion circuit: I
. In reality, however, the circuit cannot
transition between ±I
instantaneously, resulting in time
periods where the circuit is injecting less current. Thus,
the average power consumption of the injection circuitry is
usually at least I
In summary, the rms injection current is a meaningful
metric to consider because of its physical significance from
a design standpoint—the minimum average power drawn
by the injection circuitry scales with I
—and because it
serves as an unambiguous definition of the injection amplitude
regardless of the shape of the injection waveform. With this
in mind, we are now in a position to think about how we
can broaden the lock range by shaping the injection current
for a fixed “injection power,” or more precisely, a fixed rms
amplitude I
One can show using the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality that the
maximum lock range is obtained when the injection waveform
is proportional to the ISF [49]. Thus, the optimal injection
waveform i
is given by
(x) =±
(x) (44)
where the positive solution optimizes the upper lock range
and the negative solution optimizes the lower lock range.
The optimal (absolute) lock range is therefore easily
calculated to be
= I
. (45)
Effectively, the lock range is maximized when the injec-
tion has the same shape as the ISF. This idea is illustrated
conceptually in the cartoon of Fig. 18. After all, the ISF
is a measure of the sensitivity of the oscillator’s phase to
external disturbances as a function of when the disturbance
is applied. Hence, an injection current which “looks like” the
ISF is more active at points along the oscillation cycle that
are more sensitive to the injection. We can also extend this
intuition to a more physical level. For a given injection node,
the oscillator’s phase is more impressionable—and the ISF
is larger—when the voltage at that node is changing more
It therefore makes sense that displacing charge at
the injection node during those times will advance or retard
the oscillation more effectively.
Fig. 19 demonstrates this principle in action for a 17-stage
single-ended ring oscillator. As we can see, the ISF consists
of two tall, narrow pulses, which correspond to the sharp
upward and downward transitions in the ring’s node voltages.
By emulating this shape in the injection waveform, the lock
range is almost doubled compared to a sinusoidal injection of
the same power. In particular, Fig. 19(b) shows how the pulses
in the injection target the transitions in the oscillation voltage
at the edges of the lock range. At the lower edge, for example,
notice how the injection current makes the voltage transitions
less steep, thereby slowing down the oscillation.
In closing, we point out that there undoubtedly are scenarios
where it is instead desirable to minimize the lock range in order
to reduce coupling effects between oscillators, for example.
This problem, which may warrant further investigation, can
also be attacked with the framework developed in this paper.
This paper presented a time-synchronous theory of injec-
tion locking and pulling in electrical oscillators, applicable
to oscillators of any topology and periodic injections of
arbitrary shape. A general mathematical characterization of
autonomy and periodic time variance—the modus operandi
of any oscillator—was used to derive a first-order differential
equation for the time-domain behavior of the phase of a
periodically disturbed oscillator. The framework revealed that
the lock range is enhanced by matching the shape of the
injection waveform to that of the oscillator’s ISF. Various
simulation and measurement results support the proposed
The authors would like to thank P. Khial and R. Fatemi of
the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) for technical
To the first order, this is embodied by the numerator of the orthogonal-
state-variable-based formula for the ISF [42, eq. (36)], [48, eq. (4.6)].
discussions, M. Gal-Katziri and A. White of Caltech for
extensive assistance with measurements, and M. Gal-Katziri
for his design of the comparator used as the Schmitt trigger
in the implementation of the fabricated Bose oscillator.
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Brian Hong (S’11) received the B.S. degree (summa
cum laude) in electrical engineering from the Uni-
versity of California at Los Angeles (UCLA),
Los Angeles, CA, USA, in 2013, and the M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
the California Institute of Technology (Caltech),
Pasadena, CA, USA, in 2014 and 2018, respectively.
His research interests include the mathematical
and physical modeling of various electronic systems,
with a particular emphasis on the theory of injection
locking and pulling in electrical oscillators.
Dr. Hong was a recipient of the JPL Undergraduate Scholarship in 2008,
the Rose Hills Foundation Fellowship in 2013, and the Analog Devices
Outstanding Student Designer Award in 2014.
Ali Hajimiri (S’94–M’98–SM’09–F’10) received
the B.S. degree in electronics engineering from the
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in
1994, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
engineering from Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
USA, in 1996 and 1998, respectively.
From 1993 to 1994, he was with Philips Semicon-
ductors, Sunnyvale, CA, USA, where he worked on a
BiCMOS chipset for Global System for Mobile com-
munications (GSM) and cellular units. In 1995, he
was with Sun Microsystems, Sunnyvale, working on
the UltraSPARC microprocessors cache RAM design methodology. In 1997,
he was with Lucent Technologies (Bell Labs), Murray Hill, NJ, USA, where
he investigated low-phase-noise integrated oscillators. In 1998, he joined
the faculty of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena,
CA, USA, where he is currently a Bren Professor of electrical engineering
and medical engineering, the Director of the Microelectronics Laboratory,
and a Co-Director of the Space Solar Power Project. In 2002, he was a
Co-Founder of Axiom Microdevices Inc., Irvine, CA, USA, whose fully inte-
grated CMOS PA shipped close to 400 million units and which was acquired
by Skyworks Inc. in 2009. He is the author of The Design of Low Noise
Oscillators (Boston, MA, USA: Springer), and he has authored or coauthored
more than 200 refereed journal and conference technical articles. He holds
more than 100 U.S. patents and has many more pending applications. His
research interests include high-speed and high-frequency integrated circuits
for applications in sensors, photonics, biomedical devices, and communication
Dr. Hajimiri is a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. He has
served as a member of the Technical Program Committee for the IEEE
International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) and the International
Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). He was selected to the
TR35 top innovator’s list (formerly TR100) in 2004. He has received a
number of teaching awards from Caltech, including the Richard P. Feynman
Prize for Excellence in Teaching, the Graduate Student Council Teaching
and Mentoring Award, and the Associated Students of the California Institute
of Technology (ASCIT) Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching Award. He
was the Gold Medal winner of the National Physics Competition, Iran,
and the Bronze Medal winner of the 21st International Physics Olympiad,
Groningen, the Netherlands. He has been recognized as one of the top-
10 contributors to ISSCC. He was a co-recipient of the IEEE Journal of Solid-
State Circuits Best Paper Award of 2004, the ISSCC Jack Kilby Outstanding
Paper Award, the RFIC Best Paper Award, and the CICC Best Paper Award
(twice). He has received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award
and the Okawa Foundation Award, and he is a three-time winner of the IBM
Faculty Partnership Award. He has served as an Associate Editor for the
a member of the Guest Editorial Board for the Transactions on Electronics
of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
(IEICE), Japan. He has also served as a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE
Solid-State and Microwave Societies.
A General Theory of Injection Locking and Pulling
in Electrical Oscillators—Part II: Amplitude
Modulation in LC Oscillators, Transient
Behavior, and Frequency Division
Brian Hong , Student Member, IEEE, and Ali Hajimiri , Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—A number of specialized topics within the theory of
injection locking and pulling are addressed. The material builds
on our impulse sensitivity function (ISF)-based, time-synchronous
model of electrical oscillators under the influence of a periodic
injection. First, we show how the accuracy of this model for
LC oscillators under large injection is greatly enhanced by
accounting for the injection’s effect on the oscillation amplitude.
In doing so, we capture the asymmetry of the lock range as well
as the distinct behaviors exhibited by different LC oscillator
topologies. Existing LC oscillator injection locking and pulling
theories in the literature are subsumed as special cases. Next, a
transient analysis of the dynamics of injection pulling is carried
out, both within and outside of the lock range. Finally, we show
how our existing framework naturally accommodates locking
onto superharmonic and subharmonic injections, leading to sev-
eral design considerations for injection-locked frequency dividers
(ILFDs) and the implementation of a low-power dual-modulus
prescaler from an injection-locked ring oscillator. Our theoretical
conclusions are supported by simulations and experimental data
from a variety of LC, ring, and relaxation oscillators.
Index Terms— Adler’s equation, amplitude perturbation func-
tion (APF), dual-modulus prescaler, impulse sensitivity function
(ISF), injection locking, injection pulling, injection-locked fre-
quency divider (ILFD), lock characteristic, lock range, oscillator.
HIS paper deals with several advanced topics arising out
of the ISF-based, time-synchronous model of injection
locking, and pulling introduced in the preceding companion
paper [1]. Although a number of authors have addressed
various, specific aspects of these topics [2]–[24], absent thus
far is a unifying framework capable of casting a wide net
over all of them with the level of generality achieved by
our model. The material is organized as follows. Section II
introduces notation and reviews the time-synchronous model
presented in [1]. Section III examines the issue of amplitude
Manuscript received November 17, 2018; revised February 20, 2019;
accepted March 25, 2019. Date of current version July 23, 2019. This paper
was approved by Associate Editor Pietro Andreani. This work was supported
by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under MURI Grant
FA9550-16-1-0566. (Corresponding author: Brian Hong.)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA (e-mail:
bhong@caltech.edu; hajimiri@caltech.edu).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2019.2908763
modulation caused by the injection, leading to significant
improvements in our model’s predictive power for LC oscil-
lators under large injection. Section IV generalizes the math-
ematical structure of the framework to allow for an arbitrary
rational relationship between the injection and the locked
oscillation frequencies (e.g., superharmonic and subharmonic
locking). Section V focuses on transient behavior: issues such
as the pull-in process and the dynamics of injection pulling
are covered. Next, Section VI introduces a new figure of
merit that enables meaningful comparisons between the lock
ranges of different oscillators, and Section VII explores several
techniques for enhancing an oscillator’s ability to serve as
an injection-locked frequency divider (ILFD). Finally, these
techniques are used in Section VIII to design a low-power,
ring-oscillator-based prescaler whose division ratio can be
dynamically toggled between 2 and 3 over a broad range of
reference frequencies.
A. Basic Definitions
The oscillation voltage of an oscillator under injection can
generally be expressed as
(t) =[1 + A(t)]·v
t + φ(t)] (1)
where v
(·) is a 2π-periodic oscillation waveform and ω
is the (noiseless) free-running (angular) frequency
of oscillation. Disturbances in the waveform, A(t),andin
the phase, φ(t), are caused by the injection of a periodic
(t) ≡ i
t) (2)
where i
(·) is a 2π-periodic injection waveform and
≡ 2π/T
is the injection frequency.
In injection locking and pulling scenarios, it is more suitable
to represent the argument of the oscillation waveform—known
as the oscillator’s total phase ϕ(t)—in the frame of reference
of the injection signal:
ϕ(t) ≡ ω
t + φ(t) ≡ ω
t + θ(t) (3)
where θ(t) is the relative phase of the oscillator with respect
to the injection.
0018-9200 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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