PyQt GUI开发实战指南:使用Python与Qt快速构建

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"Rapid.GUI.Programming.with.Python.and.Qt 最新 原版" 这本书是Mark Summerfield编写的关于PyQt GUI开发的最佳实践指南,适用于构建GUI原型或跨平台应用,提供原生外观和感觉。PyQt是快速、易用且功能强大的解决方案。书中覆盖了Python基础、核心PyQt GUI编程技术、Qt Designer的使用、自定义控件创建、图形视图架构的利用、数据库连接、模型/视图编程以及网络和多线程等高级主题。 1. Python基础知识:对于所有PyQt开发者来说,了解Python的基本数据类型、数据结构(如列表、元组、字典)、控制结构(if-else、for循环、while循环)、类和模块等是必不可少的。这些基础将为PyQt编程提供稳固的根基。 2. 核心PyQt GUI编程技术:包括对话框的创建、主窗口的应用以及自定义文件格式的处理。这些技术是构建用户界面的基础,使开发者能够构建功能丰富的桌面应用。 3. 使用Qt Designer:该工具允许开发者设计用户界面,实现对话框、事件处理、剪贴板功能和拖放操作,极大地简化了GUI的可视化设计和测试过程。 4. 自定义控件:通过Widget Style Sheets定制控件样式,组合控件,子类化以及更多方法,开发者可以创造出符合项目需求的独特界面元素。 5. 利用Qt的图形/视图架构:这是Qt的一个强大特性,可以让开发者创建高性能、高度可定制的用户界面,尤其适合处理大量数据的场景。 6. 数据库连接与SQL查询:书中有介绍如何使用PyQt连接数据库,执行SQL查询,并利用表视图和表单视图来显示和操作数据,这对于需要数据管理的应用来说至关重要。 7. 高级模型/视图编程:包括自定义视图、通用委托等,这些技术能提升数据展示和交互的灵活性和效率。 8. 实现在线帮助、应用程序的国际化(i18n)以及利用PyQt的网络和多线程设施:这些章节将帮助开发者创建更专业、更具全球视野的软件,同时还能处理复杂的并发任务。 通过阅读这本书,读者不仅可以学习到PyQt的高级技术,还能了解到开源社区的最佳实践,从而提升自己的编程技能和应用质量。书中提供的真实代码示例将帮助开发者避免常见陷阱,掌握高效开发的方法。对于想要在Python和Qt框架下快速构建GUI应用的人来说,这是一本不可多得的参考书。

With the rapid development of China's economy, the per capita share of cars has rapidly increased, bringing great convenience to people's lives. However, with it came a huge number of traffic accidents. A statistical data from Europe shows that if a warning can be issued to drivers 0.5 seconds before an accident occurs, 70% of traffic accidents can be avoided. Therefore, it is particularly important to promptly remind drivers of potential dangers to prevent traffic accidents from occurring. The purpose of this question is to construct a machine vision based driving assistance system based on machine vision, providing driving assistance for drivers during daytime driving. The main function of the system is to achieve visual recognition of pedestrians and traffic signs, estimate the distance from the vehicle in front, and issue a warning to the driver when needed. This driving assistance system can effectively reduce the probability of traffic accidents and ensure the safety of drivers' lives and property. The main research content of this article includes the following aspects: 1. Implement object detection based on the YOLOv5 model. Conduct research on convolutional neural networks and YOLOv5 algorithm, and develop an object detection algorithm based on YOLO5. Detect the algorithm through road images, and analyze the target detection algorithm based on the data returned after training. 2. Estimate the distance from the front vehicle based on a monocular camera. Study the principle of estimating distance with a monocular camera, combined with parameters fed back by object detection algorithms, to achieve distance estimation for vehicles ahead. Finally, the distance estimation function was tested and the error in the system's distance estimation was analyzed. 3. Design and implementation of a driving assistance system. Based on the results of two parts: target detection and distance estimation, an intelligent driving assistance system is constructed. The system is tested through actual road images, and the operational effectiveness of the intelligent driving assistance system is analyzed. Finally, the driving assistance system is analyzed and summarized.

2023-06-03 上传