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在系统测试的基础上,我进行了用户体验的调研和改进。通过用户反馈和观察,我对系统的界面和操作流程进行了优化,提高了系统的易用性和用户满意度。同时,我也开始着手撰写毕业设计的论文,对整个研究过程进行总结和归纳,并进行相关的文献综述。第六周:我完成了毕业设计的论文撰写,并提交给导师进行初步审阅。在论文撰写的过程中,我遇到了一些数据分析和实验结果解释上的困难,但通过查阅资料和与导师的交流,我最终找到了解决方案,并完善了论文的内容。第七周:我接受了导师的修改意见,并对论文进行了最后的修改和调整。同时,我还准备了毕业设计的答辩PPT,并开始进行答辩的演练和准备。在答辩的过程中,我接受了老师和同学们的提问和意见,并对自己的研究做了更深入的阐述和说明。最终,我成功通过了毕业设计答辩,圆满完成了自己的毕业设计。在毕业设计周的经历中,我收获了很多,不仅是专业技术上的知识和实践经验,还有对团队合作和沟通能力的提高。我深刻体会到,一个人的能力是有限的,只有与他人合作,才能够取得更大的成就。因此,我将继续努力提升自己的专业能力和团队合作能力,为将来的发展打下坚实的基础。 Overall, my graduation design week as a student majoring in electronic and computer engineering was a fulfilling and unforgettable experience. Throughout this period, I not only accumulated rich theoretical knowledge but also enhanced my practical skills and teamwork abilities. From choosing my research topic to completing my thesis defense, I faced various challenges and gained valuable experiences that have contributed to my personal and professional growth. Through this process, I have come to appreciate the importance of continuous learning, collaboration, and perseverance in achieving one's goals. I am confident that the lessons learned and skills acquired during my graduation design week will serve as a solid foundation for my future endeavors in the field of electronic and computer engineering.