
0 下载量 137 浏览量 更新于2024-01-23 收藏 63KB DOC 举报
The document "毕业设计方案plc英文文献翻译范文.doc" is a translation of a graduation design project related to PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) technique. The document discusses the current state of PLC technique as of April 19, 2020, and explores the future development prospects. The document highlights the gradual improvement and perfection of PLC technique in line with the development of the modern era. It emphasizes the increasing competition in the industry and the need for more advanced and efficient operations. The document indicates that the reliance on manual operations is no longer sufficient to meet the demands of the manufacturing industry or the requirements of high-quality production. It also stresses the importance of technologically advanced solutions for the future success of businesses. The translation provides insights into the challenges and limitations of the current PLC technique and addresses the need for advancements to meet the growing demands of the industry. It emphasizes the significance of adapting to the changing landscape of manufacturing and the necessity of embracing new technology for sustainable growth. Additionally, the document discusses the potential future developments in PLC technique to overcome the existing constraints and to stay ahead in the competitive market. In summary, the translated document provides a thorough analysis of the current state of PLC technique, its shortcomings, and the potential for future development. It underscores the importance of staying abreast of technological advancements in order to remain competitive in the manufacturing industry. Furthermore, it provides valuable insights for the design and implementation of future PLC systems.