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The "Java MySQL共享单车管理学系统论文.doc" is an excellent paper that is highly recommended for graduating students to reference. The paper discusses the growing trend of green and environmentally friendly transportation, especially in the form of shared bikes, as a result of the increasing awareness about low-carbon lifestyles. The author conducted research and found that many university shared bike management systems still rely on traditional manual methods. In order to bring the management of shared bikes at universities up to date, the author proposed the development of the "cycle 校园共享单车系统". This system was designed using the SSM framework, Java language, and MySQL database, with the goal of improving the management and quality of service related to the shared bikes on campus. The "cycle 校园共享单车系统" is divided into two main parts: the management personnel and the users of the shared bikes. It includes features such as administrator information management, user information management, notice information management, shared bike information management, lease information management, maintenance information management, online recharge management, password modification, and other functions. These features are designed to significantly improve the efficiency of managing shared bike rental information. In conclusion, the paper presents a comprehensive and practical system for the management of shared bikes on campus, with the potential to enhance the overall experience of shared bike users while also improving the management efficiency for administrators. The "cycle 校园共享单车系统" serves as a valuable contribution to the efforts to promote green transportation and low-carbon lifestyles on campus. Key words: shared, bikes, SSM framework, MySQL.